Nov 14 2003, 02:56 AM
Shadowrun Covert Operations Suite Summary of ConceptThe Shadowrun Covert Operations Suite is designed to be a fully comprehensive Shadowrun Tool, to include all newest 3rd edition materials for use with the Shadowrun Role-Playing Game. This project is to encompass the tools necessary to create an effective shadowrunner, Create and Modify the tools of the trade, and to calculate Target numbers using the Official Rules laid down in the SR3 Documentation.
Limitations of DesignThis Program is limited by the copyrights held by Fanpro regarding the Shadowrun 3rd Edition Role Playing Game, in no way will the program be a replacement for the Shadowrun Documentation in terms of descriptions of items, or itemization of how a target number was reached. In this way, we hope to acheive the approval and allowance of use from Fanpro. In order to ensure this approval is met, documentation of the application will be submitted to Fanpro, to ensure they will allow it's use in the public domain, also in this way, no moneys can be made in the creation of the tool or distribution of the tool. The Final product shall also be delivered to Fanpro, to ensure that we protect their interests, and do not violate any copyrights owned by the company.
List and description of intended features.Shadowrun Character Wizard -
The Shadowrun Character wizard will be a step by step process for generating a shadowrun character. It will give allowances for using any of the accepted methods of character design(sum to 10, priority, and BECKs). This component is designed for the most part towards the players use, with the ability to also be used to create specially designed NPC's for the GM. NPC Group Wizard -
The NPC Group Wizard is a boon for Shadowrun GM's due to it's ability to generate NPC's that are prefabricated, with some minor randomization. This process uses a list of skills for a given NPC Subtype, and a list of possible weapons for that subtype. This allows the GM to quickly prepare an encounter with NPC's forces with minimal of time. Characters generated in this fashion will still be available for modification by the GM through the standard Character Modifier. Shadowrun Gun Lab -
The Shadowrun Gun Lab is the end all be all tool for the Shadowrun Player, all Shadowrun Weapons will be disassembled using the CC rules and the players will then be able to modify the current weapons, or design brand new weapons using the Cannon Companion Weapon Creation Rules. Shadowrun Spell Research -
Shadowrun Spell Research is a tool for generating the spell effect desired based on the rules from Magic in the Shadows, this tool will break apart the current spells listed into the rules for modifications as well. Overwatch Deck Lab -
The overwatch Deck lab is to be the comprehensive tool for the SoTA Decker, allowing a decker to modify existing decks, create custom boards, and design custom applications. This program keeps track of all the rules needed to create these items as per Matrix, the 3rd edition rules for Decking.Gearhead Garage -
The Gearhead Garage is the ultimate tool for the Rigger wanting to customize his ride, or modify his Drones. This tool keeps track of all vehicular modifications and creation. It will as with the previous tools, break apart the canon vehicles into their designs so they are easily modified.ChopDoc's Surgery -
This tool will allow a GM to factor in all the options and perform in game surgery without needing a slide-rule! simply determine the factors, roll some dice(or let the program do it for you) and see how it all turns out.Combat Tracker -
The Combat Tracker is a tool to track initiative, and track actions in combat, it is designed to be able to track both vehicle combat, and personal combat. It will track ammunition levels for the characters, as well as modifiers.Cyberspace Emulation -
The Cyberspace Emulation utility will allow the GM the ease of setting up a grid and running his Deckers through the process using the rules from Matrix and the SR3 Core. Granade Damage Calculator -
This tool tracks the damage dealt to all things in the area of effect of an exploding grenade, input the distances to objects, the strength of the objects, and factor all the damage that is being dealt to the targetInteractive Environment - [I]The SCOS is designed to be fully web ready, to allow those inclined to playing online games to run campaigns on the web, or also, to integrate players from distance into actual table top settings. The Program will allow players to chat through it, as well as the features of the client machine(all features listed above) can be sent to the server(the GM) which will process the information and allow the GM to approve characters before they come into play, and also allows the GM tools to track damage and ammunition in real time. This program will alert the GM with indicators when special events are being broadcast into the game. In turn mode the program does not allow players online to get out of turn, they must wait before their actions take effect.
So what do you guys think? any questions or additions to the list of requirements?
Let me know, I'll be flow charting this and prepping to code soon.
Nov 14 2003, 05:03 AM
Hey, I'd be willing to help where I can, I've done my fair share of programming, let me know if you need some assitance.
Nov 14 2003, 11:50 AM
So if I read that right it's supposed to be a web-based app then?
Either way, if you need any asisstance I'll throw my hat into the ring with Dragonslayer.
Nov 14 2003, 04:47 PM
The tool is has a web-access component. meaning it can be used on a platform, or can be used in a client server way, with the GM running the server and approving all the things that players(clients) perform. Assistance may be welcome, I'll let you know once I start working the flow charting.
Nov 15 2003, 12:34 AM
Wow, seems ambitious.
And very nifty.
Nov 20 2003, 02:09 PM
OK, so where do we start?
Will you be setting up something on SourceForge to monitor/moderate development?
