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Full Version: BBEG's Lieutenants
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
So, I'm statting out some lieutenants for one of the BBEGs, and I don't know how much I should optimize them.

Essentially, the runners will be attempting to remove the lieutenants before the general to topple the power structure. Kind of looking at some Metal Gear-style flavor on this one.

Just for some background, for this game, the players, at least for now, will be mercenaries in Africa. They're being contracted to remove a portion of a rebel group in the Darfur-region of Sudan. The rebel group is secretly backed by Ares through a couple of proxy corporations to keep the war going. The PC's are being contracted by Wuxing as the rebels oppose Wuxing being present in the region.

One lieutenant is simply a street-sam, former spec ops. He's an albino.

Another is secretly a Cicada shaman (another story arc, involving the UB as a humanitarian group in Africa). He's been a paraplegic since he was born, was unable to afford the operation until he became a prominent figure in this rebel group, and now refuses the surgery for essence reasons.

The third is a rigger. Not much flavor to this guy yet.
The fourth, I can't decide on anything for. I kind of want him to have connections with the Ghost Cartels.

Any help statwise or flavorwise, DS?
flavorwise, I hear they taste like chicken... grinbig.gif grinbig.gif

usually if I am stating a NSBBEG, I'll put them just about even with the skills of the team they are opposing. One of the things I like about the SR system is that I can adjust on the fly pretty easy with it. Renfeilds (or LT's) should be there to soften up the team,not kick their asses.('cause it sux to almost be the hero.) If i notice that the team is taking too much or not enough "softening" I move the difficulty slider around a tad.

now the BBEG, I alway make twice as tough as I think they can handle and move down from there. It also sux as a Gm to spend a week putting a toxic roach shaman together and have a damn Adept take him out in one pass. I learned this from my games. yours may not suffer from this problem.
Sorry, "BBEG"?
Big Bad Evil Guy
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