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Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
hi hi

Whipped up a little something for a Shadowrun character. I guess there's not really much to it that would specifically say Shadowrun, but I figure someone might enjoy it. The concept was a sort of a street samurai tank, but none of the augmentations would be particularly visible at first glance, except perhaps the 1000 yard stare which was the result of so much essence loss. Then again, many shadowrunners try to conceal the fact that they are such.

The Art

Bone Density x4
Wired Reflexes x2
Muscle Augmentation and Toner x2
Nice style. Different that what we're used to seeing, it's nice.
really smooth and clear, could almost pass as a screen from some kind of animation.
I was going to say it looks slightly like a cyberpunk version of DP9's Heavy Gear. My first thought was "Geez, it's like the Cantina from Episode IV". I like it. I really do. We're always happy to see more...

As an aside, I always thought characters with exceedingly low essence should play a bit more remote from normals. I REALLY like that they included mechanics for it in Runner's Companion.
hi hi

Thanks smile.gif
I guess that it is just the style I tend to fall back on when I'm not feeling particularly creative. I should probably make something in the style of Larry MacDougall or Steve Prescott, of course there is never time.
I agree with Backgammon, the style is different yet very cool. I like the shading and texture.

very nice. smile.gif smile.gif
I'd love to see what you do with non-humanoid content... I see that guy riding a bike, and I would love to see what it looks like. Or the compact SMG I see being stashed somewhere on said bike - that's not a light-pistol user. *grin*

Anyhow, I meant it when I said I'd love to see more... when time permits, of course.
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