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Wounded Ronin
Since there's a bunch of JA2 fans on this site, I decided to write up Biff and Flo as SR3 characters. My great vision is that GMs everywhere will thrust them on small teams that need more hired guns and use them vigorously to annoy the players to the point of compulsive murder.

For those of you who haven't played JA2, Biff and Flo are two characters who are supposed to be a bit pathetic. Biff is a cowardly mercenary with a negative reputation and Flo is his French girlfriend who starts out hands-down as THE worst character in the game. Flo is funny because you get the sense that she doesn't even belong in a game about mercenaries. The player hires them through a crappy startup mercenary company which initially only stocks either total undisciplined sociopaths or total out-of-place incompetents.

Role playing notes for Biff:
Biff is a medium-sized man with short red hair and brown freckles on his face. He usually reacts with alarm to any sort of threatening situation. As such, whenever you take him on a shadowrun the way that you usually hear his voice is when it's high-pitched with panic. The GM may consider giving him TN penalties to his Willpower checks due to extreme cowardice. Here are quotes from the video game:

"OH MY GOD I'M A DEAD MAN!" (upon seeing 3 or more enemies at once)

"I was never worried...hee hee..." (with a strained voice and weak laughter after having been fired upon)

"Aww, no...just when I was getting comfortable!" (upon seeing an enemy and beginning combat)

"This is awful! Flo, you were my wallflower! You were so French! I'd write you a poem if I weren't afraid of dying next!" (said when Flo dies)

"I did that!?" (with amazement, upon blowing away an enemy)

Biff (Biff Apscott)
B 3
S 2
Q 4
I 2
W 3
C 1
E 6
R 3
Init 3 + 1d6
Karma Pool 2
Combat Pool 4

Pistols 3
Rifles 3
Assault Rifles 3
Shotguns 3
Heavy Weapons 3
Thrown Weapons 3
Launch Weapons 3
Biotech 1
Etiquette 1
Teaching 1

Knowledge skills:
International mercenaries 2
International combat hotspots 2
Small unit tactics 1

Starting Gear:
Armor Clothing
Colt Asp revolver
24 cartridges w. speed loaders

Role playing notes for Flo:
Flo is a tiny-looking woman with big ears and long straight brown hair. She's constantly nervous because she fears violence and is thinking about how much she doesn't want to be killed. Everything that she says is said with a thick French accent and a dramatic French intonation. Often one word in an English sentence will be pronounced in the French manner. Breaking video game sterotypes, even though Flo is a small woman she's actually still clumsy and she's also a crappy shot. Flo is the daughter of vineyard workers and often laments during the mission about how she wants to be at home sipping champaigne and taking a hot bath whenever something goes wrong and she feels threatened. She'll also make a similar lament if the PCs sociopathically kill an innocent person. The PCs should wonder why she's going on a shadowrun in the first place given all her whining about the danger. She could be a useful contact if one of the PCs later wants to get out of the shadowrunning business and open a winery, I suppose. Here are some Flo quotes from the video game:

"I WANT TO GO HOME!!!" (upon seeing 3 or more enemies)

"Zhey have alarmed my fear. I am terrified of death!" (upon being fired upon)

"Ahh non! I had hoped we would not be meeting them now!" (upon spotting an enemy and starting a combat)

"I don't want to die! Non non non not here, not here..." (when taking a critical injury, less than 15 hitpoints in JA2, but probably a Serious or above in SR3)

The quotes for when Flo kills someone are funny. At first, when she manages to kill someone, she says with shock, "I KEELED somebody!", but after she does it a few times she starts saying with this mighty French intonation, "Oh mon dieu! Zhat was more satisfying zhan an orgasme!"

Flo (Florence Gabriel)
B 2
S 2
Q 2
I 6
W 4
C 1
R 4
E 6
Init 4 + 1d6
Combat Pool 6

Pistols 1
Rifles 1
Assault Rifles 1
Shotguns 1
Heavy Weapons 1
Thrown Weapons 1
Launch Weapons 1
Biotech 1
Etiquette 1
Teaching 1

Knowledge Skills:
Fine French wines 6
Vineyard procedures 6
Teaching (illiterate adults) 1 (3)
English 4 (2) (**Flo's native language is French)

Starting Gear:
Armor Clothing
Colt Asp revolver
12 cartridges w. speed loaders

Psychological profile, originally posted by me at the Bear's Pit:

Flo is "terrified of death", doesn't like the thought of "bleed[ing] for this accursed mission", wants to go back to her baths and champaigne (hell, I'd want a hot bath after being stuck in Arulco after a while), and if she has less than 15 HP she goes on about how she doesn't want to die in Arulco. (I guess anywhere else would be fine.) What are her motivations for signing up with MERC and going to risk her life in Arulco for $150 a day?

Biff, like Flo, is also scared at every turn. I suppose that similar personalities and outlooks make sense in a couple who are romantically involved. He clearly lacks self confidence because when he sees a lot of enemies he says "Oh my god I'm a dead man", which in my mind is a pessimistic statement. What are his motivations? Well, Speck tells us that he parted with his retirement fund, so the motivation could be financial. Considering how Biff's profile at MERC is totally aggrandized ("a fearless leader of men") maybe Biff is also doing it in order to boost his own ego. When he's not in Arulco he can go around telling everyone how he's a ferocious merc. I think that the ego aggrandizement angle is strengthened by what Biff says when you dismiss him: "It's something I said, isn't it? Or something someone else said?" He knows deep down inside that he's a coward and that the AIM mercs despise him and he compensates for that by starting up his own mercenary company with Speck.

So, we have a good idea of why Biff is a merc, but we really don't know why Flo would follow him to Arulco. You could argue that Biff nepotistically put her on the roster at MERC just because she's his girlfriend but that wouldn't necessarily explain why she actually goes into combat.

The way I see it, Flo must be some kind of horrendously clingly girlfriend who wants to keep an eye on Biff in Arulco. Her cowardly simpering all the time can be interpreted as a bid for attention in addition to a genuine expression of emotion. Most of all, though, she just wants to keep her emotional control over Biff to the extent that she's willing to follow him to war and ham up a martyrdom card to keep his attention focued on her.
Heh, not as of yet, but Ill make sure I get them on a contact list.

As it turns out, because I have a very small group (3 people), I was forced once to have the team hire addational help. They loved the idea, and its stuck and its normal for them to hire an extra person (who is either NPCd or played double by the one player I have thats compitent). So by now they have amassed a pretty good list of people to hire, and I shall add them both on said list.
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