Kovu Muphasa
Jan 12 2010, 04:00 PM
What do you have listed on your Character Sheet that has no game effect, but is their just for fluff reasons
Devon [High-School Hacker] “Shadowrunning For Dummies” and “The Idiots Gide for Runners”. In both Hard Copy and Electronic.
Jan 12 2010, 04:08 PM
A lot of things.
Depends on the character, but this is usually covered by liestyle. Like a real coffee addiction.
Jan 12 2010, 04:18 PM
QUOTE (Kovu Muphasa @ Jan 12 2010, 12:00 PM)

What do you have listed on your Character Sheet that has no game effect, but is their just for fluff reasons
Devon [High-School Hacker] “Shadowrunning For Dummies” and “The Idiots Gide for Runners”. In both Hard Copy and Electronic.
Hmm, bunnies in my inventory....
I wonder if I could throw them at my enemy to confuse them.....
On a side note, I think I may create a character that has a copy of Shadowrun 4th Edition in his inventory. Only because it would cause some people's brains to implode. Break the fourth wall by showing people the book and saying "SEE, someone predicted what the world would look like in the early 21st century!"
Kovu Muphasa
Jan 12 2010, 04:20 PM
What I am talking about is the randomstuff put on the sheet like Komodo [Rasher/Phys-AD]. We were taling about this consept on Sunday and put down a Beer Helmet a 6-Pack of Beer and a large metal tankard. he has the Adept Power Elemental Stike Cold and Fire.
The Cold is to Chill the Beer
And he puts Popcorn in the Tankard and uses his Fire to Pop it.
Patrick the Gnome
Jan 12 2010, 04:23 PM
Things that have nothing to do with the game and are purely there for fluff reasons? Well, for the most part just knowledge skills... I did have a character who started with plastic surgery because his backstory had him lit on fire during the Matrix Crash and otherwise he would look slightly... melted. He was the face of the group so I thought it was better to avoid this.
Jan 12 2010, 04:25 PM
The Zombie Survival Guide-
Jan 12 2010, 04:28 PM
Jan 12 2010, 04:46 PM
A bag of coffee grounds (he chews them), mouthwash and a roll of very special tape
Jan 12 2010, 04:51 PM
I once had a character who had "Knowledge: 20th Century Science Fiction" for giggles.
My current character spent 4 BP to buy a nexus for (almost) purely background reasons. It technically is part of his magical lodge (fluffwise it is the lodge--he (believes?) it to be a UV node and he learned and continues to advance his magic by logging into it).
Jan 12 2010, 05:51 PM
Akira Kurosawa was a Yakuza Grunt who had "Comic Books of the Late 20th Century" as a Knowledge Skill and worked as a 'Runner under the name "Paul the Samurai". He dated a(nother PC) Cat Shaman named Luna who was a fan of Sailor Moon. He hired a decker (SR3) to study her online buying habits and managed to find a rare Sailor Moon Doll that she had been trying to find. He also bought a hundred kilo bag of kitty litter for her Ally Spirit.
Jan 12 2010, 06:04 PM
QUOTE (Karoline @ Jan 12 2010, 12:28 PM)


Those a fuzzy, not fluffy.
Jan 12 2010, 06:05 PM
QUOTE (etherial @ Jan 12 2010, 12:51 PM)

