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Full Version: Spirits inhabiting the living
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
Hey guys, first post.

I'm GMing SR4 for some of my friends. We've had a few good sessions so far. (I like to think that way anyhow) First game I've ever GMed and all, played some other RPGs etc. I know a fair bit of Shadowrun lore from the books of old fortunately.

What I'm wondering about is if spirits can possess living people or part of their body. I'm thinking of having an NPC with an "evil arm" thing going on, maybe a cyberlimb that's been taken over by the last spell of a mage whose heart was ripped out by it. Perhaps he lost his arms in the accidents that killed his brother, with his brothers spirit or some other spirit now residing in the arm that was transplanted from his brothers corpse by the strange street doctor who saved his life.

I like scaring the players with unknown quantities like this. smile.gif I think they enjoyed the dual-natured mutated lampreys... The group troll keeps one as a pet now.

However it seems unlikely that a spirit would reside in such a high-tech object as a cyberlimb however and I'm just wondering if people have any good ideas. A rogue AI personality controlling his cyberlimb? I'd prefer a spirit so I have an excuse for it to do downright freaky things like bleed corrosive blood, (As Corrosive Spit ability) emit an Energy Aura and that sort of thing.

Opinions? Advice?

While Street Magic does have rules for spirits possessing people and objects, a spirit possessing an object that's implanted into a person and paid for out of that person's essence is slightly outside of the envelope of what's possible by both in-game magical theory and out of game rules mechanics. (In short, the cyberarm doesn't have it's own aura anymore, it's considered part of the aura of its owner.)

Having said that, I'm a strong believer in having "the rule of cool" override limitations that keep you from running a game that would be fun for both you and your players. Start with the framework in Street Magic, but ultimately, do what's best for your table.
Remember that as soon as the arm "dies" that it is a separate object even if it is still attached. So if the cyberarm is brkoken, a spirit can inhabit it while it's still attached.

You can go Evil Dead 2 on people in Shadowrun, it just requires necrotizing the hand first.

You can do the whole "Arm of Rhaddu", an arm , say cyber, that's been possessed after it's first 'owner' bought it. High quality, high grade, loaded up arm, sold second hand to a street doc. Spirit is inside the arm, and moves from owner to owner. nice little urban legend to drop on your street sam next time before they go in to the street doc.

And I'm with RPaul. Rules should be adjusted with a cool idea that needs to fit . That's where the word "unique" comes in and saves the day.

Welcome to Dumpshock.

edit:shut up Fortune nyahnyah.gif
QUOTE (fistandantilus3.0)
Welcome to Dupshock.

Cheers guys.
I'll probably twist things a little then. Good idea about having a street rumour regarding the cursed cyberlimb. I'll have to cover it up with some other stuff tho, they might take all of the rumours seriously if they find one to be true... nyahnyah.gif

One vindictive arm coming up!
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