QUOTE (sunnyside @ Aug 1 2008, 02:17 AM)

I'd be especially interested in ones where the characters are actually acting rather like Shadowrunners.
I just downloaded and watched
Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles. What can I say? There is no magic
(unless you count time travel), no Mr. Johnson
(unless you count John Connor in the future), and no megacorp
(unless you count Skynet, and its builders). There are no elves, dwarves or trolls, but there are plenty of cyborgs, and the threat of an emerging AI. There is no UGE or SURGE, either. They make up for it with plenty of leg-work.
Oh yeah! Don't forget the tech toys!
Do the characters act like Shadowrunners? I vote:
YES!!!There are bodyguards, faces, fixers, hackers, infiltration specialists, investigators, samurai, smugglers. street docs, tech wizards, weapon specialists, etc. They alternate between SIN-less and criminal SIN-ners. They constantly blur the line separating good guys from bad guys.
Skills used so-far: Automatics, Blades, Clubs, Escape Artist, Exotic Melee Weapon (Various), Forgery, Gymnastics, Infiltration, Locksmith, Palming, Pistols, Unarmed Combat, Dodge, Pilot Ground Craft, Climbing, Running, Con, Etiquette, Instruction, Intimidation, Leadership, Negotiation, Artisan, Disguise, Language, Perception, Shadowing, Tracking, Armorer, Computer, Cybertechnology, Data Search, Demolitions, First Aid, Hacking, Hardware, Medicine, Software, Survival. Also, various Interest, Professional, and Street Knowledges. I'm waiting for them to introduce Cybercombat in Season 2.
There was a scene in episode nine where a runner and his samurai visit a SIN manufacturer and his bodyguards. I could actually picture the runner rolling the dice on his knowledge skill before identifying the meaning of the inscription on a sword hanging on a wall at the meeting site.