Aug 20 2003, 04:50 AM
The first thing you have to know is that I lack intelligence.
The second is that I'm using Rigger 3 rules to create a Motorcycle. The Ares Ocelot Rigging Motorcycle. First motorcycle ever to mount a Rigging mod. Most other vehicle companies realized that when you're going 200 km/h and you fall down, it's a bad idea to get dragged along by your head. But not Ares Macrotech! The Ocelot is an utterly, utterly tricked-out racing bike - with full speed improvements and turbocharging, it can go at a speed of 300! It also has a signature of negative 2. So, here are my questions . . .
- I am enough of an idiot to produce and purchase the N-Type Ocelot. It mounts a weapon. However, am I correct in assuming that since it doesn't specify otherwise, microturrets can be controlled by a rigger in control?
- What's the deal with the signature? How low can it go?
Thank you in advance for your answers.
Allow me to addend myself. After a closer examination of the rules, I can safely conclude that turrets can be fired by a rigging rigger. I have also concluded that a turret requires more CF than my bike could theoretically have. That said, the signature question still stands.
Aug 20 2003, 06:25 AM
Actually a bike can easily mount a popup remote micro turret. @ actually if I remember correctly.
Build StreetHawk! <Cue cheezy theme music>
Aug 20 2003, 12:18 PM
Signature is a composite of a vehicle's radar/acoustic/thermal profile. The lower the signature, the easier it is to detect the vehicle. Very little improves signature beyond the design mod of Signature Improvement, as well as thermal baffles and RAM.
Also, if you're designing a rigged motorcycle, don't forget to include Motorcycle Gyrostabilization gear. (p. 129, R3)
Aug 20 2003, 12:38 PM
Signature is a composite of a vehicle's radar/acoustic/thermal profile. The lower the signature, the easier it is to detect the vehicle. Very little improves signature beyond the design mod of Signature Improvement, as well as thermal baffles and RAM.
I know what it is, but like I said, my (normally Signature 2) motorcycle now has 4 levels of turbocharging. What does that do to my signature? Is it now 1? Or can one have negative signature?
Aug 20 2003, 12:46 PM
Since the lowest target number you can have in SR is 2, it wouldn't make much sense to have a sig lower than 1.
Aug 20 2003, 01:00 PM
QUOTE (grendel @ Aug 20 2003, 08:46 AM) |
Since the lowest target number you can have in SR is 2, it wouldn't make much sense to have a sig lower than 1. |
There are modifiers to most types of sensor rolls, so yes, having a signature of -2 would still be a valid thing. Detecting someone in Seattle always has a +2 modifier to the sensors role, and often has +4 (+1 urban +1 restricted terrain, and possibly, +1 fog/rain and an extra +1 for tight terrain). Not to mention any modifiers from ECM that may be in use.
Aug 20 2003, 03:05 PM
QUOTE (MachineProphet) |
First motorcycle ever to mount a Rigging mod. |
By this, do you mean to say that no other bikes have ever been Rigged? If so, that is not true, as far as I know.
Aug 20 2003, 04:15 PM
By this, do you mean to say that no other bikes have ever been Rigged? If so, that is not true, as far as I know. |
I'm not saying it's the first motorcycle to ever be rigged, but judging by the fact that there are no "Rigger Motorcycles" in Rigger 3, the most up-to-date vehicle book I have (I don't have SOTA '63, at least not yet), I'm assuming there are no mass produced, commercial Riggercycles. We've got the Ocelot, the Ocelot N-Type with a fixed weapon hardpoint, and next is the Hurricane Rigged Chopper. For people who really want to hang themselves . . .
Sep 10 2003, 05:16 AM
Another poster who lacks Rigger 3-
Ok, If I fit a pop-up remote micro turret, will I be able to fit an Ares Sentry gun into it?
(I came by a useful windfall, decided that the Roadmaster lacked...well, everything and invested in a Saab A9. Gotta love the extras!)
Accoring to Fields of fire, you can shove pretty much any LMG/MMG into the sentry unit (I've gone for a caseless HVAR - name-brand whore that I am) and it'll be fine.
But the info I've got doesn't say if the micro-turret will have the CF to fit the sentry unit (Sans legs, I'll keep the motorised tripod!) or will I have to use up a little more space?
Questions, answers, etc?
(Btw, I love the fact that the sentry computer has a higer INT, higher INIT and a higher firearms skill than I do. )
Sep 10 2003, 06:38 AM
i think that, with the CF req's and all, the best you're going to be able to do is maybe an internal firmpoint. that'll give you room for an HVAR, though; not bad, for a bike.
Sep 10 2003, 12:05 PM
Pop-up micro turrets have a weapon value of one, which means they can mount an SMG, Microwave Designator, or Rifle. The Ares Sentry is a little more intensive than any of those options. Rigger3 rewrote some of the stats for the Sentry II weapon as well, turning it into a towed trailer rather than a stand-alone weapon.
Sep 10 2003, 02:55 PM
Sorry - should have mentioned that it's going into an Audi A9 - rally car. 3 m of space in the back, some of which taken up by the troll-modded seat and steering assembly for dual controls.
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