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Full Version: Slay Demon Spell
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
Hey all,

In our campaign Demons are a possession type spirit that frequently possesses random people and runs amok. In order to more effectively battle them without damaging the possessed overly I've come up with this new spell. Feel free to discuss, critique, etc. I know I could use banishing on the possessing spirit but this is for a spirit ally which cannot use banishing.

[ Spoiler ]


It seems to be a very roundabout spell, considering the goal. The nauseating effect is nice but wouldn't a simple Spirit Bolt/Blast/Touch work better?

It also violates naming conventions, although that doesn't bother me much. Slay generally denotes a limited target version of manabolt.

Also, the discription is inaccurate. An elemental attack would not be a varient of deathtouch, which is a direct mana spell

One Less/Slay/Slaughter Demon (Combat, Touch/LOS/Area, Very Restricted Target)
Mana, Touch, P, I, -4
Mana, LOS, P, I, -2
Mana, Area, P, I, +0

Better drain values, same effect, doesn't hurt the possessed character at all, but no elemental effects.
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