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Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
So, uh, yeah.

And yes, Shadowrun is all truth and prophecy.
The people who want to become metas will have to wait another ten or so years. UGE is a birth-only thing, as many seem to forget.

I know. I ran out of space on the line.

And it's only dwarves and elves in 2011. Goblinization hits in '34. (I think).
'23, I believe.
And yes, it's only Dwarves and Elves in UGE; that's what UGE is, as opposed to, say, Goblinization.

Dun Fe'Ran
I would have said learn Japanese, but I already know it. And who would pick starting humanis over casting spells? the screwdriver to the head is tempting, though...
I'm a screwdriver to the skull person, all the way.

Actually, honest to god, I plan on being at the base of Mt Fuji that day waiting to see if Ryumyo shows up. I am not kidding. biggrin.gif
I may join you, if I can.
We should make it a giant Dumpshock meeting.

Hole in the skull. No questions.
Dun Fe'Ran
[/QUOTE]Woo Hoo! Dragon watching! maybe a combination...sitting at the base of Mt. Fuji, straining to cast a spell, checking the mirror for goblinization, peering through Foundations of Japanese Language, all while ramming the screwdriver through, hoping for a clean hole. One of those has gotta work, right?
Digital Heroin
I've already dug my headhole...
I'm gonna change my name to Ryan Mercury. He gets to boff Nadja Daviar.

Hey, I've got priorities.
My vote was to change my name to Damien Knight, maybe I can take the real one's place and turn it around to shadowrunners favor! I dunno maybe just a pipedream................
I'll be crawling out of my cave to find a dragon-sized snack... and a datajack.
Troll all the way!

Me Hulk me smash! biggrin.gif
I have always wanted to go to Japan.
Alright, who voted Humanis?
*Loads up a SPAS-12, or perhaps a SPAS-22* Yes, let us hear who...

just after midnight on Dec 24th I'll be on the intro board of the Shadowland bulletin board posting a message - oh, and I'll be calling myself Saeletra grinbig.gif
QUOTE (moosegod)
Alright, who voted Humanis?

Yeah, any dumpshockers that wanna go to japan with me is cool!

I don't plan to start seriously planning the trip until a ytear or two in advance, but I'm definitely gonna do that =)
Large Mike

I expect someone will have an Awakening party. If no one else has anything planned, I'll be renting out a convention center in Seattle and planning it myself. It's just one of those things that has to happen.
Sounds good I'll be at the party!
Give me my datajack everything else is unimportant
meat-world stuff! cyber.gif
Herald of Verjigorm
Consider that in Shadowrun the prediction was a year off the RL prediction to correlate it with "and on the great anniversary the comet graces the sky."(not an exact translation, but a reasonable description) Prepare to have a second party in 2012 if nothing happens the first time.
And 2013, and 2014...
Neh, casting spells is cooler. All toster-heads will bow to mighty mages smile.gif
And then the lot of you will be tossed in jail for unlicensed magic, while we create the backbone of the new system of information exchange—indeed, the backbone of the world itself.

Kanada Ten
No no, magic users take over the world. Well Oregon anyway.
Only the pointy-eared ones.
Which, unless we have an IE or Spike Baby on the board, I will remind you that none of you will be.

Sadly it will still be a number of years from 2011 before my plan to take over the world with NERPS!™ comes to fruition.

Meanwhile, I'll be trying to cast a Magic Fingers spell to use to punch a hole in my skull with a screwdriver. I can always take a day/night geas since, y'know, I'm asleep at night and so won't do much spellcasting.
Make it a Use Screwdriver spell. Less drain.

QUOTE (Kagetenshi)
Only the pointy-eared ones.
Which, unless we have an IE or Spike Baby on the board, I will remind you that none of you will be.


Does wearing T-shirt with words "Immortal Elf" counts?
Than I am moving to Oregon and claiming my piece of land smile.gif

Get re-aquainted with Dunklezahn, of course. It's been a while.
I'm gonna continue learning Japanese... look who's going to be a runner in the Japanacorps (mostly due to that I won't become an elf in 2011 and that I probably won't Goblinize)?
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