~ Vehicle Combat ~
Chase Turns
Time during chase combat is measured by Chase Turns. One Chase
Turn is one minute long (20 Combat Turns).
Time during chase combat is measured by Chase Turns. One Chase
Turn is one minute long (20 Combat Turns).
OK, I love this game. Everything from the setting to the interplay between attributes and skills make me a happy camper. Now I'm reading up on vehicle combat (since that came up this past game) and I find that we could be WELL through shooting everyone behind the wheels of the other cars before we could perform ANY more stunts! And even if you COULDNT kill off the opposition, your PCs are stuck for 20 TURNS before you have a chance to get away?!
Break Off (Long Range Only): The driver tries to break contact
with all other opponents and flee the scene. To do this, the driver must
succeed in a Vehicle Test with a threshold modier of +1 per pursuing
vehicle after the first. The driver must succeed in this test 3 turns in a
row—only then has he escaped. If at any point he fails a test, or fails to
maintain Long Range, he must start to Break Off all over again.
with all other opponents and flee the scene. To do this, the driver must
succeed in a Vehicle Test with a threshold modier of +1 per pursuing
vehicle after the first. The driver must succeed in this test 3 turns in a
row—only then has he escaped. If at any point he fails a test, or fails to
maintain Long Range, he must start to Break Off all over again.
Bolding is mine.
You seriously expect people to wait 60 COMBAT TURNS AT LEAST to escape? Even if that's a reset button, I'm not seeing it.
Ok, I fully believe that I've missed something. I'm misinterpreting the rules somehow. How do you all handle this?
Did I miss something?
Do you house rule via "Rule of Cool"?
Do you skip some number of combat turns?