Nov 27 2007, 08:58 AM
Ok so a few of months ago I mentioned the idea of creating initiatory groups for all the different traditions that are outlined in Shadowrun 4th Core Book as well as in Street Magic to The Dunner.
Now while I realize this took me sometime one factor was I had a convention to attend and another 2 I was working to get set up with. Add to that a monthly game at my Firebase and the biweekly home game. Lastly there was the 2 weeks I was down with a massive cold. Needless to say I have been busy or incapacitated.
Well for the past week I really cracked the whip on myself to get this put together so I’ll be posting several (21) new initiatory groups for you to check out and decide if you wish to have your character(s) join said group(s).
I modeled these groups after the Physical Adept group that The Dunner approved for official use in Shadowrun Missions.
Understand none of these groups are as of yet considered to be official and even when or if they do get the stamp of approval from The Dunner there is nothing to prevent you from making your own group and presenting it for approval as an official Shadowrun Missions initiatory group.
Now as per The Dunner’s request I ask you the players to check out these groups and ask to join them as The Dunner would like for more than one person to decide how a group is designed. So look at this way I did the heavy lifting now help me fine tune it.
Membership will be open for now anyone who wishes to join a group will be given founder status I’ll leave the groups open until The Dunner feels that enough people have added their thoughts to the final design of the group and he decides to give the group an official blessing of existence.
Once I get all the groups posted up on the boards I’ll edit this post to include links to each group. Please post any comments, thoughts, or ideas on these groups in this thread unless you have been made a founder of one of the groups then post your comments, thoughts, or ideas in that groups thread.
I am on my computer quite a bit throughout the day so any changes that all founders of a group can agree on will be made sometime during the day that a mutual agreement is reached. Barring I am not sick or at a convention.
To the Great and All Powerful Dunner any thoughts or questions on this massive project of mine sir?
Now as to the groups everything your going to read came from the internet as I do not have any actual knowledge concerning these groups let along their ideals, views, and or concepts there for if there is something that you feel is off or just out right wrong speak up I want to hear your thoughts.
Even better join the group and help shape it I am looking to provide not only Shadowrun Missions characters with initiatory groups but also to help out the everyday player and GM by giving them some alternate groups to use in their personal games.
At the very least make a copy of the group that best suits your character and then go over it with your GM at your next gaming session to work it so it better suits your character.
I did this because I like to have choices for people I was recently at Dragon*Con and several people used some characters I brought with me to play and they commented that my characters worked out really well for them.
So here’s to the next batch I create if anyone gets a chance to use characters I have with me for your use let me know what you think about them after you get a chance to use them. I'd love to know if you think they need work or not.
So until my next post or the next convention I happen to be at see ya Chummers!
Nov 27 2007, 10:57 AM
Name: ~ Dahomeans Order of Vodun
Purpose: ~ To Attain advanced training of magic for the benefit of its member’s.
Members: ~ 2
Attendance: ~ Mandatory meetings every 1-3 months something along the lines of moon phases or the seasons.
Dues/Resources: ~ Low/1,000 a month ~ Middle/2,500 a month ~ High/5,000 a month ~ Luxury/50,000 a month.
Exclusive Membership: ~ You can only be in this group.
Exclusive Ritual: ~ Any and all ritual Spellcasting is done with members of this group only.
Fraternity: ~ You are required to help other members in need if they ask for your help. The only limit to this stricture is if you are incapable of completing the task they need help with.
Limited Membership: ~ Vodun only
Oath: ~ This stricture requires that all members be loyal to the group breaking any of the other 8 strictures is also considered breaking this one.
Obedience: ~ You are required to follow orders of those members who have a higher rank than yours.
Secrecy: ~ Generally to be a Dahomeans Order of Vodun member one must:
1} Be a Vodun who is chosen to join and comes of their free will.
2} Be at least the minimum age (18).
3} Be of sound mind, body, and soul, you should also have a positive street cred.
4} Have 2 references from current members or an invitation from a founder.
Avatar: ~ Thoughts on having one? This is one of the Mentor Spirits.
Patron: ~ None at this time.
Description & Customs: ~ Chief God Olorun, who is remote and unknowable He authorized a lesser God Obatala to create the earth and all life forms.
The Gris Gris
Voodoo Rituals with authentic drums, chants, and dances These rituals are meant to bring you the many blessings of the Loa and Orisha and guide you towards your purpose.
These can include Flag Dances, Haitian style Court Dances, Fire Dances, Machete Duels and Snake Dances, Authentic drum beats and chants accompany the proceedings, often in Creole or Lucumi.
Hounsis: ~ Any member who has yet to achieve an Initiate grade:
Serviteurs: ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 1 or 2:
Hounfo: ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 3 or 4:
Hungan: ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 5 or 6:
Hounfour: ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 7 or 8:
Humfort: ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 9 or 10:
Houngan: ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 11 or greater:
Mambo: ~ This rank is limited to the Founding members:
Marie Laveau, Mr. Baron La Croix
Due to the Secrecy Stricture getting in requires an invitation. Members are allowed to bring outsiders to the attention of the founding members so they may decide weather or not someone should be invited to the organization.
Nov 27 2007, 10:57 AM
Name: ~ Dark Lodge
Purpose: ~ To Attain advanced training of magic for the benefit of its member’s.
Members: ~ 2
Attendance: ~ Mandatory meetings every 1-3 months something along the lines of moon phases or the seasons.
Dues/Resources: ~ Low/1,000 a month ~ Middle/2,500 a month ~ High/5,000 a month ~ Luxury/50,000 a month.
Exclusive Membership: ~ You can only be in this group.
Exclusive Ritual: ~ Any and all ritual spellcasting is done with members of this group only.
Fraternity: ~ You are required to help other members in need if they ask for your help. The only limit to this stricture is if you are incapable of completing the task they need help with.
Limited Membership: ~ Black Magicians only
Oath: ~ This stricture requires that all members be loyal to the group breaking any of the other 8 strictures is also considered breaking this one.
Obedience: ~ You are required to follow orders of those members who have a higher rank than yours.
Secrecy: ~ Generally to be a Dark Lodge member one must:
1} Be a practitioner of the black arts that is chosen to join and comes of his or her own free will.
2} Be at least the minimum age (18).
3} Be of sound mind, body, and soul, you should also have a positive street cred.
4} Have 2 references from current members or an invitation from a founder.
Avatar: ~ Thoughts on having one? This is one of the Mentor Spirits.
Patron: ~ None at this time.
Description & Customs: ~ The Four Core Beliefs of Black Magicians
1 ~ The Divine has made itself manifest through many Deities in different places and at different times. No one Deity can express the totality of the Divine. This is called polytheism the Gods are many.
2 ~ The Divine is present in Nature and in each one of us. This is called pantheism the Divine is everywhere.
3 ~ The Divine is represented as both female and male. The two major aspects of the Divine are the Goddess and God, although the Divine is beyond limitations of gender.
4 ~ The Black Magic Ethic is as follows: as long as it harms none then you may do what you will this means Black Magicians can not cause harm to anyone or anything, including themselves.
Adonis ~ God of Vegetation
Arawn ~ God of the dead, Revenge, terror, and war
Eros ~ God of Romance and Passionate Love
Math Mathonwy ~ God of sorcery, magic, enchantment
Ptah ~ God of creativeness
Samhain: ~ Any member who has yet to achieve an Initiate grade:
Imbolc: ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 1 or 2:
Ostara: ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 3 or 4:
Beltaine: ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 5 or 6:
Litha: ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 7 or 8:
Lughnassadh: ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 9 or greater:
Mabon: ~ This rank is limited to the Founding members:
Mr. Wyndsong, Mr. Finnahveer
Due to the Secrecy Stricture getting in requires an invitation. Members are allowed to bring outsiders to the attention of the founding members so they may decide weather or not someone should be invited to the organization.
Nov 27 2007, 10:57 AM
Name: ~ Diversity Organization
Purpose: ~ To Attain advanced training of magic for the benefit of its member’s.
Members: ~ 2
Attendance: ~ Mandatory meetings every 1-3 months something along the lines of moon phases or the seasons.
Dues/Resources: ~ Low/1,000 a month ~ Middle/2,500 a month ~ High/5,000 a month ~ Luxury/50,000 a month.
Exclusive Membership: ~ You can only be in this group.
Exclusive Ritual: ~ Any and all ritual Spellcasting is done with members of this group only.
Fraternity: ~ You are required to help other members in need if they ask for your help. The only limit to this stricture is if you are incapable of completing the task they need help with.
Oath: ~ This stricture requires that all members be loyal to the group breaking any of the other 7 strictures is also considered breaking this one.
Obedience: ~ You are required to follow orders of those members who have a higher rank than yours.
Secrecy: ~ Generally to be a Diversity Organization member one must:
1} Be magically active and chosen to join and come of their free will.
2} Be at least the minimum age (18).
3} Be of sound mind, body, and soul, you should also have a positive street cred.
4} Have 2 references from current members or an invitation from a founder.
Avatar: ~ Thoughts on having one? This is one of the Mentor Spirits.
Patron: ~ None at this time.
Description & Customs: ~ A group open to new ideas and challenges
Constable: ~ Any member who has yet to achieve an Initiate grade:
Sergeant: ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 1 or 2:
Inspector: ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 3 or 4:
Lieutenant: ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 5 or 6:
Captain: ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 7 or 8:
Major: ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 9 or 10:
Chief: ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 11 or 12:
Commander: ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 13 or greater:
Commissioner: ~ This rank is limited to the Founding members:
Mr. Panot, Mr. Xinta
Due to the Secrecy Stricture getting in requires an invitation. Members are allowed to bring outsiders to the attention of the founding members so they may decide weather or not someone should be invited to the organization.
