The Jopp
Jan 11 2010, 01:37 PM
I’ve never realized how cheaply you can get a ”down on my luck” rigger who still have access to a fairly capable vehicle with the availability rules.
Now- let our imagination wander for a bit as we introduce our character.
Harari “Han Sulu” Suluman, a smuggler of Arabian/Chinese ancestry.
Born Rich
Black Market Pipeline [Vehicles]
Black Market Pipeline [Vehicle Mods]
In Debt [Jeb Hut Enterprises]
Hunted [Bubba]
Vehicle: The Awakening Falcon
Vehicle Qualities:
-Vehicle used in a Crime under investigation[-20]
-Vehicle used [-20]
-Vehicle stolen [-10] “…I won it fare and square…”
-Black Market Pipeline [-10]
Base Cost: 475000 [Cascade Scraacha – Variant Industries [Sea]Raptor]
Reduced To: 190000
This vessel have been highly modified to be completely Amphibious and can dive down to about 100 meters and have the additional add-ons:
Additional Fueltank
Amphibious Operations II
Ballast Tanks I
Chameleon Coating
Electronic Counter Measure
Improved Sensor Array
Life Support II
Ejection Seats
Extra Entrypoint (Airlock)
No, some of them cannot be installed if one strictly follows the rules but where IS the fun in that.
This means that you can squeeze in a fairly equipped vessel in under 300K – Skip my mods above and you have lots of guns instead.
Jan 11 2010, 02:40 PM
So is there a troll metavariant which is covered in fur and notorious for removing limbs?
The Jopp
Jan 11 2010, 03:00 PM
QUOTE (zeborazor @ Jan 11 2010, 03:40 PM)

So is there a troll metavariant which is covered in fur and notorious for removing limbs?
Che Bakari - Cuban Troll Mechanic
Surge III
Insulating Pelt
Bad Vibe
Jan 11 2010, 03:02 PM
Very, very, nice. I must say I never actually knew about these vehicle qualities before, though I have arsenal. I must to do some rereading I suppose. But anyway, I love the concept, I might have to try it sometime
The Jopp
Jan 11 2010, 03:25 PM
Well, its not really vehicle qualities but more about Vehicle Availability.
The problem is that Availability will suffer when you add used vehicles into the game which will make some vehicles impossible to get.
Unfortunately it makes the Cascade Scraacha impossible to get if one goes by RAW as it would have a +4 Availability as a used vehicle, landing it at 16R...
This can of course be alleviated with teh Restricted Gear Quality.
The Jopp
Jan 12 2010, 08:54 AM
Oh jeez - I just realized what hilarious fun a GM could have with the stolen vehicle availability. You can create entire campaigns around such a thing - no-one says the CHARACTER stole the vehicle...
- Originally stolen from Military, Mafia, Dragon...
And the poor unsuspecting possession free spirit who picks up a new shell, that happens to be Lady Margareth's (a fina upstanding lady of Elven origin visiting seattle) priced pet drone - a platinum plated EVO Falcon.
You can even squeeze this in unsuspecting players "new" vehicles as they purchase them second hand - how are they to know that the vehicle is in fact stolen or just old?
Stolen Drone and used in a crime...great whacky fun for the new AI who lacks certain concepts of "crime" or simply woke up as an AI after the Rigger died in the middle of his criminal runner career...
Jan 12 2010, 09:11 AM
QUOTE (The Jopp @ Jan 11 2010, 09:37 PM)

Harari “Han Sulu” Suluman, a smuggler of Arabian/Chinese ancestry.
Che Bakari - Cuban Troll Mechanic
You, sir, have my respect.
Jan 12 2010, 09:15 AM
And mine as well.
The Jopp
Jan 12 2010, 10:02 AM
Damn you all...
Ali-Ben Kenobai
Arabian Mystic Ancestor Adept
Common Sense
Lucius Skywalker
Native American Mystic Ancestor Adept
Negative Quality:
C3 Personal Orator
Renraku Manservant
Negative Quality:
Personal Style (Golden)
R2 Defense Two
Modified GMC Chariot
Equipment: Tazer
Authority – Spoof Command
Jan 12 2010, 10:16 AM
QUOTE (The Jopp @ Jan 12 2010, 01:54 AM)

Oh jeez - I just realized what hilarious fun a GM could have with the stolen vehicle availability. You can create entire campaigns around such a thing - no-one says the CHARACTER stole the vehicle...
You know how some vehicles have quasi-lifestyles through Amenities? Why not add in the rest for shits and giggles. Just wait till your party finds out their new Rover 2068 has a resonance well well as an angry AI. No wonder the previous owner turned off the gridguide system....
The Jopp
Jan 12 2010, 11:07 AM
Well - there is nothing that says that Amenities (Lifestyles) cannot have Qualities...
Jan 12 2010, 08:58 PM
QUOTE (Udoshi @ Jan 12 2010, 02:16 AM)

You know how some vehicles have quasi-lifestyles through Amenities? Why not add in the rest for shits and giggles. Just wait till your party finds out their new Rover 2068 has a resonance well well as an angry AI. No wonder the previous owner turned off the gridguide system....
I like that. I like that very very much.
Jan 12 2010, 11:02 PM
I have to agree, this is an awesome idea. Serious kudos to you, Jopp.
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