Jan 21 2010, 08:44 AM
so in the R4a it mentions that qualities can be purchased with double karma (with GMs' approval)
is purchasing qualities Leagle in missions ... Im getting the feeling that anything that says "Game master approval" or similar is not allowed
Jan 21 2010, 06:39 PM
Any optional rule is not allowed in missions.
Jan 21 2010, 07:56 PM
Reading SR4A, p. 270, it states that a GM can award a character with a new positive quality, which must be paid for with Karma. This is not a player choice, but is given from the GM--thus, it would need to be included in the Mission. Missions in the past have included special benefits such as this, so you just need to keep playing through, and choose wisely.
Buying off Negative Qualities does require GM approval. I will speak with Aaron to see what feedback he has on the subject before giving out any official decisions.
Jan 21 2010, 09:03 PM
So does that mean that the martial arts rules are not allowed?
Jan 21 2010, 10:02 PM
Here is a question:
Can you in this thread post a complete list of all qualities allowed and not allowed?
I ask that you do both so GM's can just have the list printed out and be able to go alphabetically down each list and quickly say no thats on the excluded list or yes that is allowed.
Also some of the original negative qualities in the BBB state if you take them at character creation you start the game with a point of notoriety for each one on said list so my next question is this:
Are there any plans to add any of the new negative qualities to that list?
Are there new positive qualities that reduce notoriety?
Just some thoughts I had in reading this thread.
Jan 21 2010, 10:32 PM
The list of forbidden qualities is included in the Missions FAQ.
LINKFor reference that list is:
PositivesCode of Conduct
Common Sense
Deep Cover
Escaped Clone
Bad Rep
Big Regret
Borrowed Time
Cranial Bomb
Hung Out to Dry
Lost Loved One
Mysterious Implant
Jan 22 2010, 01:30 AM
Didn't debt recently get banned?
Jan 22 2010, 01:36 AM
In Debt was slated to be banned in the next Print of the FAQ
Jan 22 2010, 02:48 AM
The FAQ has not yet been updated. When it is, then In Debt will be added to the list.
Jan 24 2010, 04:47 PM
Erk. I guess I'll have to make some adjustments?
Jan 24 2010, 08:00 PM
My apologies, I missed your earlier question. As it stands now, per the FAQ, Martial Arts are forbidden. I will talk with Aaron about changing that, since the blanket chapter block is a little heavy.
Is the Missions campaign using any of the advanced rules from Arsenal?
Missions GMs are encouraged to use the Demolition and Substance Abuse rules presented in Arsenal as appropriate to the various Missions scenarios. However, the “More Ways to Die” chapter goes into more detail than the campaign needs for public play; as a consequence, we do not use that in normal Missions games. If a GM is running a home game, and the players agree to it, then they are more than welcome to use that material. These rules are not used for convention and other public games, because they tend to extend the game session beyond our usual allotted time frames.
Jan 25 2010, 08:20 PM
It is not affected if you use mission in a campain ?
Jan 25 2010, 10:31 PM
Only if you are a part of the official Missions campaign. If you are using Missions in your home game, we have no say over what rules you do or don't follow. :grin: Though if you'd like, I can arrange for the gaming police to make a raid on a location for an appropriate donation...
Jan 26 2010, 12:46 AM
I can donate my left and right gratitude
Jan 29 2010, 02:50 PM
QUOTE (BishopMcQ @ Jan 24 2010, 03:00 PM)

My apologies, I missed your earlier question. As it stands now, per the FAQ, Martial Arts are forbidden. I will talk with Aaron about changing that, since the blanket chapter block is a little heavy.
Is the Missions campaign using any of the advanced rules from Arsenal?
Missions GMs are encouraged to use the Demolition and Substance Abuse rules presented in Arsenal as appropriate to the various Missions scenarios. However, the “More Ways to Die” chapter goes into more detail than the campaign needs for public play; as a consequence, we do not use that in normal Missions games. If a GM is running a home game, and the players agree to it, then they are more than welcome to use that material. These rules are not used for convention and other public games, because they tend to extend the game session beyond our usual allotted time frames.
Thanks! We are getting ready to run our first Lock-in Missions (using the Denver set) this weekend. I was planning on playing in the first mission but we have had such a huge interest in the game that we have to run two tables and it looks like they will both be full. Still trying to get all the stuff together to apply to be an CDT Agent. Hopefully I can get the owner of the shop to sign my letter, especially since he will be playing. Then I can send it off and possibly get accepted before next month's lock-in (last Saturday-Sunday of the month).
Aug 31 2010, 11:05 AM
QUOTE (BishopMcQ @ Jan 21 2010, 10:48 PM)

The FAQ has not yet been updated. When it is, then In Debt will be added to the list.
Bull, when In Debt is added to the banned qualities list will existing characters with In Debt be retconned to replace In Debt with some other Negative Qualities(s)?
Aug 31 2010, 12:11 PM
Necromany... arise dead thread!
I can tell you Bull's answer, they will be grandfathered in. No directory wants to piss players off b/c the previous regime allowed something that now is thought to be illegal. It wasn't he players fault, and there's a retirement cap in play.
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