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Full Version: Perception tests
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
Kevin Adams
Ok, simple question, probably doesnt even rate a post but if i dont get an answer it will keep bugging me. The
standard perception test is Intuition + Perception. If a character doesnt have Perception do they default
to Intuition, thereby making it an Intuition + Intuition test, or doe they just ignore the lack of Perception
and just use Intuition?

See told you it was simple, probably even a bit silly, but like a BTL addict i cant get this one out of my head.

Orcus Blackweather
all defaults to attributes are the same, attribute -1

So perception becomes Intuition -1

Also in the event of things that don't use a raw attribute (hacking + exploit) would default to whatever is replacing the attribute (in this case exploit - 1)
Kevin Adams
QUOTE (Orcus Blackweather @ Jul 31 2009, 01:03 PM) *
all defaults to attributes are the same, attribute -1

So perception becomes Intuition -1

Also in the event of things that don't use a raw attribute (hacking + exploit) would default to whatever is replacing the attribute (in this case exploit - 1)

So would the perception test then become

Intuition +Intuition -1

or just

Intuition -1

If you see what im getting at.
( Intuition -1 )

Otherwise you make skills completely pointless and break the game.
only Atribute (x1) -1
(Attr x2 -1 wouldn't make any sense because then your Pool without Skill would be better than with Skill wink.gif )

with a Dance that makes Sense
Kevin Adams
QUOTE (Medicineman @ Jul 31 2009, 12:46 PM) *
only Atribute (x1) -1
(Attr x2 -1 wouldn't make any sense because then your Pool without Skill would be better than with Skill wink.gif )

with a Dance that makes Sense

Ok, thanks much all, i believe i've got that firmly lodged in my brain.

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