Jan 16 2010, 01:41 AM
What would happen if an AI emmerges from such database ? Would it aquire skillsoft, knowsoft and linguasoft ? would it be able to raid the Database and obtain a lot of skills ?
Jan 16 2010, 01:50 AM
QUOTE (Delarn @ Jan 15 2010, 08:41 PM)

What would happen if an AI emmerges from such database ? Would it aquire skillsoft, knowsoft and linguasoft ? would it be able to raid the Database and obtain a lot of skills ?
It would likely start with a bunch of knowledge skills... other than that nothing really. Where an AI emerges has no direct effect on the AI really as far as the rules are concerned.
Jan 16 2010, 02:02 AM
Pilot programs gains Piloting Origin. Skillsoft should have something like that.
Jan 16 2010, 03:14 AM
Well, now I can't find that quality for some reason... but anyway. Yeah, that is based on the program they evolved from, not where their program evolved.
I would still say there wouldn't really be any real game benefit. To represent it you may have the AI take the skill relevant to their skillsoft or knowledgesoft or something similar, but there isn't going to be any sort of big in-game benefit. You might be able to talk you're GM into letting you get a 5/10 point quality of "X" origin that gives you a +1/+2 to a particular skill, but otherwise... *shrug* It isn't like a character that grew up in a rich family or a poor family or in Japan or Seattle or whatever gets any direct benefits from that, it mostly just changes the sorts of skills/qualities they might have.
Jan 16 2010, 02:21 PM
RC in the AI creation part.
Jan 16 2010, 07:05 PM
I suppose you might be able to do a 10 point quality that lets you use skillsofts maybe, but that'd be about it.
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