Nov 27 2007, 10:57 AM
Name: ~ Divine Light of Qabbalistic
Purpose: ~ To Attain advanced training of magic for the benefit of its member’s.
Members: ~ 2
Attendance: ~ Mandatory meetings during the four ingresses
1 ~ Atziluth Archetypal World or Divine World
2 ~ Briah Creative World or World of Thrones
3 ~ Yetsirah Formative World
4 ~ Assiah Manifest World
Dues/Resources: ~ Low/1,000 a month ~ Middle/2,500 a month ~ High/5,000 a month ~ Luxury/50,000 a month.
Exclusive Membership: ~ You can only be in this group.
Exclusive Ritual: ~ Any and all ritual Spellcasting is done with members of this group only.
Fraternity: ~ You are required to help other members in need if they ask for your help. The only limit to this stricture is if you are incapable of completing the task they need help with.
Limited Membership: ~ Qabbalists only
Oath: ~ This stricture requires that all members be loyal to the group breaking any of the other 8 strictures is also considered breaking this one.
Obedience: ~ You are required to follow orders of those members who have a higher rank than yours.
Secrecy: ~ Generally to be a Divine Light of Qabbalistic member one must:
1} Be a Qabbalists who is chosen to join and comes of their free will.
2} Be at least the minimum age (18).
3} Be of sound mind, body, and soul, you should also have a positive street cred.
4} Have 2 references from current members or an invitation from a founder.
Avatar: ~ Thoughts on having one? This is one of the Mentor Spirits.
Patron: ~ None at this time.
Description & Customs: ~ The first ten great circles of light which were manifested out of Ain Soph and the ten names of God assigned to them by the Qabbalists are as follows:
From Ain Soph came First Crown, and the name of the first power of God was Eheieh
From First Crown came Wisdom and the name of the second power of God was Jehovah
From Wisdom came Understanding and the name of the third power of God was Jehovah Elohim
From Understanding came Mercy and the name of the fourth power of God was El
From Mercy came Severity and the name of the fifth power of God was Elohim Gibor
From Severity came Beauty and the name of the sixth power of God was Eloah Vadaath
From Beauty came Victory and the name of the seventh power of God was Jehovah Tzaboath
From Victory came Glory and the name of the eighth power of God was Elohim Tzaboath
From Glory came Foundation and the name of the ninth power of God was Shaddai El Chai
From Foundation came Kingdom and the name of the tenth power of God was Adonai Melekh
From Kingdom Second Crown and the World of Briah was established.
Saturn: ~ Any member who has yet to achieve an Initiate grade:
Jupiter: ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 1 or 2:
Mars: ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 3 or 4:
Sun: ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 5 or 6:
Venus: ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 7 or 8:
Mercury: ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 9 or 10:
Spirits: ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 11 or greater:
Schemhamforasch: ~ This rank is limited to the Founding members:
Mr. Akiba, Mr. Karo
Due to the Secrecy Stricture getting in requires an invitation. Members are allowed to bring outsiders to the attention of the founding members so they may decide weather or not someone should be invited to the organization.
Nov 27 2007, 10:57 AM
Name: ~ Eingana Circle of Life
Purpose: ~ The Aboriginal medicine wheel is the universe it is the cycle of all things that exist. It is the lodge of their bodies, their minds, and their hearts. It is also change, life, death, and learning.
The North side of the circle represents (Wisdom) (Buffalo) (White).
The East side of the circle represents (Illumination) (Eagle) (Yellow).
The South side of the circle represents (Innocence) (Mouse) (Green).
The West side of the circle represents (Introspection) (Bear) (Black).
Members: ~ 2
Attendance: ~ Mandatory meetings every 4 months to celebrate the 3 worlds
Spiritual world, Physical world, and Human world
Dues/Resources: ~ Low/1,000 a month ~ Middle/2,500 a month ~ High/5,000 a month ~ Luxury/50,000 a month.
Exclusive Membership: ~ You can only be in this group.
Exclusive Ritual: ~ Any and all ritual Spellcasting is done with members of this group only.
Fraternity: ~ You are required to help other members in need if they ask for your help. The only limit to this stricture is if you are incapable of completing the task they need help with.
Limited Membership: ~ Aborigine only
Oath: ~ This stricture requires that all members be loyal to the group breaking any of the other 8 strictures is also considered breaking this one.
Obedience: ~ You are required to follow orders of those members who have a higher rank than yours.
Secrecy: ~ Generally to be a Eingana Circle of Life member one must:
1} Be an Aborigine who is chosen to join and comes of their free will.
2} Be at least the minimum age (18).
3} Be of sound mind, body, and soul, you should also have a positive street cred.
4} Have 2 references from current members or an invitation from a founder.
Avatar: ~ Thoughts on having one? This is one of the Mentor Spirits.
Patron: ~ None at this time.
Description & Customs: ~ The Sweat Lodge:
For the Aboriginals the sweat is a ceremony that cleanses body, mind, and spirit to make us pure for spirit ceremonies, vision quests and the rigors of everyday life. Sweats may be held to ask a blessing or give thanks. Sometimes they occur before or after a difficult physical or spiritual journey. Still others are conducted as healing sweats for people who are suffering from an illness or an injury. Today the ceremony is an integral part of Native alcohol and drug treatment programs. The construction of the lodge is a willow framework covered over with hides, blankets, or canvas tarps. The placement of the door depends on what group of people you are with. The plains Cree have their door facing south. The Sioux put their door facing to the west. Other groups have the door facing to the east
The Dreamtime:
According to Aboriginal belief all life as it is today Human, Animal, Bird and Fish is part of one vast unchanging network of relationships which can be traced to the Great Spirit ancestors of the Dreamtime. The Dreamtime continues as the "Dreaming" in the spiritual lives of aboriginal people today. The events of the ancient era of creation are enacted in ceremonies and danced in mime form. Song chant incessantly to the accompaniment of the didgeridoo or clap sticks relates the story of events of those early times and brings to the power of the dreaming to bear of life today.
The Sacred World:
The Dreamtime is the Aboriginal understanding of the world, of its creation, and its great stories. The Dreamtime is the beginning of knowledge, from which came the laws of existence. For survival these laws must be observed. The Dreaming world was the old time of the Ancestor Beings. They emerged from the earth at the time of the creation. Time began in the world the moment these supernatural beings were "born out of their own Eternity.� The Earth was a flat surface, in darkness a dead, silent world. Unknown forms of life were asleep below the surface of the land. Then the supernatural Ancestor Beings broke through the crust of the earth form below, with tumultuous force. The sun rose out of the ground. The land received light for the first time. The supernatural Beings, or Totemic Ancestors, resembled creatures or plants, and were half human. They moved across the barren surface of the world. They traveled hunted and fought, and changed the form of the land. In their journeys, they created the landscape, the mountains, the rivers, the trees, waterholes, plains, and sand hills. They made the people themselves, who are descendants of the Dreamtime ancestors. They made the Ant, Grasshopper, Emu, Eagle, Crow, Parrot, Wallaby, Kangaroo, Lizard, Snake, and all food plants. They made the natural elements: Water, Air, and Fire. They made all the celestial bodies: the Sun, the Moon, and the Stars. Then, wearied from all their activity, the mythical creatures sank back into the earth and returned to their state of sleep. Sometimes their spirits turned into rocks or trees or a part of the landscape. These became sacred places, to be seen only by initiated men. These sites had special qualities.
Kidili: ~ Any member who has yet to achieve an Initiate grade:
Bunjil: ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 1 or 2:
Altjira: ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 3 or 4:
Karora: ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 5 or 6:
Gnowee: ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 7 or 8:
Pundjel: ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 9 or 10:
Banaitja: ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 11 or 12:
Wuriupranili: ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 13 or greater:
Mangar-kunjer-kunja: ~ This rank is limited to the Founding members:
Mr. Truganini, Mr. Mandawuy
Due to the Secrecy Stricture getting in requires an invitation. Members are allowed to bring outsiders to the attention of the founding members so they may decide weather or not someone should be invited to the organization.
Nov 27 2007, 10:57 AM
Name: ~ Faithful of Allah
Purpose: ~ To Attain advanced training of magic for the benefit of its member’s.
Members: ~ 2
Attendance: ~ Mandatory meetings every 1-3 months something along the lines of moon phases or the seasons.
Dues/Resources: ~ Low/1,000 a month ~ Middle/2,500 a month ~ High/5,000 a month ~ Luxury/50,000 a month.
Exclusive Membership: ~ You can only be in this group.
Exclusive Ritual: ~ Any and all ritual Spellcasting is done with members of this group only.
Fraternity: ~ You are required to help other members in need if they ask for your help. The only limit to this stricture is if you are incapable of completing the task they need help with.
Limited Membership: ~ Islamic followers only
Oath: ~ This stricture requires that all members be loyal to the group breaking any of the other 8 strictures is also considered breaking this one.
Obedience: ~ You are required to follow orders of those members who have a higher rank than yours.
Secrecy: ~ Generally to be a Faithful of Allah member one must:
1} Be an Islamic follower who is chosen to join and comes of their free will.
2} Be at least the minimum age (18).
3} Be of sound mind, body, and soul, you should also have a positive street cred.
