I hope there is anyone here who can really answer this question for me. We seem to have some trouble solving this:
My magician has the following interpretation:
You have to be on the same plane as the spells/powers target when it is cast/activated. Afterwards you can change from the Physical World to Astral Space or the other way around or even travel to a metaplane without any problems and the spell/power is still active. My interpretation of the rules is that you not only have to be on the same plane as the target in order to cast a spell or activate a power but you also have to stay on that plane of existance if you want to continue sustaining that power.
a) A magician casts Improved Invisiblity on the team's Streetsam and then leaves his body to astrally project and scout ahead. He continues to sustain the spell withouth being in the physical world.
b) A spirit is ordered to use his Concealment power on the Streetsam and then leave the Physical World and hide in Astral Space while sustaining the power. He might even be ordered to return to his metaplane and continue sustaining it.
Is that really possible? It seems somehow strange to me that you have to be on the same plane to cast a spell but could leave it while still sustaining it. I hope someone can help us with that problem!
Thanks a lot!