By rereading Tir-Tairngire sourcebook in conjunction with MITS, I got the idea of fleshing out a political/philosophical group (small and without much power or recognition) of elven traditionalists : people who really loved the government-sponsored traditions but got their eyes caught by the inequities of the system. As they want to keep the Rites and other Traditions but with open and disclosed results they are neither loved by the Council/traditionalists nor by the Reformists/Democrats and finally outcasted to Tarislar so they may continue speaking harmlessly and doing nothing.
As they were elven traditionalists, I wanted one of their leaders to be a traditionalist magical-active elf from head to toe and so follow the only elven-specific magic way : the Way of the Wheel.
Then comes my problem : I didn't read TIr Na Nog so I don't know anything about the Ways other than what I read in MITS and the Ways the Earthdawn elves walked.
Seeing the Ways of the Wheel as depicted are the "Irish" variant (perhaps the only real one in the 21st century), how would you flesh out this more generalist (ie applying to any elf) approach to the Ways (are they just modern crap, gotten real from the "Believers" or, in fact, existing because of Magical Entities (Concepts risen to Idol status?)?
What structure, hierarchy and traditions do you see fit? Are adepts/hermeticists(sp?)/shamans/aspected that follow the same Path members of the same tradition or should I display clashes between conflicting ideologies when a shaman opposes a mage on the "use" of Spirits and Elementals?
Thanks for sharing your comments/solutions/ideas!