Feb 10 2004, 02:04 PM
Right now, Mission Briefing is still the only adventure that is available for play.
I have two authors that are finishing up their adventures and playtesting them in a week or two, so i hope to have them finished and packaged by the end of the month.
after that, i have two more authors that are working on two more adventures that will be ready soon as well...
sorry for the delay...i have a lot of stuff going on right now in real life - the least of which is that I will be leaving Feb 11 to go to the Ukraine to pick up my fiance and bring her back to the US to get married...I will be back online sometime around Feb 24...then i get to help adapt her to a new life as i also help my company move into a new building... yay!
Feb 10 2004, 10:57 PM
Good luck, and have a good trip.
Where can we pick up
Mission Briefing, as well as any future adventures. I'm not a Commando, so don't have access to the files on the Commando site, but I do want to run the Shadowrun Missions scenarios.
I know I've asked a couple of times, but have not received a real answer as yet.
Mar 4 2004, 07:19 AM
Directions for obtaining an adventure are now on the Shadowrun web site. on "Events" at the top.
Mar 4 2004, 07:46 AM
Yep, thanks.
Mar 4 2004, 03:49 PM
yeah, what he said...
Mar 4 2004, 07:08 PM
I swear that when he mentioned Ukraine I instantly thought Barsaive...
Mar 4 2004, 08:48 PM
i can confirm that i saw no evidence whatsoever of any barsavians, orcs, trolls, obsidmen, dwarves, or other such beings...
after drinking vodka at my reception, however, i may have seen a few windlings!!
and there are a LOT of suspiciously beautiful and single women over there - i think the elves are rummaging about....most seemed to have red hair...
Mar 4 2004, 08:58 PM
May I ask how did you end up with an Ukrainian fiance? Any other elves in the vicinity? Are they human friendly? Do they have thorns?
Mar 4 2004, 09:55 PM
Mission Briefing will be online in the middle of March, btw.
Mar 4 2004, 11:40 PM
And there was much rejoicing.
Mar 5 2004, 04:50 AM
So... Only one? I won't have a second one for this weekend? Uh oh...
Regnad Kcin
Mar 8 2004, 05:05 PM
So are the two new mods that ran at MegaCon available, or were those playtests or what? And what happened to #3 and #4?
-Regnad Knic
Mar 8 2004, 06:40 PM
i KNEW someone was going to bring that up...
here is the status:
SRM00-01 Mission Briefing (by Chris & Mark)
Written, Edited, Published, Available
You all know the blurb for this one...
SRM00-02 Demolition Run (John Schliebeler)
Written, Currently in Final Edit, Available to Commandos Only
Sometimes drek just needs to get blown up. And when it does, you’re the folks that they call to do it. It’s all in the job description, chummer.
SRM00-03 FORCEd RECON (Rich Osterhout)
The ancient ninjas were more than assassins, they were also experts in spying and intelligence gathering. A new research facility has just been built, and someone wants to get as much paydata on their operations in case future incursions are necessary. Become the modern ninja and name your pay!
SRM00-04 TBA (Peter Bangarth)
SRM00-05 A Dark and Stormy Night (Matt Phillips)
Written, Currently in Final Edit, Available to Commandos Only
It was a dark and stormy night — traveling near Glow City in the Redmond Barrens during a hail storm is not your idea of a good time, especially when things go bump in the night!
The only reason I allowed #5 to run was because Matt was the writer and judge and we were in a crunch...i'm taking steps to remedy the adventure situation now...hopefully, these two scenarios will be available soon and then i'll finish up mine. Note that these are all stand-alone and not connected in any way. They are all designed as demos and to showcase the campaign setting and Shadowrun as a whole. However, note that Matt's adventure is a little tougher than the others, and hence why i tagged it as #5 instead of #3. In a perfect world, people will not play it until they have played one or two of the others first. And without giving too much away, it is also meant to be a horror adventure (horror as in more scary and less mindless gangbangers sort of thing) as you can tell from the blurb above...
Mar 21 2004, 10:34 PM
Are any of the Shadowrun games currently on the schedule for Origins 2004 part of the Shadowrun Missions series? They all say they are sponsored by FanPro but I'm not sure if that necessarily means they are part of the campaign.
Mar 27 2004, 10:13 AM
QUOTE (bitrunner) |
SRM00-02 Demolition Run (John Schliebeler) |
And here I thought Jeff Huston got my name badly misspelled...
Mar 29 2004, 04:09 PM
hey! i spelled it correctly....i just slipped while typing it...
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