4} Have 2 references from current members or an invitation from a founder.
Avatar: ~ Thoughts on having one? This is one of the Mentor Spirits.
Patron: ~ None at this time.
Description & Customs: ~ Islam is a religion that was started by Mohammed in the 7th century AD. It is often said that, "Islam is more than a religion. It is a way of life." Muslims, or the people that practice Islam, have a strict set of rules on how to behave. There are five important rules called the Five Pillars of Islam.
Shahada: The Muslim declaration of faith "There is no God but God and Mohammed is the messenger of God."
Salat: The prayers that Muslims must perform in the direction of Mecca five times daily as directed by the Quran.
Sawm: The daily fast performed during the month of Ramadan in the Muslim calendar.
Zakat: Almsgiving requires Muslims to give a fixed portion of their annual income to the poor and charitable causes.
The Hajj: The pilgrimage to Mecca that all Muslims should try to make at least once in their lifetime.
Muharram (Islamic New Year)
Mawlid al-Nabi (Muhammad's Birthday)
Ramadan (Fasting during daylight hours)
Eid al-Fitr (Ramadan ends)
Eid al-Adha (Festival of Sacrifice)
Caliph: ~ Any member who has yet to achieve an Initiate grade:
Imam: ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 1 or 2:
Ayatollah: ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 3 or 4:
Mawlana: ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 5 or 6:
Mullah: ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 7 or 8:
Mujtahid: ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 9 or 10:
Muezzin: ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 11 or greater:
Sahic: ~ This rank is limited to the Founding members:
Mr. Obaid, Mr. Yasir
Due to the Secrecy Stricture getting in requires an invitation. Members are allowed to bring outsiders to the attention of the founding members so they may decide weather or not someone should be invited to the organization.
Nov 27 2007, 10:57 AM
Name: ~ Fates Destiny of Purpose
Purpose: ~ Feeling a sense of destiny ~ using what chance offers ~ seeing life's threads weave together ~ finding opportunity in an accident ~ opening to luck ~ sensing the action of fate ~ witnessing miracles ~ being at a turning point reversing ~ moving in a different direction ~ turning things around ~ having a change in fortune ~ altering the present course ~ being surprised at a turn of events ~ feeling movement ~ experiencing change ~ having the tempo of life speed up ~ being swept up in new developments ~ rejoining the world of activity, ~ getting involved, ~ having a personal vision, ~ seeing how everything connects ~ becoming more aware ~ uncovering patterns and cycles ~ expanding your outlook ~ gaining greater perspective ~ discovering your role and purpose
Members: ~ 2
Attendance: ~ Mandatory meetings every 1-3 months something along the lines of moon phases or the seasons.
Dues/Resources: ~ Low/1,000 a month ~ Middle/2,500 a month ~ High/5,000 a month ~ Luxury/50,000 a month.
Exclusive Membership: ~ You can only be in this group.
Exclusive Ritual: ~ Any and all ritual Spellcasting is done with members of this group only.
Fraternity: ~ You are required to help other members in need if they ask for your help. The only limit to this stricture is if you are incapable of completing the task they need help with.
Limited Membership: ~ Followers of Wheel only
Oath: ~ This stricture requires that all members be loyal to the group breaking any of the other 8 strictures is also considered breaking this one.
Obedience: ~ You are required to follow orders of those members who have a higher rank than yours.
Secrecy: ~ Generally to be a Fates Destiny of Purpose member one must:
1} Be a Follower of Wheel who is chosen to join and comes of their free will.
2} Be at least the minimum age (18).
3} Be of sound mind, body, and soul, you should also have a positive street cred.
4} Have 2 references from current members or an invitation from a founder.
Avatar: ~ Thoughts on having one? This is one of the Mentor Spirits.
Patron: ~ None at this time.
Description & Customs: ~ On the outer edge or rim of the wheel are twelve images. They symbolically refer to the factors that interact to determine the consequences of activity or karma.
The 12 Links of Causality:
1 o'clock is a blind man with his stick representing spiritual blindness; this is the state of ignorance in which we can easily lose our way. Sometimes we do not even know there is a way.
2 o'clock is a potter at work on his own products these are deeds and actions we perform the formations, preparations, or samskaras. We are responsible for our own pots not fate.
3 o'clock is a monkey playing in a tree it depicts ordinary attention or consciousness which shifts continuously in the undisciplined mind. Meditation seeks to calm the monkey in order to gain access to the nature of consciousness.
4 o'clock is a boat with two people in it name and form these act together as the conditioned way in which we experience the world. The boat is the mind moving about on 'reality'.
5 o'clock is a house with six openings five shuttered windows and a closed door these are the five senses plus a sixth which is the faculty of apperception by which we interpret the input of the senses. That is the sixth sense is apperception and recognition at the sub-conscious level.
6 o'clock is a man and a woman embracing demonstrates contact the consequence of sensual perceptions.
7 o'clock is a person who has been struck in the eye by an arrow. He is wounded by emotion the subsequent feelings that can have a "fatal" effect. They create suffering.
8 o'clock is a woman offering a drink to a man it illustrates desire that has been stimulated by perceptions and emotions which leads us to drink more from the world of appearances.
9 o'clock is a person picking the fruit of his tree He accepts the consequences and he expects they will be sweet.
10 o'clock is a maiden about to cross the stream in one version of the Wheel there is one person beckoning another to go or to come back.
11 o'clock is a woman giving birth the new life is determined by the fruits of the old and is attracted to the parents accordingly in order to be born.
12 o'clock is that of two people carrying a burden on a litter this is the body a corpse wrapped up on its way to be disposed of. Other people suffer as they bear the burden of another's death.
Tiryakas: ~ Any member who has yet to achieve an Initiate grade:
Manushyas: ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 1 to 3:
Pretas: ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 4 to 6:
Narakas: ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 7 to 9:
Ashuras: ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 10 or greater:
Devas: ~ This rank is limited to the Founding members:
Mr. McClery, Mr. Galex
Due to the Secrecy Stricture getting in requires an invitation. Members are allowed to bring outsiders to the attention of the founding members so they may decide weather or not someone should be invited to the organization.
Nov 27 2007, 10:57 AM
Name: ~ Forbidden Belief
Purpose: ~ This new way of practicing the Art of Magic is as free as possible of all moral dogma, a way solely oriented to personal discovery. Because the practice aims to assimilate and then surpass the limited dualistic approaches to Magic which has hallmarked the traditions and shackles us to the past, it is by its nature beyond our comprehension, and beyond our ability to predict what direction it will take. Another thing Chaos magic doesn't have morals. It isn't good or bad. How it's used by the practitioner, however, makes a difference. In chaos magic, there isn't any concept of "what goes around comes around," or karma. There isn't any retaliation or payback or sin or anything like that.
Members: ~ 2
Attendance: ~ Mandatory meetings every 1-3 months something along the lines of moon phases or the seasons.
Dues/Resources: ~ Low/1,000 a month ~ Middle/2,500 a month ~ High/5,000 a month ~ Luxury/50,000 a month.
Exclusive Membership: ~ You can only be in this group.
Exclusive Ritual: ~ Any and all ritual Spellcasting is done with members of this group only.
Fraternity: ~ You are required to help other members in need if they ask for your help. The only limit to this stricture is if you are incapable of completing the task they need help with.
Limited Membership: ~ Chaotic only
Oath: ~ This stricture requires that all members be loyal to the group breaking any of the other 8 strictures is also considered breaking this one.
Obedience: ~ You are required to follow orders of those members who have a higher rank than yours.
Secrecy: ~ Generally to be a Forbidden Belief member one must:
1} Be a Chaotic who is chosen to join and comes of their free will.
2} Be at least the minimum age (18).
3} Be of sound mind, body, and soul, you should also have a positive street cred.
4} Have 2 references from current members or an invitation from a founder.
Avatar: ~ Thoughts on having one? This is one of the Mentor Spirits.
Patron: ~ None at this time.
Description & Customs: ~ As above, so below As without, so within"
"Nothing is true. Everything is permitted." It's a simple statement but it forms the foundation of chaos magic. We are all free to think and believe what we choose when we choose because ultimately none of it is any more true than anything else. That is the power and the glamour of chaos magic. Zeus is as real as Isis is as real as Snoopy
What Is Chaos Magic?
The words "Chaos Magic" reverberate with mystery and intrigue. There's nothing like a touch of the "forbidden" if you want to intrigue people. The label of "Chaos Magic" suffers from an inherent drawback. That drawback is that the very idea of Chaos Magic inherently defies description. It is highly personal and experimental by its nature. Even those who claim to practice it are hard-pressed to define what it is, outside of their own personal version. But neither is it simply "eclectic witchcraft,� though its methods certainly are eclectic. It can only be defined by certain commonalities of thought among those who claim to practice it, and even among some who thought they were just "doing their own thing" and never knew it had a name.
No Holds Barred Magic
Chaos Magic is dangerous, awesome, full of potential, and therefore highly compelling. It is "no-holds-barred magic.� The rule is that there are no rules, besides learning what works for you and using it to accomplish your will, while avoiding getting stuck in a rut of doing everything the same way all of the time. In the menace and fascination of the very concept of "chaos" lies the power of Chaos Magic. There is no way to accurately describe Chaos Magic, any more than one can accurately describe the Tao. "That which can be described is not the sacred Tao,� as the old sage said. In a way, I suppose that the Chaos Magicians are the ultimate "secret society," though it is inherent in Chaos Magic itself, rather than needing to be enforced by oath or decree.