Akira Kurosawa was a Yakuza Grunt who had "Comic Books of the Late 20th Century" as a Knowledge Skill and worked as a 'Runner under the name "Paul the Samurai". He dated a(nother PC) Cat Shaman named Luna who was a fan of Sailor Moon. He hired a decker (SR3) to study her online buying habits and managed to find a rare Sailor Moon Doll that she had been trying to find. He also bought a hundred kilo bag of kitty litter for her Ally Spirit.
The part that made me giggle about 20th century sci-fi is
technically ShadowRun:The RPG exists inside itself (the (un)official date of diversion being approx. 1991, SR 1st edition having been published 1989).
Molly Hayes
Jan 12 2010, 06:42 PM
My current character is in SR3. Has 20th Century Comics as a knowledge skill and the DC comics specialty. As a fixer/face when people ask for fake SINs she's giving them names of comic book characters.
Jan 12 2010, 07:35 PM
For my Sasha that would be 45 rating 6 mapsofts and the fact she has 17 language skills (most rating1-2) and Linguist quality. Even thought they have in game uses their are there mostly for background reasons, especially mapsofts as she has a habit of getting those for every city she visits.
Jan 12 2010, 08:29 PM
I have a PC with a very functional armored long coat with completely fluffy heated and cooled pockets for cold beer and hot sandwiches, or other good food when the PC's on a stakeout. Paranoia about a good food supply is an artifact of the PC's symbiotes.
As a semi-functional thing, the PC also has a load of data softs with such things as the contents of the Gutenberg Project, any freely available "good" literature and movie, and whatever other library-type contents the PC can get his hands on - he likes to be well read and, after Crash 2.0, isn't going to depend on Matrix-based libraries for his information. This library can be useful for supporting his knowledge skills, but it's mostly just fun to dive into the virtual library.
Randian Hero
Jan 12 2010, 08:33 PM
Definitely cigarettes.
Jan 12 2010, 08:48 PM
A 6 foot tiger costume and a used bottle of oil of civit.
Jan 12 2010, 08:59 PM
A bionic tail and ears, both neko-style. While technically they have in-game stats, that is not their purpose.
And .5 essence for the tail, the cyberdoc better have made it -very- fluffy.
Jan 12 2010, 09:06 PM
Mage with cyber implanted razors to deal with the nail biting. No combat skills, no physical skill defaults, and loss of essence.... that's fluff.
Jan 12 2010, 09:57 PM
Implanted razors to keep him from biting his nails. That is bloody brilliant. Your complimentary pie will be arriving shortly.
My physical adept gentleman thief lives an uncharacteristically spartan lifestyle, but has a habit of keeping around some of his old useless gear, like the lycra face-mask he used to wear, and his battered and much-repaired camoflage suit. (They're hanging on the wall of his loft.) He also keeps around a cheap rusty bicycle that he purchased in order to get home after that one time he was arrested. It serves as a constant reminder not to do anything stupid, even if the actual arrest wasn't really his fault. (It's a long story.) His real fluff lie in the knowledge skills: "Middle Eastern Literature" and "Martial Arts Cinema."
My hacker character, an 82-year-old 4channer, was known for carrying around a mace known as "the ban-hammer", mostly because he thought the name was cool- not that he never used it. He was also sometimes accompanied by a surveillance roto-drone (the roflcopter) which he stole from the retirement community during his break-out from said community. I agree fully that this character was in very poor taste, but good god was he ever fun to play.
Jan 12 2010, 10:45 PM
One piece of gear I almost always take because I really want one, e-paper.
Jan 12 2010, 10:47 PM
Jolt-alerts! fraggin practical
Jan 12 2010, 11:42 PM
a zoo.
Jan 13 2010, 12:00 AM
QUOTE (Lugbûrz @ Jan 12 2010, 01:57 PM)

My hacker character, an 82-year-old 4channer, was known for carrying around a mace known as "the ban-hammer", mostly because he thought the name was cool- not that he never used it. He was also sometimes accompanied by a surveillance roto-drone (the roflcopter) which he stole from the retirement community during his break-out from said community. I agree fully that this character was in very poor taste, but good god was he ever fun to play.
I am seriously considering sigging that.
Jan 13 2010, 12:13 AM
Last time I played? A spirit possessed skull as an ally spirit. It couldn't really do much, but it was essentially Morte.
Everyone loves Morte.
Jan 13 2010, 12:20 AM
I didnt care for him much... Ysabell was cool and death the best.
Jan 13 2010, 09:55 AM
Just make sure it doesn't become a free spirit, or you'll end up with Murray.
QUOTE (StealthSigma)
Hmm, bunnies in my inventory....
I wonder if I could throw them at my enemy to confuse them.....
You could also use them to get rid of mines.
Jan 13 2010, 10:09 AM
Our rigger has a complete collection of Karl Kombatmage episodes on his commlink. He and my cybertroll use it as gospel when it comes to magical effects. Annoys our cat shaman to no end.
Jan 13 2010, 01:24 PM
Hmm. I'm actually a bit lacking in fluff details on my main PC. Other than the "hot pockets" and trivia library, I've put a lot of work into detailing useful stuff that's normally overlooked (dry lubricants for guns; "piddle pack" in the military grade armor; details on survival and camping gear; loads of exotic vaccines in the medkit; etc.), but it's all practical. I tend to leave the fluffy items off the sheet.
I should work on that.
Jan 13 2010, 01:38 PM
QUOTE (Blade @ Jan 13 2010, 04:55 AM)

You could also use them to get rid of mines.
However they don't work on some mooks because they might have a
hare trigger.
Jan 13 2010, 11:32 PM
QUOTE (Draco18s @ Jan 13 2010, 08:38 AM)

However they don't work on some mooks because they might have a hare trigger.
Oh, good god. Well done Sir, well done.
I guess maybe all my runners should stop carrying a 3-meter pole.
Jan 13 2010, 11:45 PM
My current character, the team's hacker(and sometimes face when they don't have any other options), usually carries a waffle iron with him, even if he leaves it in the car. My gm makes me pay for the syrup, but he's surprised the team holed up in the safehouse with Real Food butter and waffles before.
Jan 14 2010, 11:27 AM
Dietware. My hacker has occasional binge-feeding urges after a long night of hacking.
By the way, for 2500

