Jul 28 2009, 02:11 AM
Me and a handful of friends have started up a Shadowrun group. I decided to try out a mage and had a quick question on the armor spell. From what I gather you have to concentrate the whole time you use the spell so there is no ability to cast another spell while that one is in place? Is that correct? I fail to see the use of it for a mage. Its either up and your safe (most of the time) and you can do nothing other then maintain that spell. Am I missing something or misreading it? (Go easy even the GM hasnt manage to read up on magic yet, so i figured Id ask people that are familiar with it.)
Jul 28 2009, 02:41 AM
A mage sustaining a spell can do other stuff. He just takes a -2 penalty to all other tests because he is concentrating on keeping the spell going, and if his concentration is disrupted (getting hit in combat or something), he has to make a Willpower plus Spellcasting test (threshold 2) or the spell is dropped. But you can still run, cast other spells, and so on while keeping your armor spell going.
Also, there is a magical focus called a Sustaining Focus. You can cast the spell into the focus, and the focus sustains it for you, so you don't suffer those penalties.
Jul 28 2009, 03:02 AM
I appreciate the info. I was wondering if you have any suggestion on skills or abilities I should obtain for a caster. We havent completely set in stone our characters since we are still learning the ropes. And if you do have suggestions (im sure there we be a few) can you tell me what book the might be found, if you happen to know off the top of your head. Thank you.
Jul 28 2009, 03:46 AM
The main magical skills that you will want, all from the Base book, are:
Spellcasting (Casting spells)
Counterspelling (Defending against spells/getting rid of sustained spells)
Summoning (Bringing forth spirits to help you)
Assensing (Perceiving the astral plane, and the auras of those around you)
Additional magical skills you will may want later, in my order of preference:
Binding (Keep multiple spirits, for longer times, and with additional abilities)
Banishing (Getting rid of spirits)
Astral Combat (Fighting Astral Creatures)
Ritual Spellcasting (Casting spells at remote targets)
The things to consider for a full mage (and you have to spend the Positive Quality points to be a full mage) are:
How does your character see magic and its organization? This is defined by their Tradition, which can be chosen from the Base Book or from Street Magic. Rules wise, this will affect the drain stat (along with willpower) used to resist drain damage, the spirits that are available for summoning, the spellcasting category associated with each spirit, and what Mentor Spirits are generally associated with the tradition. It is required to choose a tradition, and the two default ones are Hermetic and Shamanic.
Is there a personal magical philosophy, associated personality, or preferred magic? This is defined by mentor spirits, which are not required and cost additional Positive Quality points. Rules wise, they generally give bonuses, and have penalties, and can be found in the base book and in Street Magic.
Your focus on magic will also help you pick your spells (which must be bought individually, and are limited at character creation to 2xSpellcasting). Some useful ones, depending on your magical focus, are Increase Reflexes (which lets you act faster and more often and can be sustained with a sustaining focus) Levitate, Mana Ball, Detect Guns, and Armor.
Most of your magical abilities take their die pool from the skill and your magic rating, so I would start with a 5-6 in Magic. Later you can initiate and this will increase maximum magic, as well as give you some new abilities (rules are in the base book and in Street Magic).
Spirits can be really useful- check out, in the Base book's critter section and in Street Magic, all their powers.
That's a general overview, hope that it's helpful. Good luck, and people will hopefully help if you need more specific questions answered or advice given.
Jul 29 2009, 09:19 PM
Don't be afraid to burn some of your magic for choice bits of cyber/bio.
Jul 30 2009, 02:03 PM
QUOTE (Ravor @ Jul 29 2009, 04:19 PM)
Don't be afraid to burn some of your magic for choice bits of cyber/bio.
This is definitely true, but since this is your first game, a more simply character might be easier to understand, too. Then again, depending on the cyber, some times it's simply a dice pool enhancement that's more-or-less always on, so YMMV.