So why is it called Chaos Magic?
It is called "magic" since, like all other forms of Art of the Mages, it seeks to affect the course of events by non-normal means. Action at a distance Events that defy logical causality Altered states of consciousness, arcane knowledge, Power, and Ecstasy But what makes it Chaos Magic? While it may be impossible to describe directly, I can offer a few opinions on drawing the distinction.
One could begin by saying among Chaos Magicians there is the underlying assumption of the "random" and relativistic nature of life, the universe, and everything. Reality is stochastic in nature, which is to say that each intelligent entity "creates" reality by their interaction and participation in it. We are adrift in a quantum world of uncertainty. Existence can not be completely described by either religion or its philosophical successor, science.
Belief and Meta-belief
Meta-belief is an important concept in Chaos Magic. It is the idea that belief is nothing more than a state of mind, and as such, can be manipulated by the will. Belief is a psychological state that can be deliberately self-manipulated, although it has the power to shape our own reality, and sometimes other people's reality as well. It is the means, not the end; the vehicle, not the destination. The Chaos Magician believes nothing in the sense of having faith. He experiments practically to ascertain if there is any value in the postulates he has either originated or borrowed from elsewhere. It is a fact that we all must hold certain organic beliefs for the sake of convenience. You all believe that the chairs you are sitting in are real most of the time. This is not however a mental process, but rather an instinctive or organic one without which life would be impossible." This level of belief is sometimes referred to in the inverted sense as "suspension of disbelief.� The practice of meta-belief confers an awful freedom and an awful responsibility. Practicing Chaos Magic involves the temporary adoption of an obsessive belief system that allows for the possibility of magic to accomplish specific effects, and then the abandonment of that belief system upon the completion of the work. Subsequent and even contradictory belief systems are adopted in turn as need or desire may dictate. To do this (and not go completely insane) it is of paramount importance that no one particular set of beliefs is ever accepted as being ultimately true.
Tzeentch: ~ Any member who has yet to achieve an Initiate grade:
Slaanesh: ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 1 or 2:
Khorne: ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 3 or 4:
Nurgle: ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 5 or 6:
Lord of Pleasure: ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 7 or 8:
Lord of Change: ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 9 or 10:
Blood God: ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 11 or greater:
God of Pestilence and Decay: ~ This rank is limited to the Founding members:
Mr. Malmsteen, Mr. Adema
Due to the Secrecy Stricture getting in requires an invitation. Members are allowed to bring outsiders to the attention of the founding members so they may decide weather or not someone should be invited to the organization.
Nov 27 2007, 10:57 AM
Name: ~ Guardians of the Wood
Purpose: ~ To Attain advanced training of magic for the benefit of its member’s.
1 ~ Goodness is the god of everything.
2 ~ Love is the quality of godliness.
3 ~ Honor is the noblest expression of action.
4 ~ Truth is the power in all actions.
5 ~ Spirit and truth are eternal.
6 ~ Spirit acts through mind and nature.
7 ~ Nature is a matter of subjective perception.
8 ~ Perception can be altered when consciousness harnesses the power of truth.
9 ~ The unbound mind can acquire wisdom that is beyond the limits of the world.
10 ~ Wisdom is the channel through which truth flows into the world.
11 ~ Creativity is the wellspring of truth.
12 ~ The parents of creativity are chaos and order.
13 ~ Creativity is eternal though at times it yields to chaos and order.
Members: ~ 2
Attendance: ~ The four main holidays
1 ~ Imbolc: to denote the first signs of spring
2 ~ Beltane: to recognize the fullness of life after spring
3 ~ Lughnasadh: to celebrate the ripening of first fruits and the many skilled deity Lugh
4 ~ Samhain: to recognize the end of harvest and the lowering of the barrier between the world of the living and that of the dead.
The four festivals are determined by the presence of a full moon and seasonal changes.
Imbolc between winter solstice and vernal equinox
Beltane between vernal equinox and summer solstice
Lughnasadh between summer solstice and autumnal equinox
Samhain between autumnal equinox and winter solstice
Dues/Resources: ~ Low/1,000 a month ~ Middle/2,500 a month ~ High/5,000 a month ~ Luxury/50,000 a month.
Exclusive Membership: ~ You can only be in this group.
Exclusive Ritual: ~ Any and all ritual Spellcasting is done with members of this group only.
Fraternity: ~ You are required to help other members in need if they ask for your help. The only limit to this stricture is if you are incapable of completing the task they need help with.
Limited Membership: ~ Druids only
Oath: ~ This stricture requires that all members be loyal to the group breaking any of the other 8 strictures is also considered breaking this one.
Obedience: ~ You are required to follow orders of those members who have a higher rank than yours.
Secrecy: ~ generally to be a Guardian of the Wood member one must:
1} Be a Druid who is chosen to join and comes of their free will.
2} Be at least the minimum age (18).
3} Be of sound mind, body, and soul, you should also have a positive street cred.
4} Have 2 references from current members or an invitation from a founder.
Avatar: ~ Thoughts on having one? This is one of the Mentor Spirits.
Patron: ~ None at this time.
Description & Customs: ~ The Grand Circle is made up of all those druids above 12th level (except Hierophants) and it these Druids who guide the group. But only a few ever make it to these exalted positions due to the structure of the organization.
Each of the 7 factions has 9 Druids. These 9 serve the 3 Archdruids who carry out the day to day operations. There is only 1 Greatdruid per Faction they serve the Granddruid. Only one Granddruid exists for all 7 factions.
Hierophants are very few and far between they represent the retired Granddruids. No one knows just how many Hierophants there are but a few usually appear in times of great need.
Ranks: The hierarchy of this group is given below a Druids badge of honor is his staff and they must carry one of the right wood. Not to do so is tantamount to heresy.
Aspirant: ~ Any member who has yet to achieve an Initiate grade: Willow
Ovate: ~ any member who has achieved Initiate grade 1: Larch
Initiate of the 1st Circle: ~ any member who has achieved Initiate grade 2: Pine
Initiate of the 2nd Circle: ~ any member who has achieved Initiate grade 3: Yew
Initiate of the 3rd Circle: ~ any member who has achieved Initiate grade 4: Birch
Initiate of the 4th Circle: ~ any member who has achieved Initiate grade 5: Beech
Initiate of the 5th Circle: ~ any member who has achieved Initiate grade 6: Chestnut
Initiate of the 6th Circle: ~ any member who has achieved Initiate grade 7: Sycamore
Initiate of the 7th Circle: ~ any member who has achieved Initiate grade 8: Elm
Initiate of the 8th Circle: ~ any member who has achieved Initiate grade 9: Ash
Initiate of the 9th Circle: ~ any member who has achieved Initiate grade 10: Cedar
Druid: ~ any member who has achieved Initiate grade 11: Oak
Archdruid: ~ any member who has achieved Initiate grade 12: Oak with Ivy Leaves
Greatdruid: ~ any member who has achieved Initiate grade 13: Oak with Holly Leaves
Granddruid: ~ any member who has achieved Initiate grades 14 or greater: Rowan
Hierophant: ~ this rank is limited to the Founding members: Rowan
Mr. Cuthbad, Mr. Veleda
Due to the Secrecy Stricture getting in requires an invitation. Members are allowed to bring outsiders to the attention of the founding members so they may decide weather or not someone should be invited to the organization.
Nov 27 2007, 10:57 AM
Name: ~ Guild of Saivism
Purpose: ~ Four purposes of life:
1 ~ Dharma ~ fulfill moral, social, and religious duties
2 ~ Artha ~ attain financial and worldly success
3 ~ Kama ~ satisfy desires and drives in moderation
4 ~ Moksha ~ attain freedom from reincarnation
Four stages of life:
1 ~ Brahmacharga ~ school years grow and learn
2 ~ Grhastha ~ marriage, family and career
3 ~ Vanaprastha ~ turn attention to spiritual things
4 ~ Sanrgasu ~ abandon world to seek spiritual things
Members: ~ 2
Attendance: ~ Mandatory meetings every 1-3 months something along the lines of moon phases or the seasons.
Dues/Resources: ~ Low/1,000 a month ~ Middle/2,500 a month ~ High/5,000 a month ~ Luxury/50,000 a month.
Exclusive Membership: ~ You can only be in this group.
Exclusive Ritual: ~ Any and all ritual Spellcasting is done with members of this group only.
Fraternity: ~ You are required to help other members in need if they ask for your help. The only limit to this stricture is if you are incapable of completing the task they need help with.
Limited Membership: ~ Hinduism only
Oath: ~ This stricture requires that all members be loyal to the group breaking any of the other 8 strictures is also considered breaking this one.
Obedience: ~ You are required to follow orders of those members who have a higher rank than yours.
Secrecy: ~ Generally to be a Guild of Saivism member one must:
1} Be a Hindu who is chosen to join and comes of their free will.
2} Be at least the minimum age (18).
3} Be of sound mind, body, and soul, you should also have a positive street cred.
4} Have 2 references from current members or an invitation from a founder.
Avatar: ~ Thoughts on having one? This is one of the Mentor Spirits.
Patron: ~ None at this time.