What about languages? Are we talking pure HTML/Javascript clients, or will it also include Java applets?
Are we talking about a PHP (or Perl, or Python, or JSP, or...) application that will run on any webserver? If the GM wants to run the server on his own PC, will he have to install a webserver separately, or do we include a bare-bones server in the package?
Very interesting. I'd love to hear more.
Nov 23 2003, 09:12 PM
This project is currently planned as a windows client server package written in VC++, Java clients and eventually server may be included for MAC/*Nix users to use the software. It is intended to be a C++ application implementing a modified IRC protocol to relay the data between the server and the clients. each Client can also operate as Server if that mode is selected. This is a full featured tool for both player and gm, so that any player can GM if they wish without any additional software on their system. I may push the information onto Sourceforge once development begins. Right now I will be writing up the Official Requirements Document to send to Fanpro regarding what features will be implemented and in what fashion, so that the Corps can look at this project and determine if it violates any freedom of use policies with them, and then, design and devel will start. I will definitely keep you all in the loop regarding this project. Once again also let me know if you have any additional thoughts on features this project should contain. I'll be publishing the ORD to the forum once I've written it as well.
Thanks for your interest in the project, look for more from me soon
Dec 11 2003, 08:38 AM
When things are in an advanced stage enough, I'd like to make a French version of the tool.
My contribution would be to translate any text in the interface, in the data, and the documentation.
Contact me when you feel there's something to start with.
There's a strong Shadowrun community in France that is mostly not anglophone, and is frustrated by all the web and/or free resources about Shadowrun they can't really benefit from.
Dec 11 2003, 02:51 PM
I'd envisioned this as more of a web server-based application. The application is really just a set of HTML/Java/Javascript front-end panels, with JSP servelets covering the backend. Plug your server's URL into your browser and you get a list of available modules. Click on the character gen module, and it serves you the chargen start page. Customize your character and, when you're ready, click submit. The details are sent back to the server, where an XML file is built and stored (presumably, it's the GM's server). A copy of this file is then sent to you.
The GM would have admin authority over the server, as well as be able to access GM-only modules, like random-encounter generators. During a live game, connect all your players to your server for additional tools, like IM or real-time character updates.
If you don't already have a web server, or if you aren't tech-savvy enough to install one, we could bundle it with something like the free, GPLed, Java-based Jetty web server. The only downside of this is that you'd also need to install a Java SDK, which can be pretty hefty, especially if you've only got a dial-up connection.
The nice part of this is that it's all just text files, easily modified by the end users to fit their needs. Unless you're running a sub-400mhz PC, performance shouldn't be an issue. By limiting the coding to HTML and Java, you increase your potential contributor base. By basing it on Java, you make it cross-platform automatically.
And for Namergon, converting the English bits to French should be childsplay, requiring no compiling at all.

Well, that's just how I pictured it, anyway.
K Oz
Dec 14 2003, 05:30 PM
QUOTE (Namergon) |
When things are in an advanced stage enough, I'd like to make a French version of the tool. My contribution would be to translate any text in the interface, in the data, and the documentation. Contact me when you feel there's something to start with. There's a strong Shadowrun community in France that is mostly not anglophone, and is frustrated by all the web and/or free resources about Shadowrun they can't really benefit from. |
I'd do the same for German. Just contact me.
Dec 21 2003, 11:58 PM
While the webserver Idea sounds pretty cool, I don't exactly have the capital to maintain a server large enough to deal with all the consumer base I would expect. and having it be a server for others to use using Java sounds interesting, I don't know Java that well. So I'm just going with what I know and understand, C++, and with that in mind, I can make a very easy webserver using Sockets, and I'll probably release the source to those interested in porting it or parts of it to Java. Depends on what FanPro Says, if they want to foot the bill(unlikely), then that would determine whether I opensource it or not. More updates to come as I find the time to get cooking on the project, Weekends are my most likely timeframes, but even then it depends on how evil my kid is being and how much of a Nap he'll take in a day

I'll keep you posted, and I'll be sending the Work Documents to FanPro probably pretty soon.
Sigfried McWild
Dec 23 2003, 01:04 PM
Using Java would have the great advantage of instant portability.
If you are using C++ you could check out some cross platform toolkits (
see here for a list of free toolkits) , so that at least the source code is platform independent.
I'd be more than happy to work on a Linux/Unix port and/or a Java version.
Of the toolkits linked on the page above aedGUI (development), OpenAmulet and Fltk, WideStudio, Wxwindows, XPToolkit, ZooLib (some network wrappers and integrated simple database) seem to be the best ones (after a very quick look).
Gtk is also an option, though the non unix support is still being developed
Dec 29 2003, 10:03 PM
Just to give you guys an update, i'm currently refining my CSocket skills to being plotting out the rest of the software, since most of the features of SCOS will have online "hooks" I need to get this model finished before I can process the rest. I'll also probably be working with those who know V/c++ for the initial edition, Barring any kind of buyout from Fanpro I'll be releasing the source to those interested in doing a Java/Linux Port as well as Release the Database for those interested in translating it to foreign languages. It may take us some time, and I'm going to be coding when I find the time. Weekends are probably going to be best but I'll try to make some progress through the week as well. Just wanted to give you guys an update. Let me know who here has some VC++ experience, especially those skilled in DB/Sockets would be awesome. Thanks all for the interest!
