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Full Version: Reckless and lucky
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
Let's take a human with Edge 6 or 7 (Karmagen, so that's a lot of points). Call him Gamushara (Japanese for reckless); give him the Thrill Seeker negative quality. What would his ideal niche be? I'm thinking monowhips & infiltration, either as a bio-adept or a sammy. Plenty of thrills there. Thoughts?
Another popular choice would be a parkour-type character. Maybe someone with high athletics and driving skills, who is a data courier like Johnny Mnemonic. Trying to get from point A to point B, by bike, rooftops, sewer tunnels, etc., while a bunch of people are trying to stop you, seems tailor-made for a high Edge character.
QUOTE (Glyph @ Jan 5 2010, 08:37 PM) *
Another popular choice would be a parkour-type character. Maybe someone with high athletics and driving skills, who is a data courier like Johnny Mnemonic. Trying to get from point A to point B, by bike, rooftops, sewer tunnels, etc., while a bunch of people are trying to stop you, seems tailor-made for a high Edge character.

I like that. Lots of skills, no skillwires (as you can't use edge for wired skills). High Agility, Athletics group at 4, decent (2-3 with specs) firearms skills. Grenades for charlie foxtrot situations. Chameleon suit and infiltration (urban) for getting out without getting spotted. Maybe a pistols specialist? Easier to carry around when you're trying to stay mobile, though an SMG strapped to the back is probably doable. Thoughts?
A mundane person with utterly average skills and traits, but his unusual luck (I'd give him Qualities to enhance this) allows him to be at the Right Place at the Right Time. A High Edge character of any kind can easily steal the show. I'm currently playing a Human with 7 Edge and I routinely do crazy things like jump from a roof of a building onto a helicopter taking off and then causing it to crash, escaping by... well, luck.
That's about what I was picturing. Don't forget the data lock with encryption: 6 (a relatively cheap part of the character concept). It's one of those concepts that can work pretty well as either an adept or a cybered mundane, since there is both 'ware and adept powers that give lots of options.
Saint Sithney
QUOTE (Tyro @ Jan 5 2010, 07:40 PM) *

SR needs [implantable] magnetic holsters operated by your smartgun system. Having a gun stuck to your body without all the necessary straps would be the ultimate solution for a fast-acting high-flying guy like this.
QUOTE (Glyph @ Jan 5 2010, 08:54 PM) *
That's about what I was picturing. Don't forget the data lock with encryption: 6 (a relatively cheap part of the character concept). It's one of those concepts that can work pretty well as either an adept or a cybered mundane, since there is both 'ware and adept powers that give lots of options.

You'd have to be pretty good to get hired over in-house couriers, though.

QUOTE (Saint Sithney @ Jan 5 2010, 08:56 PM) *
SR needs [implantable] magnetic holsters operated by your smartgun system. Having a gun stuck to your body without all the necessary straps would be the ultimate solution for a fast-acting high-flying guy like this.

Easy enough to houserule as built into your armor (make it an armor modification a la Arsenal). Good idea!
The Jake
QUOTE (Saint Sithney @ Jan 6 2010, 03:56 AM) *
SR needs [implantable] magnetic holsters operated by your smartgun system. Having a gun stuck to your body without all the necessary straps would be the ultimate solution for a fast-acting high-flying guy like this.

Whats wrong with gun slides and cyberarms? Hidden holsters?

- J.
Saint Sithney
Was just thinking that the best quick draw holster wouldn't be a holster at all. And a system like this, would allow you to attach any weapon in a quick draw manner. Just imagine an SMG stuck to your chest, ready to be pulled off and fired in a single action, or a shot gun magnetically adhered to your hip and side where you can grab it with one hand and ready it instantly.
No need to go magnetic, with the hassle of occasionnaly catching unwanted stell objects. Also many guns in 2070 are polymer/ceramic so even if there is some metal underneath in the action I'm not sure you can attach them this way without modding the gun with extrnal metal additions.

A gecko modification on the gun, linked to your PAN to turn it on and off at will, is more expensive but allow you to stick the gun where you want and as a bonus makes sure it stay in your hand when you use it.
QUOTE (Dahrken @ Jan 11 2010, 02:05 AM) *
No need to go magnetic, with the hassle of occasionnaly catching unwanted stell objects. Also many guns in 2070 are polymer/ceramic so even if there is some metal underneath in the action I'm not sure you can attach them this way without modding the gun with extrnal metal additions.

This was actually mentioned in the Magnetic System cyberware presented in Augmentation, and yeah, for the most part, it does rather indicate that adding some ferrous metals to the grips of your gun would be the way to go since weapons generally aren't ferrous anymore. Luckily, that's a pretty trivial goal, really, and as a GM I would probably be perfectly fine rolling in the cost of doing so into say, the cost of Personalized Grips, which is a pretty darn cheap mod and something most serious gun bunnies go about acquiring eventually anyway.

Anyhow, I really don't see why the Magnetic System cyberware mod already detailed in Aug couldn't be used for the purposes you guys are talking about. It sounds like a fairly easy to use piece of 'ware, with no mention of accidentally getting things stuck to you-- it's actually an array of magnets that are implanted along a limb as opposed to just somehow making your whole body a big magnet, which likely helps-- so I figure you could simply designate a magnet placed on your upper thigh for the job and be good to go. There is the drawback that having the system active apparently can interfere with wireless signals and applies a -1 dicepool to matrix checks in such a scenario, but that's hardly a big deal for many archetypes.
QUOTE (Tyro @ Jan 5 2010, 10:57 PM) *
You'd have to be pretty good to get hired over in-house couriers, though.

Or lucky wink.gif.

Easy enough to houserule as built into your armor (make it an armor modification a la Arsenal). Good idea!

Doesn't the Gecko Grip mod for weapons already allow you to make something that sticks anywhere? Don't even need the magnets that way.
QUOTE (MadDogMike @ Jan 11 2010, 01:05 AM) *
Doesn't the Gecko Grip mod for weapons already allow you to make something that sticks anywhere? Don't even need the magnets that way.

Gecko grip takes up capacity in your weapon, and weapons are notoriously capacity-hungry - so many cool options! Magnetic system takes up capacity in a limb, which tend to have a lot, and only need be purchased once.
QUOTE (Tyro @ Jan 11 2010, 08:33 AM) *
Gecko grip takes up capacity in your weapon, and weapons are notoriously capacity-hungry - so many cool options! Magnetic system takes up capacity in a limb, which tend to have a lot, and only need be purchased once.

Hmm, Gecko grip the limbs then? Hold guns AND make you Spider-man, particularly helpful if you go with a parkour guy.
QUOTE (MadDogMike @ Jan 12 2010, 06:07 AM) *
Hmm, Gecko grip the limbs then? Hold guns AND make you Spider-man, particularly helpful if you go with a parkour guy.

Are there rules for that? That would be cool love.gif
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