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Full Version: Spirit Pacts?
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun Missions
My question is about spirit pacts from Steet Magic for Mission characters. Are we able to develop spirit formula and make pacts with free spirits. I think that gaining immunity to aging would be a pretty big temtation for most mages or shamans even including that the risks would be high for becoming the host for there formula. I dont have the book in front of me and I have only skimmed through the material so I dont know alot of detail on the "how to" but it looks pretty cool.

QUOTE (R-Caine @ Mar 3 2008, 02:56 PM) *
My question is about spirit pacts from Steet Magic for Mission characters.

If you're referring to the quality (SM26), then it's certainly allowable at character creation, or through buying a new quality with karma. If you're referring to establishing a pact with an NPC free spirit (SM108), then I don't think we've introduced any free spirit NPCs with the requisite Spirit Pact power. (If I'm wrong and we've introduced one, please correct me.)
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