Jan 16 2004, 03:12 PM
Dude... I can't help cuz I'm not even a computer guru... but please let me know where I can get it when it's done. It would help with my online games a great deal!
Jan 17 2004, 05:42 AM
When you move on to the Java/Linux port I'll be more than willing to lend any help in getting it running smoothly.
Jan 17 2004, 10:37 AM
Very intresting indeed. I certainly wish you luck. I would love a shot at playing witht his when its finished!
Jan 18 2004, 10:54 AM
Sorry guys for my slacking at this, but finding time has been tough, it's still on my list, and will still be worked on, I'll also continue to post updates, I'm happy with the turn out, and I think this next week I should easily be able to find some time during the days to get some of the research I needed to do to get this party started. Look for another update probably by the end of the week.
Feb 10 2004, 10:00 PM
I have lots of Database experience, as well as lots of Web Application experience, so let me know if you can use help.
For my 2 cents, I think if might be better to aim this project in a php/mysql direction, because that is the most predominant type of service a regular joe can get from a website provider. Most don't let you install jsp applets, and most people (the GMs in question) don't have dedicated servers on the internet.
I'm in for any type of environment you guys want to develop in, though, I just thought that was food for thought.
Feb 11 2004, 03:40 PM
I can betatest, no problem.
Feb 14 2004, 11:04 PM
Can it be used stand-alone, as in without a network connection?
Feb 15 2004, 03:59 PM
yeah it will be a standalone product, and as for server wise, this will be a slim client/server hopefully not taking up much resources, and if people can run computer game servers on their lans, they can run SCOS on their computers. I'm hoping to find room tonight to do some winsock coding and get that beaten out. will let you guys know!

Thanks for the interest, and when beta is released you'll know where to get it
Feb 18 2004, 06:14 AM
on the non-software side, what are your plans regarding the integration of canon SR weaponry with the firearms creation guide? most--all, i'd guess, but i haven't checked--of SR's firearms were not created with the FCG, and therefore won't break down 'correctly' (too cheap, over the FCU limit, wrong weights, impossible options, etc.).
Feb 18 2004, 06:43 PM
Easiest way for me to properly break a weapon down so you can Mod the componentry is to build the Canon Weapons myself, and using special Mods I have currently dubbed "SR3 Fudge Factor" which will act as offsets to the FCU usage/Pricing. these modifiers will only be accessible for the Canon Weapons, but I think I will also allow "GM Fudge Factor" access for a GM to generate a weapon that exceeds the FCG rules, since obviously, some weapons can be "custom" jobs that don't necessarily adhere to the rules of FCG, I assume a good cover reason for why SR3 Canon Weapons do not meet FCG rules is that FCG is assuming a character is generating a weapon, whereas the SR3 Weapons are all Large Manufacturer with Billions of nuyen, which obviously will have better equipment and R&D shops.
But Offsets are the only way I'll be able to allow users to dissassemble the parts of a canon weapon, basically it makes each canon weapon have a custom frame.
Feb 18 2004, 10:48 PM
so, for instance, the Colt Cobra would have a part in its component list called "Colt Cobra offset", which gives it +1 FCU, -.85 wgt, etcetera? (assuming that, broken down, the Colt Cobra is off by 1 FCU and overweight by .85)
Feb 18 2004, 11:35 PM
Exactly, and it'll have to be a part that's not removable from the frame, because it's integral to the frame itself. I'll of course have to code this portion of the SCOS before I can play with it enough and ensure it keeps true to the rules without becoming too much a break in the rules
Feb 21 2004, 05:54 AM
UPDATE!!! the secret of Winsock is almost cracked

I should have a working winsock framework by the end of the weekend, and then I can start coding the chat/server frameworks. I'll also start work on the rest of the components once winsock is solved. I'll keep you guys updated.
Jul 22 2004, 12:45 AM
This looks promising, but I notice nothing since 5 months ago. Shadow? You still out there? You still working on this?
Jul 23 2004, 03:46 PM
I'm still around and kicking, just been a while since I've had time to do the coding, but I've recently begun to reorganize priorities and create a task list that's more manageable, so progress may continue soon. I know there's quite a few people looking forward to this project, and I will get to writing it as I find the time.
I apologize for the slowness of this project, but day to day issues sometimes postpone dreams and desires.
Jul 23 2004, 10:31 PM
Excellent. Let me know if you need beta testing or layout critiques, I would be glad to help on that front, but my skills in actual coding are almost non-exsistant.
Aug 17 2004, 07:06 PM
I know this is a super-sized project but is there any further word on this??
Aug 18 2004, 04:27 AM
I don't know how to program or anything, but if there is any way for me to help lemme know!
Aug 28 2004, 04:48 PM
You still kicking, ShadowPhoenix??
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