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Full Version: SRMs running in Mid-Michigan
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun Missions
Hi folks! Wellm the new system is official, and I now make this known.

CARP (Capital Area Role Players, CARP Homepage) will be running it at game days and at the upcomming Foundation convention (Foundation) We're not sure what events will be there, probably the first two modules. As soon as I figure out how to request them. Keep an eye on us!
Update! The March Foundation-con should have ShadowRun Missions. We have requested the first two (Bitrunner, I'm looking at you.....) and I hope to have them soon, so I can Slot 0 the judges. Well, the judges other than me.. Unless the only tables I get are the judges.

I posted the website in the main message, so go! Come to Lansing and play! Please! Otherwise, I'll never get the fun of killin... I mean running another Shadowrun group!

Intresting, although I noticed there seems to be no mention of what amembership costs for a primary on your site, nor does there seem to be a form to print out for membership.

Oh well Lansing is a half hour drive anyways...
Primary CARP membership is $15/year. It should be up there. But the website has been having problems lately.

Foundation has no real members, AFAIK. They're just there to run the convention.
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