I had an SR3 NPC that had a tactical computer from Cybertechnology and Man&Machine I'd like to write rules for this gear to make it work in the SR4 framework. Help please.
from M&M pp, 22,23,
Essence 1.5 Cost 400,000¥, Availability 12/60 days, Street Index 4
Game Effects:
... Every 2 senses that are applicable to the current combat situation give the tactical computer 1 rating point. Each rating point provides 1 additional die to the user's Combat Pool (maximum bonus of 4), adds +1 to the user's Small Unit Tactics Skill and allows the character to use 25 percent (cumulative, maximum 100 percent) of his Combat Pool for surprise tests. These bonuses apply for both ranged and melee combat. if the user does not have the Small Unit Tactics Skill. use the bonus as the characters's skill rating. Tactical Computer bonuses do not assist in Rigging or Decking. (bold mine)
(a tactical computer connected to a radio could also be a battle tac master unit, basicaly a millitary comlink.)
Essence 1.5 Cost 400,000¥, Availability 12/60 days, Street Index 4
Game Effects:
... Every 2 senses that are applicable to the current combat situation give the tactical computer 1 rating point. Each rating point provides 1 additional die to the user's Combat Pool (maximum bonus of 4), adds +1 to the user's Small Unit Tactics Skill and allows the character to use 25 percent (cumulative, maximum 100 percent) of his Combat Pool for surprise tests. These bonuses apply for both ranged and melee combat. if the user does not have the Small Unit Tactics Skill. use the bonus as the characters's skill rating. Tactical Computer bonuses do not assist in Rigging or Decking. (bold mine)
(a tactical computer connected to a radio could also be a battle tac master unit, basicaly a millitary comlink.)
One of the main reasons that I'd like this character to have the Legacy ware instead of tactical AR is that There Was no AR back in the good old days (5 years ago.) This made the tactical compute Super Cool. Because there was no AR, instead of just giving the character really detailed battle data in his HUD the tactical computer worked more like a Skillsoft or Knowsoft. Instead of 'read HUD and respond' it was more instinctive; suggestions and impulses sent right to the brain. The only way I can explain it in SR4 terms is: Tactical AR = Datasoft, Tactical Computer = Skillsoft.
The other reason that the character needs a Tactical Computer is that he works alone. No teamates or drone swarm to fill up extra slots for a bonus.
Finaly, I'd like him to have a tactical computer because he could use the SR3 skill; Small Unit Tactics, for an initiative bonus.
So, I have some ideas about how this might work but I'd like to hear your ideas first because I want this thread to be about your ideas as opposed to the merrits of mine.
Thank You.
[ON A SIDE NOTE: looking of information in M&M makes me want to break stuff! What a completely FUCKED UP layout that was. Anyone who complains about the current presentation in SR4 books should have to spend a day referencing M&M and rigger 3 as punishment. I'm still not a fan of green tables but newer books are soooooo much better. THANKS ADAM! you deserve a scooby snack.]