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Full Version: New to SRM and... what's next?
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun Missions
Just recently picked up SR4 and started in on the SRM campaign (up through 02-06 now and looking to play more, though not a lot of Shadowrun play here in Atlanta) and loving it so far.

I noticed in another thread though that the Denver story arc is 25 missions, which means the last mission comes out in or around March - I'm wondering, what comes after that? I ask because (i) I wonder if my current SRM character will be able to continue after the Denver arc and (ii) I have some mission ideas and would love to become a contributor (once I lock down the rules and have a better sense of the campaign world) to the campaign eventually.

Looking forward to playing with some of you at DragonCon (probably the next time I'll be able to play)... and if anyone here has a group that runs in Atlanta, do tell wink.gif

The next story arc will be set in New York city. However, we haven't yet disclosed anything beyond that. smile.gif
Hey phantastik always good to see another Atlanta player around smile.gif, I plan on attending Dragon con this year so I might see you their.

Phantastik--Once you get your head around the rules, if you want to get involved with contributing a Mission, drop Dunner an e-mail. You will want to include an outline of the Mission and probably a short writing sample. Generally the outline has a synopsis of the Key Players, a scene by scene description of the flow of events and a brief section on how it can tie to other Missions. The outline will then be massaged into something that will work for the campaign. (NB--all of our work is collaborative which means the story we suggest will be modified to fit the campaign needs...sometimes this is minor, other times fairly major. Don't take the adjustments personally, there are often items happening in the background that aren't disclosed.)

The collaborative nature of the Missions writing team means that we all see A LOT of peer review. If you want to talk more about the "noob to contributor" process, you can shoot me a PM and I'll share my experience of the transition. Aaron and others also have experiences on different levels.
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