Nov 19 2006, 07:06 AM
***Updated Links****
Well it took me a month or so to get around to doing it but I got all the new Skills, Spells and Powers added to the Character Dossier.
I also added a Mentor Spirit Info section
as well as
The MetaMagic Section
Ismo's Character Dossier Version 3.0Short 4 Page Character SheetsCombat Scratch PadI'm sure I missed something or goofed up some detail somewhere so feel free to let me know what it is and i'll get fixed.............sometime.
May 28 2007, 08:19 PM
Any chance your gonna make this capable of being filled out then printed?
Sep 9 2007, 03:42 PM
updated links
Jun 4 2008, 12:38 AM
Sorry to bump this topic, but I'm working on a pdf-form version of the 2.0 record, which should allow you to fill it out on the computer and then print/save it.
I did have a quick, noobish question though - On page 2 of the version 2.0 sheet, the blanks for skills are A.S./Rank/DP. Rank is obvious, and I'm guessing that DP is Dice Pool, but what the heck is A.S.? Is it supposed to indicate that the skill is provided by an activesoft?
Jun 4 2008, 10:31 AM
I asked this question a long time ago, and the conclusion was that A.S. was for Associated Stat.
Jun 5 2008, 07:27 AM
That doesn't really make sense to me unless I'm reading it wrong...
The column headers are:
Group Att Skill A.S. Rank DP
and an example would be
(Mechanic 4) LOG Aeronautics Mechanic ____ _____ _____
So if A.S. is the associated stat... what's the difference between associated stat and Att?
Jun 5 2008, 11:22 AM
Using your example with an LOG of 3 and 3 ranks of the skill, would look like this;
(Mechanic 4) LOG Aeronautics Mechanic __3__ __3___ __6___
I thought of it like the D20 skills with a place for the attribute #; the skill ranks & the final Dice pool. Using this format you always know what the standard dice pool of a skill would be.
Jun 5 2008, 06:12 PM
Oh, ok, cool then! I'll be able to have those fields (well, AS) get auto-filled from the attributes on the first page too! Thanks!
Jun 13 2008, 07:35 PM
QUOTE (Wolfx @ Jun 5 2008, 06:22 AM)

Using your example with an LOG of 3 and 3 ranks of the skill, would look like this;
(Mechanic 4) LOG Aeronautics Mechanic __3__ __3___ __6___
I thought of it like the D20 skills with a place for the attribute #; the skill ranks & the final Dice pool. Using this format you always know what the standard dice pool of a skill would be.
you got it right.. in fact in the newest iteration i changed A.S. to A.A. to help with this confusion... Associated Statistic made sense to me but not to many so now A.A. stands for Associated Attribute.
someone on the new thread suggested a few items... i'll see what i can do about making those happen.
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