Jul 23 2009, 08:32 PM
I've been working on a character for some time now that is a Martial Art Street Samurai. He is Filipino Ork and I'm working on his background. I'm up to speed from Shadows of Asia of 3rd edition but I've been looking through the newer stuff and I've not seen anything to update the Philippines. Some help would be nice.
opps, somehow I posted this to the wrong area. My bad.
Jul 23 2009, 08:58 PM
Moved to Shadowrun Discussion Forum
Jul 24 2009, 01:25 AM
There's a sidelong approach to it, in Running Wild. Page 79 has a section on Masaru which covers a few salient bits about the expulsion of the Imperial Japanese and free elections. For more info, I think you are going to have to wait a bit...
Jul 24 2009, 01:41 AM
Sweet, I'm currently waiting for Randell to get back from Vacation to get my copy of Running Wild. Until then I'll just go with what I have then.
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