QUOTE (TallMan @ Jan 11 2010, 12:46 PM)

I'm curious about the justification for these three claims. The HK XM30 isn't stellar, but it is versatile and (based on a cursory look) better than the Steyr AUG-CSL, which fills a similar niche. Muscle Replacement is ultimately less effective than muscle toner + muscle augmentation, but it's much cheaper. And unarmed combat is good, but it seems to me that almost anything that can be done unarmed can be done with a ceramic knife or rattan stick.
Well, here's why.
3. The HK XM30 is possibly the worst weapon in the game.
It may be better than the Setyr AUG sort of, but I don't think so. You can put a detachable GL on the Setyr. Really, it's just like they assigned random numbers to capacity and crap like that. It's just lousy design. Oh, the Setyr takes 8 min to adjust rather than 5.
Here's why the gun sucks just on its own:
1. It is expensive as hell. It costs 6Gs for the full gun, 2.5Gs for the crappy assault rifle only.
2. It has almost no recoil comp.
3. It is an absolute bastard to modify. I mean seriously, I don't even know how to go about applying the weapons mod system to it.
Now for the kicker on how everything that it had going for it isn't actually an advantage. The weapon is not versatile for the following reasons:
1. It takes 5 min to change the gun from one type to another. That means that you cannot do this under fire, i.e. the only time when you could suddenly need your gun to be a different gun, you can't actually make the change.
2. You need three different skills to operate it. Three freaking skills for one gun. I can understand a sammy having all of those skills, but come on, you pretty much have to be a sammy to use it.
3. 15F Availability. It's a freaking liability. You can't start with it. It's hard to get. No one uses them. Holy crap, why don't you just tag victims with your SIN.
6. Muscle Replacement is such a bad option that its only use is for one shot suicide grunts.
1. It cost 1 freaking essence per point of rating. Anyone who actually needs both strength and agility needs lots of it and multiple IP. The only way to build that would be to take Muscle Replacement with Synaptic boosters, but it would more than negate the cost saving properties.
2. No one who has the essence to spare needs it. I mean, you could put one point in a hacker, but why? Anyone who gets this is getting it for combat, and that means that they either are doing as a backup plan in case everything goes to hell and they are about to die if they don't do something, or they were disposable grunts.
3. You only save 10K nuyen per full point of strength and agility in exchange for 0.6 essence. That freaking sucks.
7. Unarmed combat is far superior than weapon based melee combat.
Umm, yeah. Now granted, as a tertiary function of a character, or as a secondary function in a BP intensive primary, they are a BP cheap option for what they provide. Otherwise, like the Muscle Replacement, it is reserved basically for grunts. Here's a list of stuff that makes unarmed combat better:
1 Easy concealment. Also you don't have to quick draw your hands, and your hands (hopefully) can't be taken away.
2. In most jurisdictions, your hand's aren't illegal.
3. Killing Hands
4. Distance Strike
5. Martial Arts
6. Elemental Strike
7. Bone Lacing/ Density Augmentation
Now, yeah, it is mostly for adepts, but adepts are RETARDEDLY PERFECT at it.
In case you need some builds for proof:
13P (This one is only partly built)
[ Spoiler ]
Physical Adept, 400BP
Race: Oni (25 BP)
Adept (5 BP)
Attributes (255 BP)
B: 5
A: 5
R: 4(6)
S: 7
C: 2
I: 4
L: 2
W: 3
Edge: 1
Magic: 6
Essence: 6
Initiative: 8(10)
IP: 1(3)
CM: 11/10
Qualities (-5 BP)
Martial Arts (20 BP)
Aptitude, Unarmed Combat (10 BP)
Sensitive System (-15 BP)
Simsense Vertigo (-10 BP)
Incompetent, Automatics (-5 BP)
Sensitive Neural Structure (-5 BP)
Mad Skills (114 BP)
Stealth (Group): 3
Influence (Group): 2
Unarmed Combat: 7
Dodge: 4 (Melee Combat)
Perception: 3 (Visual)
Knowledge Skills (18 free)
Martial Arts (8 BP)
Shotokan Karate, +1 DV on Unarmed Combat
Kung Fu, +1 DV on Unarmed Combat
Muay Thai, +1 DV on Unarmed Combat
Tae Kwon Do, +1 die on Charging Attacks
Finishing Move (2 BP)
Set Up (2 BP)
Sweep (2 BP)
Throw (2 BP)
Adept Powers
Critical Strike 6; 1.5 PP
Improved Reflexes 2; 2.5 PP
Killing Hands; 0.5 PP
Improved Ability 3, Unarmed Combat; 1.5 PP
[ Spoiler ]
Adept Tank, 400BP
Race: Troll (40 BP)
