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Full Version: Origins 2007 Event Schedule
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Origins finally uploaded their event schedule. Here are the key parts for Missions players:

Thursday, 7/5/07
8:00AM #6850 SRM02-13 Take Out Service (1 Table) Sold Out!
Noon #6852 SRM02-14 Wetwork, Pure and Simple (2 Tables)
4:00PM #6854 SRM02-15 Critical Care (1 Table)
6:00PM #6856 SRM02-16 Primal Forces (1 Table) Sold Out!

Friday, 7/6/07
10:00AM #6857 SRM02-16 Primal Forces (1 Table) Sold Out!
Noon #6851 SRM02-13 Take Out Service (2 Tables)
2:00PM #6858 SRM02-18 A Very Bad Day (1 Table) Sold Out!

Saturday, 7/7/07
8:00AM #6860 SRM02-17 Patient Zero (1 Table)
10:00AM #6853 SRM02-14 Wetwork, Pure and Simple (2 Tables)
Noon #6859 SRM02-18 A Very Bad Day (1 Table) Sold Out!
2:00PM #6855 SRM02-15 Critical Care (1 Table)

Sunday, 7/9/07
10:00AM #6861 SRM02-17 Patient Zero (1 Table) Sold Out!

And, here are the event descriptions:

SRM02-13 Take Out Service
There’s a price when organizations expand and no one wants the check. Blackmail and kidnapping are acceptable ways to convince someone else to pay… BYOC!

SRM02-14 Wetwork, Pure and Simple
In the shadows, if you aren't working, you aren't getting paid. When the choice is between wetwork and starvation, it isn't a choice. BYOC!

SRM02-15 Critical Care
DocWagon patients are going missing. No way it could be your fault, right? Maybe you should check into it, just in case. BYOC!

SRM02-16 Primal Forces
When precious resources are traveling through Denver, factions don’t stay idle. When every faction wants them, the runners need to choose their allegiances. BYOC!

SRM02-17 Patient Zero
An unexpected Johnson leads to a messy situation. Who’s pulling whose strings? You’ll need to answer that before the Yakuza lose their patience. BYOC!

SRM02-18 A Very Bad Day
As a fierce storm hits Denver, new opportunities arise for the team. Of course, some days just getting to work can be an adventure.


If you look at the schedule spreadsheet from the Origins page, you'll notice two differences from the list I gave above:

Variation #1 - Patient Zero is numbered as 18 instead of 17. That numbering has been changed. All slots for SRM02-18 Patient Zero will be run as SRM02-17 Patient Zero.

Variation #2 - SRM02-17 is listed in the catalog as "Ducks in a Barrel." That adventure has been replaced with "A Very Bad Day." All tables scheduled for SRM02-17 Ducks in a Barrel will instead play SRM02-18 "A Very Bad Day."

Events between Patient Zero and A Very Bad Day are not directly sequential. There is no problem with playing the two out of order.

My apologies for any confusion this causes.
The Gencon events show mostly sold out, but the Origins ones do not. Does that mean Origins events, though coming sooner, are all still open, or does it mean Origins can't tell you the current status of events?
QUOTE (pbangarth)
The Gencon events show mostly sold out, but the Origins ones do not. Does that mean Origins events, though coming sooner, are all still open, or does it mean Origins can't tell you the current status of events?

Origins hasn't yet opened Event Registration. wink.gif Supposedly that'll happen "real soon now." If you hit their site, you can sign up for a mailing list to get a notice 24 hours before registration goes live.
Event Registration goes live tomorrow (5/24/07) at Noon, EDT.
And, registration is now open. smile.gif
With the late start on registration, Origins tickets have been selling quite a bit slower than GenCon did. However, we've still had a few sell outs.
We've had a couple more sell outs, but there's still a decent number of tickets available.
Day 1 of Origins. Of 54 slots, we ran 55. I'm a little tired. smile.gif
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