The Jopp
Nov 22 2006, 11:49 AM
Considering the advancement of Trideo and 3D imageing how efficient is the Holo-projector in SR4 anyway?
At first glance I didn’t pay it any mind but then I realized a few pointers.
Holo-Projection/Trideo have been around for 20 years (roughly) so we can assume the system can handle moving images to some extent. And the projector is cheap at 250Y
It demands a perception test to see if a person in fact IS a person.
Average perception of a runner is 3 so we assume a dicepool of 6 – that is reduced to 4 unless a character takes an “observe in detail action”. How often do you get 2 successes on 4D6 – how often do the PLAYERS doubt that a person IS a person in a firefight?
Now, one can install it in a car and drive it from the backseat while an image of yourself sit in the front seat.
Corporations can have it installed at crucial junctions or installed in corridors – they can even remodel the entire place by having the hologram putting up false walls, dead ends or hiding doors behind holograms.
So, how hard would it be for Joe Runner to find out what’s a hologram or not? Two guards could be backed up by a few extra holograms and a surround sound system making the runners BELIEVE that the shots fired just zipped past them – although the observant runner might see that no bullets smashed into the wall behind him.
If a hologram of moving human or would be a threshold of 2 what would a realistic static wall be? 4 perhaps. Touch, ultrasound and other more abnormal senses might lower the threshold but it seems like a cheap and simple system for giving the wrong information or hide things in plain sight.
Nov 22 2006, 12:22 PM
devious toy. The
250 is probably the cheap street model with more expensive ones used in movies and such-instant set for trid actors.
For corp defense remember you can only do so much. The thicker your defesnes the harder it is for your own people and logic should dictate where there's a problem. for example a hall that goes no where? or a dead end when you know there's another wing or other halls continue on.
A holoprojector should blank out some doors or maybe hide it, so that lab looks like a janitors closet or the kitchens.
Nov 22 2006, 12:27 PM
System Failure has a pciture of a bounty hunter with a small holo projector in hins hands, displaying the boss of those NAN (tshishimian?) terror group.
Nov 22 2006, 12:32 PM
someone at a job once complained i left too many papers on my desk at the end of the day. scratch paper, not client files, I always locked those away, but a holoprojector to make my desk look tidy at the end of the day would have been nice.
Nov 22 2006, 12:36 PM
For the problems with foolling your own staff, why does the system need to be on all the time? Just have it activate when it's night time, or in an emergency. Especially good if you change things around when there's noone there.
Nov 22 2006, 12:40 PM
It doesn't, turn it on when the staff goes home at night but if the hammer goes down you don't want to disorient your own sec teams responding.
The Jopp
Nov 22 2006, 01:07 PM
QUOTE (Snow_Fox) |
It doesn't, turn it on when the staff goes home at night but if the hammer goes down you don't want to disorient your own sec teams responding. |
Well, they could have AR modification with a running EDIT program that filters away any Holographic displays leaving a bright wireframe showing where the hologram WOULD be.
Jack Kain
Nov 22 2006, 06:02 PM
I loved the holo trick from total recall.
Mr. Unpronounceable
Nov 22 2006, 07:04 PM
Hmm..wouldn't one astral perception test easily foil any use of this? If you can't "see" the image on a monitor, I'd imagine that a holographic projection would be even more...false(? for lack of a better term)
Nov 22 2006, 07:09 PM
QUOTE (Mr. Unpronounceable) |
Hmm..wouldn't one astral perception test easily foil any use of this? If you can't "see" the image on a monitor, I'd imagine that a holographic projection would be even more...false(? for lack of a better term) |
I don't think it would even require a test. I think it'd be automatic. Light doesn't translate to astral, so a hologram wouldn't even have the same dull astral shadow that an inanimate object does. It would have no astral shadow whatsoever.
Nov 22 2006, 07:14 PM
QUOTE (The Jopp @ Nov 22 2006, 08:07 AM) |
Well, they could have AR modification with a running EDIT program that filters away any Holographic displays leaving a bright wireframe showing where the hologram WOULD be. |
but then it would be too easy for the hacker of the runners to hack the network and switch their AR to normal. and overlay the wireframe AR onto their own team.
the more complicated something is the more ways there are for it to mess up.
a runner with Ultrasound would not be fooled the projectors.
thermographic would reveal the metahuman was not real.
Spatial recognizer would add +2 dice to determining if that elaborate sound system fooled the runner.
a signal scanner or technomancer could relay to the rest of the group that there's no PAN on that security guard. or that the plans show a door right here <touches wall>
it's just easier and more predicatble not to use them. but that's just the larger corps, and eccentric millionaire might do just that...because he can....
QUOTE (Moon-Hawk @ Nov 22 2006, 02:09 PM ) |
I don't think it would even require a test. I think it'd be automatic. Light doesn't translate to astral, so a hologram wouldn't even have the same dull astral shadow that an inanimate object does. It would have no astral shadow whatsoever. |
yep that's right...
<Astrally perceiving Mage> "uh guys why are you diving for cover?"
<runners> "the troll's pointing a cannon at us!"
<Astral mage> "what troll?"
The Jopp
Nov 22 2006, 07:19 PM
QUOTE (djinni) |
but then it would be too easy for the hacker of the runners to hack the network and switch their AR to normal. and overlay the wireframe AR onto their own team. the more complicated something is the more ways there are for it to mess up.
a runner with Ultrasound would not be fooled the projectors. thermographic would reveal the metahuman was not real. Spatial recognizer would add +2 dice to determining if that elaborate sound system fooled the runner. a signal scanner or technomancer could relay to the rest of the group that there's no PAN on that security guard. or that the plans show a door right here <touches wall> it's just easier and more predicatble not to use them. but that's just the larger corps, and eccentric millionaire might do just that...because he can.... |
Yes, I agree completely - but those actions demands that the runners KNOW it is a hologram.
THe hologram trick is used to temporarily confuse, not to stop runners. After a few times they will bind up important seconds and try to check EVERYTHING if it is a hologram.
The point of this is paranoia. Do you really want to waste ammo on a hologram...are you SURE it is a hologram, might be a guard aiming at you.
Sure, some runners have ultrasound and some magicians can use astral sight - but they must take the time to do it as well.
Nov 23 2006, 12:57 AM
Seems like a neat trick, and definitely something corps would use. There are lots of ways it can be messed with, or cause your own guys problems, but it's kind of like key locks. It's cheap, it'll keep the riff-raff out, and slow down professionals. Your guys can carry keys (but also be jumped and have their keys stolen). Overall, worth the occasional 250¥ to hide a door or send a false guard or two (bonus points if you can combine the false guards with holo-hidden autoguns, or some similar trick).
The Jopp
Nov 23 2006, 03:17 PM
Runners can also make good use of this by arranging so that they can have a hologram in front of a buildings entrance looking like the doors are locked while standing there behind the hologram and picking the locks. Could also be used to fool regular cameras.
Nov 23 2006, 05:20 PM
Add the hologram to your escape vector. Hologram of a wall over a vehicle sized doorway in a dark alley. Pursuit vehicles, as long as they couldn't see you drive thru the wall, will keep going.
Nov 23 2006, 08:38 PM
Even if the nature of your deception is known, 250 ¥ for a "solid" viewscreen between you and the enemy may be worth it. Visual mods are your friend in a firefight, especially if you want to run. (I assume you can look through the image, making real deception hard to do)
Nov 25 2006, 10:10 AM
Key the projector to the commlink with your fake SIN. If the people persuing you are only using normal/lowlight vision, they might waste their first round shooting at your holo(remember at -2 for distracted, most people will not make the 2 hits) instead of you.
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