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Full Version: Do you play a magician interested in forming an initiatory group?
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun Missions
Hopefully this will make it easier for magicians to find each other, and create groups!
Hey guys,

This is fine, but if you're responding to the poll, it'd be better if you also gave your info in the thread. Just the poll isn't going to help anybody find each other. smile.gif

Also, I'd appreciate it if anybody choosing to start a group would go ahead and split off a new thread for that.
Could my fellow Zoroastrian have a look at the Barshnum Guild and tell me what you think?

Black Jack Rackham
I mentioned this in another thread but I can always repeat it here (and start a new thread for the Shinto group while Im at it). I have an Adept who follows the warriors way, who'd be PERFECT for the Shinto group that Cazail posted a while ago. I'm looking for a couple others to get this up and started.
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