, it's really a bargain. In fact, I think it's way underpriced, considering how much money could be earned by selling diet supplements..
Jan 14 2010, 12:25 PM
Apples a stetson and a CAS sheriffs badge.
I wasnt from the CAS, the dwarf picked the hat and badge off an NPC the gm wanted to set up as a Buford T Justice style nemesis, he didnt count on me gunning him down the second he looked down and said "Boy" . The apples went on at character creation and didnt get touched in a year of game time, kinda didnt want to look at them after I remembered.
Jan 14 2010, 04:53 PM
QUOTE (crash2029 @ Jan 13 2010, 06:32 PM)

Oh, good god. Well done Sir, well done.
I blame TV Tropes for that one, I never actually played that particular game.
But I do love it when
the devs think of everything.
Jan 15 2010, 02:46 AM
A knowledge skill of french cooking. A pen light sized mag light. Several tres chic outfits, swiss army knife, cigarette lighter (I never smoke) and of course, duct tape.
A member of our group in the last few years started carrying a blue pen light that makes a high pitched whirring when turned on. He repeatedly aims it at deck and key pads and swears when nothing happens.
Jan 15 2010, 02:50 AM
QUOTE (Snow_Fox @ Jan 14 2010, 09:46 PM)

A member of our group in the last few years started carrying a blue pen light that makes a high pitched whirring when turned on. He repeatedly aims it at deck and key pads and swears when nothing happens.
Fucking awesome.
Jan 15 2010, 02:51 AM
QUOTE (Snow_Fox @ Jan 14 2010, 10:46 PM)

A knowledge skill of french cooking. A pen light sized mag light. Several tres chic outfits, swiss army knife, cigarette lighter (I never smoke) and of course, duct tape.
I don't think most of those items qualify as fluff.
Jan 15 2010, 05:44 AM
QUOTE (Godwyn @ Jan 12 2010, 03:59 PM)

A bionic tail and ears, both neko-style. While technically they have in-game stats, that is not their purpose.
And .5 essence for the tail, the cyberdoc better have made it -very- fluffy.

Funny, I did the same thing with SURGE traits. She's Chinese and goes by the name "Mao-Mao".
Neotenous catgirl assassins unite!
Jan 15 2010, 06:39 AM
Why would you
not have
Fluffy Bunnies?
Jan 15 2010, 07:18 AM
Oi Chums,
My Street Sammie took the armorer skill to help the team with repairs and minor mods to weapons. To start out with some rolls and actually working with my tool kit I made a bullet necklace.
Daddy's Little Ninja
Jan 15 2010, 06:56 PM
QUOTE (wind_in_the_stones @ Jan 14 2010, 09:51 PM)

I don't think most of those items qualify as fluff.

Except for the tape, she carries most of that stuff in RL.
Daddy's Little Ninja
Jan 15 2010, 06:56 PM
QUOTE (Draco18s @ Jan 14 2010, 09:50 PM)

Fucking awesome.
SF's friend is my husband. Do you know how long he did that before I knew what he was up to?
Celt IMC
Jan 15 2010, 07:33 PM
I had a sammie who also had the hobby build/repair antique furniture. One of the items he had was several logs which were cut inthe lumber heyday and sank to the bottom of the Great Lakes. They have a finer grain than current trees and are useful for repairing antique wood pieces.
Jan 15 2010, 07:41 PM
QUOTE (Daddy's Little Ninja @ Jan 15 2010, 01:56 PM)

SF's friend is my husband. Do you know how long he did that before I knew what he was up to?
No. But my guess is either "once" or "weeks."
Jan 15 2010, 08:07 PM
Some of the standard gear for all my characters is a flashlight, miniwelder, and handcuffs. You might be surprised by how often a pocket-sized arc welder comes in handy. Most of my characters have grapple guns. Of course I am an admitted comics nerd who reads too much Batman and watches Kim Possible. I have been known to upset GM's and fellow players when I intentionally add to the difficulty of tests to "make it look cool."
Jan 15 2010, 10:04 PM
QUOTE (StealthSigma @ Jan 12 2010, 10:18 AM)

Hmm, bunnies in my inventory....
I wonder if I could throw them at my enemy to confuse them.....
My wife played a character that, shall we say, was slightly unhinged
[ Spoiler ]
and kept a small collection of baby mice with her at all times, along with a squeeze dropper and some highly carbonated soda.
She occasionally filled the dropper up with the pop and fed it to the mice (who hadn't grown large enough to expell excess gas), shook them up and threw them at people.
Jan 16 2010, 03:34 PM
QUOTE (Draco18s @ Jan 15 2010, 02:41 PM)

No. But my guess is either "once" or "weeks."
Months. I got a call one friday night with DLN on the other end going "Do you know what he's been doing?" It took a while to get around to what she meant.
Jan 16 2010, 04:24 PM
QUOTE (Snow_Fox @ Jan 16 2010, 10:34 AM)

Weeks, months. Either way it was either "once" or "a very long time."
I got a call one friday night with DLN on the other end going "Do you know what he's been doing?" It took a while to get around to what she meant.
Jan 17 2010, 06:36 AM
At one point, my towel was fluffy. After repeated uses without washing, it's gotten kind of crunchy.
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