Nov 8 2003, 11:38 PM
Can anyone direct me to canon/non-canon information about the Wars and military episodes that happened in the shadowrun timeline.
I believe there is some war going on in africa, and maybe there were some desert wars going on in the past, but i don't really know where to look
(I would love to be able to sarch for earlier threads about this topic, but dumpshock forum's unbelievably unusable search mechanism does not allow me to search for words less than 3 letters)
Entropy Kid
Nov 9 2003, 12:10 AM
Stick an "S" at the end of it; "wars" got me
SR3 has a timeline/story near the beginning of the book that explaines the Shadowrun world. Wars are mentioned.
Dumpshock Timeline Explorer should also help. It cites it's sources as well, so you can look for more detailed information.
Ancient History
Nov 9 2003, 12:24 AM
Well, gee. There's the Second Korean War, where Korea launched nukes that didn't explode at Japan; and there was the three-day Libyan War where Libya launched chemical/biological weapons at Israel and Isreal nuked them.
Then there were the Desert Wars, which are really corporate wargames.
There were a shitload of revolutions, such as the ones that formed the NAN, AMazonia, Aztlan and that Awakened nation above what's left of Russia I can't recall.
China split into five nations, of which the communist one is gearing up toward war.
Europe decided to try the Eurowars, which ended with most people blown to itty bitty bits and the Second ottoman Jihad, which stopped when the Kurds decided they'd rather try to create Kurdistan than try to take on all the Great Dragons in Germany.
Oh, and the Middle East/North Africa has reverted to type, everyone busily attacking one another, usually for a religion but soemtimes for good old-fashioned greed.
West Africa is currently the center of the Corp War, natch. South Africa has a few tribal conflicts, but managed to confederate.
Oh, and for finishers, there's always the Formationa nd Collapse of the Japanese Pan-Pacific Empire, and that little Yucatan squabble.
Nov 9 2003, 12:39 AM
Hmm.. i don't know why i didn't look at the timeline before.. it turned out to be quite useful
Nov 9 2003, 02:18 AM
QUOTE (Ancient History) |
China split into five nations, of which the communist one is gearing up toward war. |
I'm pretty sure that there are more than five Chinese splinter-states. But I digress.
Nov 9 2003, 03:57 AM
A quick count on Wordman's map seems to show 22, if you count Tibet and Taiwan, which is really quite questionable.
Ancient History
Nov 9 2003, 04:12 AM
I believe there ae five major divisions, not counting mongolia, most of the coast, hong kong or the rest.
Nov 9 2003, 10:59 AM
Current global hotzones are covered in SOTA 2063's Mercs chapter. They include hotspots on almost all continents from the Salish-Tsimshian conflict to the civil/religious war in Turkey and the Southeast Asian warzone.
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