looking at the Invoking table on p56 Street Magic
Hits Result
0–1 The Invoking fails.
2 The spirit grows visibly bigger and more powerful
(+1 Reach) when materialized, and the bond
to its summoner is reinforced—the spirit gains
a +1 dice pool modifier to resist Banishing attempts
per hit on the Invoking Test.
3 The spirit gains access to an additional power
from its list of Optional Powers, exactly as if it
had a Force 3 higher than it actually has.
4 Any of the spirit’s powers with a range of LOS
may be used with a range of LOS (A). In addition,
the spirit’s Engulf power (if any) may also
be used with a range of LOS (A) if desired.
Unlike normal area effects, the spirit may voluntarily
choose not to affect any number of targets
within the target area.
5 The spirit gains a unique great form power appropriate
to its type; see Great Form Powers, below.
6+ Each net hit over 5 adds 1 point to each of the great
form spirit’s materialized or possession Physical attributes
(up to the augmented maximum).
0–1 The Invoking fails.
2 The spirit grows visibly bigger and more powerful
(+1 Reach) when materialized, and the bond
to its summoner is reinforced—the spirit gains
a +1 dice pool modifier to resist Banishing attempts
per hit on the Invoking Test.
3 The spirit gains access to an additional power
from its list of Optional Powers, exactly as if it
had a Force 3 higher than it actually has.
4 Any of the spirit’s powers with a range of LOS
may be used with a range of LOS (A). In addition,
the spirit’s Engulf power (if any) may also
be used with a range of LOS (A) if desired.
Unlike normal area effects, the spirit may voluntarily
choose not to affect any number of targets
within the target area.
5 The spirit gains a unique great form power appropriate
to its type; see Great Form Powers, below.
6+ Each net hit over 5 adds 1 point to each of the great
form spirit’s materialized or possession Physical attributes
(up to the augmented maximum).
All these seem to be for materialization spirits. If this metamagic is only for Materialization traditions what would you suggest for Possession Traditions?