Description & Customs: ~ Hinduism by the Numbers three paths:
1 ~ Karmamarga - path of works and action
2 ~ Jnanamarga - path of knowledge or philosophy
3 ~ Bhaktimarga - path of devotion to God
Three debts:
1 ~ Debt to God
2 ~ Debt to sages and saints
3 ~ Debt to ancestors
Purity and its opposite, pollution, are a fundamental part of Hindu culture. While they imply a strong sense of physical cleanliness, their more important meanings extend to social, ceremonial, mental, emotional, psychic, and spiritual contamination. Freedom from all forms of contamination is a key to Hindu spirituality, and is one of the yamas.
Physical purity requires a clean and well ordered environment, yogic purging of the internal organs and frequent cleansing with water.
Mental purity derives from meditation, right living, and right thinking.
Emotional purity depends on control of the mind, clearing the subconscious and keeping good company.
Spiritual purity is achieved through following the yamas and niyamas, study of the Vedas and other scriptures, pilgrimage, meditation, Japa, Tapas, and Ahimsa.
Ritual purity requires the observance of certain prayashchittas, or penances, for defilement derived from foreign travel, contact with base people or places, conversion to other faiths, contact with bodily wastes, attending a funeral, etc.
Purity is of three forms: purity in mind, speech and body, or thought, word, and deed. Purity is the pristine and natural state of the soul. Impurity, or pollution, is the obscuring of this state by adulterating experience and beclouding conceptions. In daily life, the Hindu strives to protect this innate purity by wise living, following the codes of dharma. This includes harnessing the sexual energies, associating with other virtuous Hindu devotees, never using harsh, angered, or indecent language, and keeping a clean and healthy physical body.
Ahimsa: ~ Any member who has yet to achieve an Initiate grade:
Satya: ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 1 or 2:
Asteya: ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 3 or 4:
Saucha: ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 5 or 6:
Tapas: ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 7 or 8:
Santosha: ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 9 or 10:
Sage: ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 11 or greater:
Guru: ~ This rank is limited to the Founding members:
Mr. Satguru, Mr. Mohandas
Due to the Secrecy Stricture getting in requires an invitation. Members are allowed to bring outsiders to the attention of the founding members so they may decide weather or not someone should be invited to the organization.
Nov 27 2007, 10:57 AM
Name: ~ Havamal Incantations
Purpose: ~ To Attain advanced training of magic for the benefit of its member’s.
Members: ~ 2
Attendance: ~ Mandatory meetings
1 ~ New Moon ~ The time to examine what is hidden
2 ~ Waxing Moon ~ The time to concentrate on growth
3 ~ Full Moon ~ Strongest power for invocations good time for divination and prophecy
4 ~ Waning Moon ~ Time to banish or let go Break spells or release bad habits
Dues/Resources: ~ Low/1,000 a month ~ Middle/2,500 a month ~ High/5,000 a month ~ Luxury/50,000 a month.
Exclusive Membership: ~ You can only be in this group.
Exclusive Ritual: ~ Any and all ritual Spellcasting is done with members of this group only.
Fraternity: ~ You are required to help other members in need if they ask for your help. The only limit to this stricture is if you are incapable of completing the task they need help with.
Limited Membership: ~ Hedge Witches only
Oath: ~ This stricture requires that all members be loyal to the group breaking any of the other 8 strictures is also considered breaking this one.
Obedience: ~ You are required to follow orders of those members who have a higher rank than yours.
Secrecy: ~ Generally to be a Havamal Incantations member one must:
1} Be a Hedge Witch who is chosen to join and comes of their free will.
2} Be at least the minimum age (18).
3} Be of sound mind, body, and soul, you should also have a positive street cred.
4} Have 2 references from current members or an invitation from a founder.
Avatar: ~ Thoughts on having one? This is one of the Mentor Spirits.
Patron: ~ None at this time.
Description & Customs: ~ Life is Magic, Magic is Life
1 ~ Know yourself.
2 ~ Know your Craft.
3 ~ Learn.
4 ~ Apply knowledge with wisdom.
5 ~ Achieve balance in your life.
6 ~Keep your words in good order.
7 ~ Keep your thoughts in good order.
8 ~ Celebrate life!
9 ~ Attune with the cycles of the Earth.
10 ~ Breathe and eat correctly.
11 ~ Exercise the body.
12 ~ Meditate.
13 ~ Honor the Goddess and God
Invocation: ~ Any member who has yet to achieve an Initiate grade:
Enchantment: ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 1 or 2:
Blessing: ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 3 or 4:
Offering: ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 5 or 6:
Talismanic: ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 7 or 8:
Sympathetic: ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 9 or 10:
Incantation: ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 11 or 12:
Sigil: ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 13 or greater:
Imagination: ~ This rank is limited to the Founding members:
Rae Beth, Rebecca Towne
Due to the Secrecy Stricture getting in requires an invitation. Members are allowed to bring outsiders to the attention of the founding members so they may decide weather or not someone should be invited to the organization.
Nov 27 2007, 10:57 AM
Name: ~ Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn
Purpose: ~ To Attain a better understanding of Mind, Body, and Soul While attempting to understand Esoteric and Mystical Philosophies to awaken Cosmic Consciousness and unfold Primordial Wisdom
Members: ~ 2
Attendance: ~ Mandatory meetings every 1-3 months something along the lines of moon phases or the seasons.
Dues/Resources: ~ Low/1,000 a month ~ Middle/2,500 a month ~ High/5,000 a month ~ Luxury/50,000 a month.
Exclusive Membership: ~ You can only be in this group.
Exclusive Ritual: ~ Any and all ritual spellcasting is done with members of this group only.
Fraternity: ~ You are required to help other members in need if they ask for your help. The only limit to this stricture is if you are incapable of completing the task they need help with.
Limited Membership: ~ Hermetics only
Oath: ~ This stricture requires that all members be loyal to the group breaking any of the other 8 strictures is also considered breaking this one.
Obedience: ~ You are required to follow orders of those members who have a higher rank than yours.
Secrecy: ~ Generally to be a Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn member one must:
1} Be a Hermetic that is chosen to join and comes of their free will.
2} Be at least the minimum age (18).
3} Be of sound mind, body, and soul, you should also have a positive street cred.
4} Have 2 references from current members or an invitation from a founder.
Avatar: ~ Thoughts on having one? This is one of the Mentor Spirits.
Patron: ~ None at this time.
Description & Customs: ~ Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn is open to Hermetics only and membership requires many obligations. The order consists of two parts: one outer part that includes an initiation system with 8 grades and one inner circle made up of the groups founders.
Exploration and understanding of:
Alchemy ~ The Operation of the Sun
Astrology ~ The Operation of the Moon
Theurgy ~ The Operation of the Stars
Neophyte: ~ Any member who has yet to achieve an Initiate grade:
Zelator: ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 1 or 2:
Theoricus: ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 3 or 4:
Practicus: ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 5 or 6:
Philosophus: ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 7 or 8:
Order: ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 9 or 10:
Culture: ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 11 or 12:
Philosophy: ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 13 or greater:
Psychology: ~ This rank is limited to the Founding members:
Mr. Baines, Mr. Stone
Due to the Secrecy Stricture getting in requires an invitation. Members are allowed to bring outsiders to the attention of the founding members so they may decide weather or not someone should be invited to the organization.
Nov 27 2007, 10:57 AM
Name: ~ Holy Order of Theurgists
Purpose: ~ The practice of magical rituals in nature performed with the intention of invoking the action of one or more gods with the goal of uniting with the divine achieving perfection in oneself.
Members: ~ 2
Attendance: ~ Mandatory meetings every Shrovetide, Epiphany, Lent, Annunciation, Holy Week, Easter, Assumption Day, Creation, and Christmas.
Dues/Resources: ~ Low/1,000 a month ~ Middle/2,500 a month ~ High/5,000 a month ~ Luxury/50,000 a month.
Exclusive Membership: ~ You can only be in this group.
Exclusive Ritual: ~ Any and all ritual Spellcasting is done with members of this group only.
Fraternity: ~ You are required to help other members in need if they ask for your help. The only limit to this stricture is if you are incapable of completing the task they need help with.
Limited Membership: ~ Christian Theurgists only
Oath: ~ This stricture requires that all members be loyal to the group breaking any of the other 8 strictures is also considered breaking this one.
Obedience: ~ You are required to follow orders of those members who have a higher rank than yours.
Secrecy: ~ Generally to be a Holy Order of Theurgists member one must:
1} Be a Christian Theurgist who is chosen to join and comes of their free will.
2} Be at least the minimum age (18).
3} Be of sound mind, body, and soul, you should also have a positive street cred.
4} Have 2 references from current members or an invitation from a founder.
Avatar: ~ Thoughts on having one? This is one of the Mentor Spirits.
Patron: ~ None at this time.
Description & Customs: ~
The Green Path ~ A favorite of ecologically minded the Green Path concentrates on controlling and understanding nature. While many consider its practitioners to be merely eccentric tree-huggers, the Green Path is still as subtle and powerful as nature itself. The Green Path probably originated from the Order of the Naturists, an old Druidic sect. According to history this path is largely based on the magic’s formerly practiced by an order of mages destroyed during the Dark Ages.
Elemental Mastery ~ With Elemental Mastery, you enjoy limited control over and communion with the four basic elements earth, fire, air, and water this path is closer to an amalgamation of Spirit Thaumaturgy and the Path of Conjuring.
Advanced elemental mastery ~ Summon Elemental you may summon one of the traditional spirits of the elements: earth, fire, air, and water. You must be near some quantity of the element corresponding to the spirit you wish to summon.
