QUOTE (Krule @ Sep 17 2008, 12:38 AM)

First, you've taken a dwarf, that means for you, Willpower is your best stat, concider redoing your attributes for a Willpower of 7.. mind you, it's only a suggestion.. but every bit helps, and with focused concentration.. your base, before including Logic, is 9 for drain, and for a mage, those Drain stats are very.. very Important!
Hardmaxing an Attribute is not always a good thing, 25 points hurts. Drain stats, while important, are by no means the major thing you should be looking at.
Step two... drop the cyberware/bioware... I think, in part, this may be your old gun bunny mentality is working here.. that Cyberware is good... rethink this.. for a mage.. any essence loss is bad... sometimes it's worth the drop.. but if I was going to do this, I'm raise the magic to 6, so that the drop was only to 5, rather then all the way to 4.. IMO, a mage should always start with a magic of at least 5.. Cerebral Boosters are very good for a Logic based mage, but I think it's something you should concider later, after playing with a mage for a while, and getting a better feel for one, not now.., giveing mage your first shot. Again, this is a suggestion, oh, and I should point out, if you must have that logic increase... concider this, an Increase Logic spell, with a Sustaining Focus, can do more for you, without the essence loss, subsequent hit in magic your taking.
Starting with a Magic of 4, while not optimal, is not necessarily bad. I have done it before without many issues. Cerebral Boosters are a very good choice, & Platelet Factories can very easily substitute for removing Focused Concentration & leaving Willpower at 6. Cybereyes (I
hate cyber...) can be useful. If you really want Willpower 7, consider taking Genetic Optimization. You can fit all of that into 1 Essence. If you can afford it, it is a good choice.
Next concideration... in the Astral, Intuition is Reaction, it's more important to a mage then reaction, concider trading your reaction down to 3, for a intuition of 5, it will make you more more capable in The Astral. If your worried about combat, with Armor, Combat Sense, and Increase Reflexes... you'll be better off.. so also, grab the armor spell.
In almost all cases, Increase Body is superior to Armor; it gives you the same resistance dice, is not affected by Armor Penetration, allows you to take more hits before dropping, & assists with resisting Toxins & similar. Further, it is less Drain.
Intuition is not all that important for a non-intuition based magician - 4 is plenty. How often is he really going to be fighting in astral? For some reason, I seriously doubt as much as the physical.
Four... You have only have Summoning?! This is bad!! For a mage, espcially a combat mage, this means you can't bind, or dispell any spirits, and Spirits are arguably, one of the more powerful options a mage has, they don't cost karma to gain, like spells.. You've given up at least 25%-30% if not more of your combat capability by not being able to bind spirits for long term capabilties, take a look at page 178-179, and concider if you really want to give this up. As to banishing, you lack here also, which means if you encounter a spirit, you have to fight them, rather then banish, and you don't even have a weapon focus, your will might be strong enough to make your attacks have affect, especially as a dwarf.. but do you really want to count on that?.. mind you, banishing doesn't always succeed.. but having the option could mean the difference between survival or not... if you want to be sorcery focused, that's fine and appropriate for a Combat Mage, but don't handicap yourself this bad for it, at least concider binding to level 2, and banshing to 1.. or taking the whole conjuring group to level 2 or 3.
I do not suggest Banishing - it has it's uses, but I have always found Manabolt to be far more effective at removing hostile spirits. It is, however, pretty much requried if you intend to play a Toxic magician, as that is the only way to corrupt spirits.
Five... Assessing is your friend.. for the mage, arguably more so then perception, perception is limited to your 5 senses, Assessing can give you much more information.. like emotional state, health, mundain or awakened, presence of cyberware.. and that's just the begining.. look on page 183, and then really concider if you don't want some preception also.
Forgot to mention this; yes, Assessing is very much a neccesity. If you do not intend to take it, save yourself some points & switch to Mystic Adept (assign all your Magic to spellcasting, you have lost nothing, while opening up possibilities for future advancement).
Six, this is optional, if you have Street Magic, also concider Arcana for the long term effects, being able to design your own spells, irather then buying them, or going to someone else to learn them from, you can create your own spell formulas... it will save you over time.
Arcana - needed if you want to join a Magical Group (suggested). Effective on a Hermetic magician. But otherwise, usually a waste of points on a combat mage.