Dzoo-Noo-Qua (80 BP)
Adept (5 BP)
Attributes (200 BP):
B: 11
A: 4
R: 5
S: 7
C: 2
I: 4
L: 2
W: 4
Magic: 4
Edge: 1
Essence: 5
Initiative: 9
CM: 14/10
Qualities (-15 BP)
Martial Arts; (15 BP)
Restricted Gear; (5 BP)
Sensitive System; (-15 BP)
Combat Monster; (-10 BP)
Wanted, Vampire Hunters (-10 BP)
Mad Skills (72 BP)
Unarmed Combat: 6
Dodge: 4
Counterspelling: 4
Intimidation: 2
Gymnastics: 2
Knowledge Skills (18 Free)
Martial Arts
Shotokan Karate, +1 DV on Unarmed Combat
Kung Fu, +1 DV on Unarmed Combat
Muay Thai, +1 DV on Unarmed Combat
Adept Powers
Critical Strike 4; 1 PP
Killing Hands; 0.5 PP
Improved Reflexes 2; 2.5 PP
Infected Traits
Essence Drain
Magical Guard (self only)
Natural Weapon (Str/2+2)
Allergy (Mild, Sunlight)
Dietary Requirement (Human Flesh)
Essence Loss
Resourses (18 BP): 90,000 Nuyen
Super Armor (71,100)
Heavy Military Armor, 20C, 18/16; 20,000
• Gel Packs, +1/+1; 1,500
• Ruthenium Coating; 7,500
• Hydraulic Jacks 6, [7]C; 9,000
• Strength Upgrade 2, [2]C; 3,000
• Thermal Dampening 6, [5]; 3,000
• Nonconductivity 6, [3]; 2,400
• Radiation Shielding 6, [4]; 1,200
• Chemical Seal, [4]; 5,000
Military Helmet, +5C, +2/+2; 10,000
• Commlink 6/6; 8,500
Armor (6,100)
Mortimer Greatcoat, 6/5; 3,000
Actioneer Business Coat, 5/3; 1,500
Form Fitting Body Armor, Full Body Suit, 6/2; 1,600
Secure Tech PPP System (All except helmet), +2/+4; 900
Helmet, +1/+2; 100
ID (6,000)
2x Fake SIN, Rating 3; 6,000
Commlink (1,700)
Sony Emperor; 700
Iris Orb; 1,000
Lifestyle (5,000)
Misc (100)
Gas Mask, 100
[ Spoiler ]
Burnout Assassin 300BP
Race: Ork (20 BP)
Qualities (-15 BP):
Adept (5 BP)
Martial Arts 3 (15 BP)
Sensitive System (-15 BP)
Moderate Addiction, Kamikaze (-10 BP)
Wanted (-10 BP)
Attributes (265 BP):
B: 7(11*+1**)
A: 4(6+1**)
R: 4(6)
S: 7(9+2**)
C: 3
I: 3
L: 2
W: 3(4**)
Edge: 1
Magic: 4 (6)
Essence: 4
Initiative: 7(9)
IP: 3(4**)
Physical CM: 12
Stun CM: 10
Note: *=Bone Density; **=Kamikaze
Mad Skills (90 BP):
Stealth (Group): 3
Unarmed Combat: 6
Gymnastics: 3
Longrarms: 3
Con: 2
Etiquette: 1
Knowledge Skills (15 Free):
Mandarin: N
English 3
Japanese: 3
Thai: 3
Black Markets (Street): 4
Trids (Interest): 1
Sports (Interest): 1
Martial Arts Manuvers and Styles (4 BP)
Muay Thai (+1 DV)
Nanquan Kung Fu (+1 DV)
Shotokan Karate (+1 DV)
Finishing Move (2 BP)
Set-Up (2 BP)
Powers (4 PP)
Critical Strike 4 (1 PP)
Improved Reflexes 2 (2.5 PP)
Killing Hands (0.5 PP)
Contacts (4 BP)
Loyalty: 2, Connection: 2
Resources (32 BP), 160,000 Nuyen:
Bioware; 110,000¥, 2E
Bioware, [Grade], [Rating]; X¥, YE
Bone Density Augmentation 4, S; 80,000¥, 1.2E
Muscle Augmentation 2, S; 14,000¥, 0.4E
Muscle Toner 2, S; 16,000¥, 0.4E
Vehicles, 17,000¥
Hyundai Shin-Hyung (Arsenal, pg 109); 17,000¥
Armor, 9,600¥
Actioneer Business Clothes (5/3); 1,500¥
Armor Jacket (8/6); 900¥
Form Fitting Body Armor, Full Body Suit (+6/+2*); 1,600¥
Mortimer Greatcoat (6/5); 3,000¥
PPP System, Concealable, Full (Less Helmet) (+2/+4); 900¥
Urban Explorer Jumpsuit w/ Helmet; 550¥
Victory Industrious Coverall w/ Hard Hat (5/6); 950¥
Weapons; 7,875¥
Ranger Arms SM-4; 6,200¥
Enfield AS-7; 1,100¥
Defiance T-250 Short Barreled; 575¥
• Laser Sight, Barrel
Ammunition; 3,000¥
30x Flechette Rounds, Shotgun; 300¥
50x Ex-Explosive Slug Rounds, Shotgun; 500¥
20x Shock Lock Rounds, Shotgun; 140¥
50x Ex-Explosive Rounds, Sniper; 500¥
50x Subsonic Rounds, Sniper; 200¥
20x Neuro Stun Capsule Rounds, Sniper; 1,260¥
4x Magazines, SM-4; 20¥
2x Magazines, AS-7; 10¥
4x Magazines, T-250; 20¥
2x Drum Clips, AS-7; 50¥
Matrix Gear; 2,500¥
Renraku Sensei, Response 2, Signal 4; 1,000¥
Iris Orb, 3, 3; 1,000¥
AR Gloves, 250¥
Biometric Reader; 200¥
Subvocal Microphone; 50¥
Identification and Licenses; 4,800¥
Fake Sin 4; 4,000¥
• Fake License 4, Armor, 400¥
• Fake License 4, Firearms; 400¥
Drugs, 200¥
2x Doses of Kamikaze, 200¥
Misc Gear; 25¥
Certified Credstick; 25¥
Lifestyle; 5,000¥
Middle, 1 Month
Now granted, those builds are pretty particular, but they still punch harder than an assault cannon, which is stupid as hell. They are just some builds that I had done to find out what exactly the martial arts rules mean, and these characters are not built exclusively to punch people in half.
Now, If you wanted to do it with a mundane, it doesn't even really require a built. You can make your punches deal (1/2Str)+6P with martial arts and bone lacing. You can hit 10P with a 7str Ork which is nothing exceptional.
I think I am justified.