Dabbler of Will: ~ Any member who has yet to achieve an Initiate grade:
Initiate of Will: ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 1 or 2:
Apprentice of Will: ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 3 or 4:
Focus of Will: ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 5 or 6:
Advanced Focus of Will: ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 7 or 8:
Master of Will: ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 9 or 10:
Attunement of Will: ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 11 or greater:
Pure Attunement of Will: ~ This rank is limited to the Founding members:
Mr. James Morgan Pryse, Mr. James Ussher
Due to the Secrecy Stricture getting in requires an invitation. Members are allowed to bring outsiders to the attention of the founding members so they may decide weather or not someone should be invited to the organization.
Nov 27 2007, 10:57 AM
Name: ~ Monks of Tebet Zen
Purpose: ~ To Attain advanced training of magic for the benefit of its member’s. "Aware of the suffering caused by the destruction of life, I vow to cultivate compassion and learn ways to protect lives of people, animals, plants, and minerals. I am determined not to kill, not to let others kill, and not to condone any killing in the world, in my thinking, and in my way of life.�
Members: ~ 2
Attendance: ~ Mandatory meetings every 1-3 months something along the lines of moon phases or the seasons.
Dues/Resources: ~ Low/1,000 a month ~ Middle/2,500 a month ~ High/5,000 a month ~ Luxury/50,000 a month.
Exclusive Membership: ~ You can only be in this group.
Exclusive Ritual: ~ Any and all ritual Spellcasting is done with members of this group only.
Fraternity: ~ You are required to help other members in need if they ask for your help. The only limit to this stricture is if you are incapable of completing the task they need help with.
Limited Membership: ~ Buddhist only
Oath: ~ This stricture requires that all members be loyal to the group breaking any of the other 8 strictures is also considered breaking this one.
Obedience: ~ You are required to follow orders of those members who have a higher rank than yours.
Secrecy: ~ Generally to be a Monks of Tebet Zen member one must:
1} Be a Buddhist who is chosen to join and comes of their free will.
2} Be at least the minimum age (18).
3} Be of sound mind, body, and soul, you should also have a positive street cred.
4} Have 2 references from current members or an invitation from a founder.
Avatar: ~ Thoughts on having one? This is one of the Mentor Spirits.
Patron: ~ None at this time.
Description & Customs: ~ The Three Trainings or Practices:
1 ~ Sila: Virtue, good conduct, morality. The two fundamental of this principle are:
The principle of equality: that all living entities are equal.
The principle of reciprocity: do onto others as you would wish them do onto you.
2 ~ Samadhi: Concentration, meditation, mental development. Developing one's mind is the path to wisdom which in turn leads to personal freedom.
3 ~ Prajna: Discernment, insight, wisdom, enlightenment. Wisdom will emerge if your mind is pure and calm.
The Buddha's Four Noble Truths explore human suffering:
1 ~ Dukkha: Suffering exists
2 ~ Samudaya: There is a cause for suffering
3 ~ Nirodha: There is an end to suffering.
4 ~ Magga: In order to end suffering, you must follow the Eightfold Path.
Samma Ditthi: ~ Any member who has yet to achieve an Initiate grade:
Samma Sankappa: ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 1 or 2:
Samma Vaca: ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 3 or 4:
Samma Kammanta: ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 5 or 6:
Samma Ajiva: ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 7 or 8:
Samma Vayama: ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 9 or 10:
Samma Sati: ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 11 or greater:
Samma Samadhi: ~ This rank is limited to the Founding members:
Mr. Shakya, Mr. Muni
Due to the Secrecy Stricture getting in requires an invitation. Members are allowed to bring outsiders to the attention of the founding members so they may decide weather or not someone should be invited to the organization.
Nov 27 2007, 10:57 AM
Name: ~ Oasis of Soul: Sacha Runa
Purpose: ~ To Attain wholeness, wellness, wisdom and advanced training of magic for the benefit of its member’s.
Members: ~ 2
Attendance: ~ Mandatory meetings every 1-3 months something along the lines of moon phases or the seasons.
Dues/Resources: ~ Low/1,000 a month ~ Middle/2,500 a month ~ High/5,000 a month ~ Luxury/50,000 a month.
Exclusive Membership: ~ You can only be in this group.
Exclusive Ritual: ~ Any and all ritual spellcasting is done with members of this group only.
Fraternity: ~ You are required to help other members in need if they ask for your help. The only limit to this stricture is if you are incapable of completing the task they need help with.
Limited Membership: ~ Shaman’s only
Oath: ~ This stricture requires that all members be loyal to the group breaking any of the other 8 strictures is also considered breaking this one.
Obedience: ~ You are required to follow orders of those members who have a higher rank than yours.
Secrecy: ~ Generally to be an Oasis of Soul: Sacha Runa member one must:
1} Be a Shaman who is chosen to join and comes of his or her own free will.
2} Be at least the minimum age (18).
3} Be of sound mind, body, and soul, you should also have a positive street cred.
4} Have 2 references from current members or an invitation from a founder.
Avatar: ~ Thoughts on having one? This is one of the Mentor Spirits.
Patron: ~ None at this time.
Description & Customs: ~ A deeply rooted traditional system for healing and solving personal and community problems, in which a religious or healing practitioner contacts the spirits for wisdom and advice, usually through going into a trance or other altered state consciousness.
1 ~ The belief that everything and everyone is part of a pattern and thus interconnected.
2 ~ The belief in the existence of an alternate reality, often referred to as the spirit world
3 ~ The belief in the ability of some individuals to achieve transcendent states of consciousness and enter the alternate reality for problem solving and healing of self and others
4 ~ The belief in the existence of spirit helpers and teachers who reside in the alternate reality
5 ~ The belief that everything, both animate and inanimate, is imbued with a personal supernatural essence or soul
6 ~ The belief in the existence of an impersonal power or vital force that pervades all things and is expressed as life force in animate beings
7 ~ The belief in the existence of a personal energy body that can be perceived by some as an aura and can be enhanced through the energy centers within it
Anima: ~ Any member who has yet to achieve an Initiate grade:
Soul: ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 1 or 2:
Spirit: ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 3 or 4:
Life: ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 5 or 6:
Breath: ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 7 or 8:
Animus: ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 9 or 10:
Reason: ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 11 or 12:
Mind: ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 13 or greater:
Spirit: ~ This rank is limited to the Founding members:
Mr. Gantz, Mr. Quinto
Due to the Secrecy Stricture getting in requires an invitation. Members are allowed to bring outsiders to the attention of the founding members so they may decide weather or not someone should be invited to the organization.
Nov 27 2007, 10:57 AM
Name: ~ Pa-hsien Immortals
Purpose: ~ To Attain advanced training of magic for the benefit of its member’s.
The Inter-promotion of the Five Elements
For instance the spread of wood in spring creates conditions for the rise of fire in summer and restraint of metal in autumn makes preparations for the drop and hiding of water in winter
Creation: wood ~ fire ~ earth ~ metal ~ water ~ wood
The Inter-restraint of the Five Elements
For example the spread of wood can curb the excessive steadiness of earth and the dropping and hiding of water can hold back the over flaring up of fire
Control: wood ~ earth ~ water ~ fire ~ metal ~ wood
Members: ~ 2
Attendance: ~ Mandatory meetings Festival days commemorate the birth of the Three Officials:
The Heavenly Official
The Earth Official
The Water Official
Dues/Resources: ~ Low/1,000 a month ~ Middle/2,500 a month ~ High/5,000 a month ~ Luxury/50,000 a month.
Exclusive Membership: ~ You can only be in this group.
Exclusive Ritual: ~ Any and all ritual Spellcasting is done with members of this group only.
Fraternity: ~ You are required to help other members in need if they ask for your help. The only limit to this stricture is if you are incapable of completing the task they need help with.
Limited Membership: ~ Wuxing only
Oath: ~ This stricture requires that all members be loyal to the group breaking any of the other 8 strictures is also considered breaking this one.
Obedience: ~ You are required to follow orders of those members who have a higher rank than yours.
Secrecy: ~ Generally to be a Pa-hsien Immortals member one must:
1} Be a Wuxing who is chosen to join and comes of their free will.
2} Be at least the minimum age (18).
3} Be of sound mind, body, and soul, you should also have a positive street cred.
4} Have 2 references from current members or an invitation from a founder.
Avatar: ~ Thoughts on having one? This is one of the Mentor Spirits.
Patron: ~ None at this time.
Description & Customs: ~ Ancestor rituals play a central role in Chinese culture, which places great value on family. During such a ritual incense may be burned a wine offering is made at the shrine and prayers are recited both to honor the ancestor and invoke his or her blessing.
"The good who fulfill the doctrine of love and who nourish Yu-huang with incense, flowers, candles, and fruit who praise his holy name with respect and propriety such people will receive thirty kinds of very wonderful rewards."
San-ch'ing Three Pure Ones:
Yu-ch'ing (Jade Pure)
Shang-ch'ing (Upper Pure)
T'ai-ch'ing (Great Pure)
San-kuan Three Officials The San-kuan rule over all things in the three regions of the universe, keep a register of good and evil deeds and award good or bad fortune accordingly. Their compassion for all people is unbounded.
T'ien-kuan, the Ruler of Heaven, grants happiness
Ti-kuan, Ruler of Earth, grants remissions of sins
Shui-kuan, Ruler of Water, averts all evil
Lu Tung-pin: ~ Any member who has yet to achieve an Initiate grade:
Ts'ao Kuo-chiu: ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 1 or 2:
Chang Kuo-lao: ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 3 or 4:
Li T'ieh-kuai: ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 5 or 6:
Ho Hsien-ku: ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 7 or 8:
Han Hsiang-tsu: ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 9 or greater:
Han Chung-li: ~ This rank is limited to the Founding members:
Mr. Li-Uhr, Mr. Zhang
Due to the Secrecy Stricture getting in requires an invitation. Members are allowed to bring outsiders to the attention of the founding members so they may decide weather or not someone should be invited to the organization.
Nov 27 2007, 10:57 AM
Name: ~ Sages of the Asatru
Purpose: ~ The Nine Noble Virtues:
The Will to live, to choose, and to act in all worlds for healing and wholeness at all times
The Light to guide one's acts in all worlds
In deeds in all worlds, acknowledging the inner nobility we all possess
To be true to the Gods, one's ideals and deepest hopes
The enthusiasm to attempt to excel by self-control and dedication
To share in all spheres with those whose heart, mind and soul are true
To strive for effectiveness, wholeness and holiness
Trust in one’s strength and integrity to achieve one's goals
To embrace the Path until its completion, accepting graciously the outcome all workings in all levels, be it failure or success
Practice with the Nine Virtues
1 ~ Find a magical name for yourself. You did not have the chance to choose your name when you were born: your parents did it for you. So now you have the chance to Name yourself for the Magical Journeys with the Elder Futhark.
2 ~ When you have "acquired" your magical name, think of the Virtues that are the easiest for you, the ones that you find that call upon your soul more deeply. You could perhaps build a motto or meaningful phrase with them as a code of honor and conduct for your magical Journey.
3 ~ Think of the Virtues that are the hardest for you to develop, and make a wish so that these difficult qualities can come your way as the Journey with the Elder Futhark unfolds. You have just created a name and a motto, the first steps towards building your Magical Personality. The Magical Personality is the Real Robe of the Magician, the initiate's unique inner and outer view of the Mysteries or Inner Treasures of the Soul and beyond s/he tries to reveal in her/his acts in daily life as s/he trails all worlds and spheres. This is a long process involving deep knowledge of one's potentials and the Rune is a threshold for knowing oneself better, if studied with zeal, dedication, and devotion in the True Light of the Norse Tradition.
Members: ~ 2
Attendance: ~ Mandatory meetings. The ancient Norse year was divided into two seasons: Summer and winter. Summer began at the festival of Eostre close to the Spring Equinox and winter began at the festival of Winternights close to the Autumn Equinox. Between these two festivals were the festival of Midsummer at the Summer Solstice and the festival of Jul at the Winter Solstice.
Dues/Resources: ~ Low/1,000 a month ~ Middle/2,500 a month ~ High/5,000 a month ~ Luxury/50,000 a month.
Exclusive Membership: ~ You can only be in this group.
Exclusive Ritual: ~ Any and all ritual Spellcasting is done with members of this group only.
Fraternity: ~ You are required to help other members in need if they ask for your help. The only limit to this stricture is if you are incapable of completing the task they need help with.
Limited Membership: ~ Norse only
Oath: ~ This stricture requires that all members be loyal to the group breaking any of the other 8 strictures is also considered breaking this one.
Obedience: ~ You are required to follow orders of those members who have a higher rank than yours.
Secrecy: ~ Generally to be a Sages of the Asatru member one must:
1} Be a Norse who is chosen to join and comes of their free will.
2} Be at least the minimum age (18).
3} Be of sound mind, body, and soul, you should also have a positive street cred.
4} Have 2 references from current members or an invitation from a founder.
Avatar: ~ Thoughts on having one? This is one of the Mentor Spirits.
Patron: ~ None at this time.
Description & Customs: ~ There are several different modern practices of Heathenry. The main religious tradition is known as Asatru, meaning "loyalty or troth to the Gods.� The main focus of Asatru has been to recapture and reconstruct the ancient tribal religion of the Norse through the recordings of the lore and the sagas. Unfortunately, most sagas are not intact, and have been highly influenced by Christian philosophy, so the task of reconstruction is rather difficult. Asatru is one of the noblest religions, but its current infrastructure lends itself to some squabbling and infighting among the various sects concerning interpretations of the sagas, due in part to the unavailability of complete information. There is also great disparity among the groups, ranging from those who believe that only those of the Nordic blood line can practice Asatru, to more progressive branches which welcome all people. Asatru, however, is not about political agendas, but about in pledging one's faith to the Gods and living one's life in the most honorable manner. Asatru is also very much concerned with maintaining family and community; two major concerns of the Norse people.
Ragnarök was the doom of the gods and men, and heralded the destruction of the Nine Worlds. To the Germans, Ragnarök was called Götterdämmerung Nothing will escape the coming destruction, whether you live in heaven and on earth. The war will be wage between the goods and the evils. The goods are the Aesir, led by Odin, ruler of the gods. The evils are the giants and monsters led by Loki. Yet the strangest thing about Ragnarök was that the gods already knew what was going to happen through the prophecy: who will be killed and by whom, who would survive, what happen to those in the other world and so forth. Despite, knowing their fates, the gods will still defiantly face their destiny, as brave as any hero in a saga. The Norse gods knew what was to come, and knew they could not do anything to prevent prophecy coming to pass.
Nidavellir: ~ Any member who has yet to achieve an Initiate grade:
Vanaheim: ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 1 or 2:
Midgard: ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 3 or 4:
Muspelheim: ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 5 or 6:
Niflheim: ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 7 or 8:
Svartalfheim: ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 9 or 10:
Alfheim: ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 11 or 12:
Jötunheim: ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 13 or greater:
Asgard: ~ This rank is limited to the Founding members:
Mr. Ragnarr, Mr. Nikolas
Due to the Secrecy Stricture getting in requires an invitation. Members are allowed to bring outsiders to the attention of the founding members so they may decide weather or not someone should be invited to the organization.
Nov 27 2007, 10:58 AM
Name: ~ Shinto Taikyo
Purpose: ~ To Attain advanced training of magic for the benefit of its member’s. Shinto is wholly devoted to life in this world and emphasizes man's essential goodness.
Members: ~ 2
Attendance: ~ Mandatory meetings Seasonal celebrations are held at spring planting, fall harvest, and special anniversaries of the history of a shrine or of a local patron spirit. A secular country-wide National Founding Day is held on February 11th to commemorate the founding of Japan. Some shrines are believed to hold festivities on that day. Other festivals include: January 1st to 3rd Shogatsu, March 3rd Hinamatsuri, May 5th Tango no Sekku, and July 7th Hoshi Matsuri
Dues/Resources: ~ Low/1,000 a month ~ Middle/2,500 a month ~ High/5,000 a month ~ Luxury/50,000 a month.
Exclusive Membership: ~ You can only be in this group.
Exclusive Ritual: ~ Any and all ritual Spellcasting is done with members of this group only.
Fraternity: ~ You are required to help other members in need if they ask for your help. The only limit to this stricture is if you are incapable of completing the task they need help with.
Limited Membership: ~ Shinto only
Oath: ~ This stricture requires that all members be loyal to the group breaking any of the other 8 strictures is also considered breaking this one.
Obedience: ~ You are required to follow orders of those members who have a higher rank than yours.
Secrecy: ~ Generally to be a Shinto Taikyo member one must:
1} Be a Shinto who is chosen to join and comes of their free will.
2} Be at least the minimum age (18).
3} Be of sound mind, body, and soul, you should also have a positive street cred.
4} Have 2 references from current members or an invitation from a founder.
Avatar: ~ Thoughts on having one? This is one of the Mentor Spirits.
Patron: ~ None at this time.
Description & Customs: ~ There are "Four Affirmations" in Shinto:
Tradition and the family: The family is seen as the main mechanism by which traditions are preserved. Their main celebrations relate to birth and marriage.
Love of nature: Nature is sacred; to be in contact with nature is to be close to the Gods. Natural objects are worshipped as sacred spirits.
Physical cleanliness: Followers of Shinto take baths, wash their hands, and rinse out their mouth often.
"Matsuri": The worship and honor given to the Kami and ancestral spirits.
Izumo-Oyashiro-Kyo: ~ Any member who has yet to achieve an Initiate grade:
Omoto-Kyo: ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 1 or 2:
Jikko-Kyo: ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 3 or 4:
Misogi-Kyo: ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 5 or 6:
Shinshu-Kyo: ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 7 or 8:
Shinto-Shuseiha: ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 9 or 10:
Shinri-Kyo: ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 11 or 12:
Shinto Taisei-Kyo: ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 13 or greater:
Ontake-Kyo: ~ This rank is limited to the Founding members:
Mr. Miso, Mr. Izumo
Due to the Secrecy Stricture getting in requires an invitation. Members are allowed to bring outsiders to the attention of the founding members so they may decide weather or not someone should be invited to the organization.
Nov 27 2007, 10:58 AM
Name: ~ Warriors of the Codex of Mendoza
Purpose: ~ To Attain advanced training of magic for the benefit of its member’s. To reach Mictlan
The nine Aztec trials a soul must go through to get to Mictlan paradise of the north are as follows:
1 ~ Cross a deep river dogs were buried with their dead owners to guide them on this journey
2 ~ Pass between two mountains which were joined together
3 ~ Climb an obsidian mountain
4 ~ Pass through icy wind that cut like a knife
5 ~ Pass through a place where flags waved
6 ~ Be pierced by arrows
7 ~ Pass among wild beasts which ate human hearts
8 ~ Pass over a narrow path of stone
9 ~ Reach this level where the soul found rest
Members: ~ 2
Attendance: ~ Mandatory meetings every 1-3 months something along the lines of moon phases or the seasons.
Dues/Resources: ~ Low/1,000 a month ~ Middle/2,500 a month ~ High/5,000 a month ~ Luxury/50,000 a month.
Exclusive Membership: ~ You can only be in this group.
Exclusive Ritual: ~ Any and all ritual Spellcasting is done with members of this group only.
Fraternity: ~ You are required to help other members in need if they ask for your help. The only limit to this stricture is if you are incapable of completing the task they need help with.
Limited Membership: ~ Aztecs only
Oath: ~ This stricture requires that all members be loyal to the group breaking any of the other 8 strictures is also considered breaking this one.
Obedience: ~ You are required to follow orders of those members who have a higher rank than yours.
Secrecy: ~ Generally to be a Warriors of the Codex of Mendoza member one must:
1} Be an Aztec who is chosen to join and comes of their free will.
2} Be at least the minimum age (18).
3} Be of sound mind, body, and soul, you should also have a positive street cred.
4} Have 2 references from current members or an invitation from a founder.
Avatar: ~ Thoughts on having one? This is one of the Mentor Spirits.
Patron: ~ None at this time.
Description & Customs: ~ Principal beliefs and major gods
Deities were plentiful, diverse, and like Aztec society were arranged hierarchically. The majority were anthropomorphic or human-like. Space was also hierarchically ordered in horizontal and vertical dimensions. There were five directions which included the center and 13 tiers above the earth and 9 below. Ometecutli "Lord of Duality" and Omecihuatl "Lady of Duality" initially created all life and produced four sons named Tezcatlipoca who represented different cardinal directions and who were associated with different colors. Two of the sons, Quetzalcoatl and Huitzilopochtli created fire, the first humans, the calendar, the underworld and its gods, the heavens, water and its gods, and the earth. Four ages, periods, or "suns" of 2028 years ensued and were terminated with cataclysms.
Different humans in each period were destroyed or transformed. In the fifth or current "sun" Tezcatlipoca and Quetzalcoatl recreated heaven, earth, and the inhabitants. Some deities required human blood for nourishment such as Tonatiuh, the sun god, and Huitzilopochtli, patron of the Mexica, and so war to obtain captives was undertaken and blood sacrifices including heart extraction were performed.
Calli (House): ~ Any member who has yet to achieve an Initiate grade:
Miquiztli (Death): ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 1 or 2:
Ehecatl (Wind): ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 3 or 4:
Atl (Water): ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 5 or 6:
Malinalli (Grass): ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 7 or 8:
Cipactli (Crocodile): ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 9 or 10:
Cuauhti (Eagle): ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 11 or 12:
Ocelotl (Jaguar): ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 13 or greater:
Coatl (Snake): ~ This rank is limited to the Founding members:
Mr. Eloxoti, Mr. Huetzin
Due to the Secrecy Stricture getting in requires an invitation. Members are allowed to bring outsiders to the attention of the founding members so they may decide weather or not someone should be invited to the organization.
Nov 27 2007, 10:58 AM
Name: ~ Wiccan Warders
Purpose: ~ To Attain advanced training of magic for the benefit of its member’s.
Members: ~ 2
Attendance: ~ Mandatory meetings During Equinoxes ~ Spring, Autumn and Solstices ~ Summer, Winter
Dues/Resources: ~ Low/1,000 a month ~ Middle/2,500 a month ~ High/5,000 a month ~ Luxury/50,000 a month.
Exclusive Membership: ~ You can only be in this group.
Exclusive Ritual: ~ Any and all ritual Spellcasting is done with members of this group only.
Fraternity: ~ You are required to help other members in need if they ask for your help. The only limit to this stricture is if you are incapable of completing the task they need help with.
Limited Membership: ~ Wiccan only
Oath: ~ This stricture requires that all members be loyal to the group breaking any of the other 8 strictures is also considered breaking this one.
Obedience: ~ You are required to follow orders of those members who have a higher rank than yours.
Secrecy: ~ Generally to be an Wiccan Warders member one must:
1} Be a Wiccan who is chosen to join and comes of their free will.
2} Be at least the minimum age (18).
3} Be of sound mind, body, and soul, you should also have a positive street cred.
4} Have 2 references from current members or an invitation from a founder.
Avatar: ~ Thoughts on having one? This is one of the Mentor Spirits.
Patron: ~ None at this time.
Description & Customs: ~
1 ~ The Power shall not be used to bring harm, to injure, or control others. If the need arises the Power can be used to protect life.
2 ~ The Power is used only as need dictates.
3 ~ The Power can be used for your own gain, as long as by doing so you do no harm.
4 ~ It is unwise to accept money for use of the Power, for it quickly controls its taker.
5 ~ Use not the Power for prideful gain, for such cheapens the mysteries of Wicca and magic.
6 ~ Remember the Power is a sacred gift from Goddess & God it should never be misused or abused.
1 ~ Know yourself
2 ~ Know your Craft
3 ~ Learn
4 ~ Apply knowledge with wisdom
5 ~ Achieve balance
6 ~ Keep your words in good order
7 ~ Keep your thoughts in good order
8 ~ Celebrate life
9 ~ Attune with the cycles of the Earth
10 ~ Breathe and eat correctly
11 ~ Exercise the body
12 ~ Meditate
13 ~ Honor the Goddess and God
Ranks: All members are really equal unless it is a special gathering
Low Priest: ~ Any member who has yet to achieve an Initiate grade:
Low Priestess: ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 1 or 2:
Junior Priest: ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 3 or 4:
Junior Priestess: ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 5 or 6:
Priest: ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 7 or 8:
Priestess: ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 9 or 10:
High Priest: ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 11 or greater:
High Priestess: ~ This rank is limited to the Founding members:
Wendy Gardner, Mr. Aidan
Due to the Secrecy Stricture getting in requires an invitation. Members are allowed to bring outsiders to the attention of the founding members so they may decide weather or not someone should be invited to the organization.
Nov 27 2007, 12:40 PM
Mod Voice: All of Casazil's Initiation Group threads have been merged. If one or more of these provoke detailed discussion, I'm not adverse to breaking them off into separate threads. However, I'd prefer that these descriptions be kept together in one location.
SRM Coordinator Voice: This is the first I've seen of these. If your GM is cool with you joining any of these groups, then they're probably fine. However, I've not had time to read them. So, YMMV on whether they're appropriate.
Nov 27 2007, 06:49 PM
Um ok well what ever I didn't see any issues with them being seperate posts to start with so that no extra work would be needed.
Not to mention excessively long posts tend to drive people away.
Or so it seems to due to the fact that there are lots of people who ask the same questions over and over again in the same thread because they don't want to take the time to read all the posts and or really long posts.
This took me over 2 hours to set up in a nice clean one post per group lay out that was easy to look over and get right to the point.
I did this so that players would only have to look for their tradition rather than read some massive post and then dig through all the answers, questions, and comments for other groups just to find out what may or may not be happening with the group they wish to help form.
I'm really not tring to offened anyone here but it was alot of work and I stayed up late to do it.
With 610723 post already in place on the boards was an addtional 21 really hurting anything?
Feb 29 2008, 05:34 AM
Casazil, very nice work, sir!
I glanced over them and they're pretty neat. I also noticed they seem to have Tradition as a defining characteristic in many (if not most) cases. What you could do to make them easily referenced is have a list of Traditions and maybe a blurb on them in a list in post #1 and have the listed items be a link to the post# of this thread. That way someone playing a Shinto could skip straight to the Shinto portion of the thread. (for example)
Aztec Tradition (Warriors of the Codex of Mendoza)
Black Jack Rackham
Feb 29 2008, 04:14 PM
So, Dunner, Casazil, How does one go about joining any of these groups/making them official?
The Shinto group would be perfect for my SRM character (a Swordsman Adept).
Feb 29 2008, 05:39 PM
QUOTE (Black Jack Rackham @ Feb 29 2008, 11:14 AM)
So, Dunner, Casazil, How does one go about joining any of these groups/making them official?
The Shinto group would be perfect for my SRM character (a Swordsman Adept).
A group requires at least two members. If you want to go ahead and create a new thread for that group with an indication that you're looking for additional members, please do so.
Feb 29 2008, 11:03 PM
All the groups I put together were done so with me having made 2 characters for each one as founding members although I have only a few fleshed out I can easily work up full stats on any and all characters should they be needed.
However the main point of me putting these together was so others would have a starting point to work with and form groups with which to initiate in SRM's. So with that said just follow what Dunner said and start a new thread with the group you want to work on in the first post add your characters name to the founders. Then either in the same post or in a new one ask if anyone else wants to work on it with you or just join it as a member. Feel free to change things up that all members feel need changeing or just run with it as it is if everyone is ok with what I put together.
Once you have at least a couple of people involved ask Dunner if he'll give it his offical seal of approveal.
Mar 3 2008, 12:28 PM
QUOTE (Casazil @ Feb 29 2008, 06:03 PM)
All the groups I put together were done so with me having made 2 characters for each one as founding members although I have only a few fleshed out I can easily work up full stats on any and all characters should they be needed.
Unless those characters are ones who have played through SRMs and earned Karma to found a group, those aren't enough. Groups for SRM need to be formed by player characters.
I went ahead and split the Zoroastrian group off into a separate thread, since Whitelaughter has expressed an interest. However, he'll need another Zoroastrian magician who's interested in initiating and has the requisite Karma in order to found the group.