Mar 13 2010, 05:41 AM
How long were we going to let that thread go before anyone pointed out to me the date was all messed up.
Mar 13 2010, 06:52 AM
Ok I havn't heard from Darque but i'm hoping all will be in readiness tommorow morning. Here is the relevent server info.
Daque wants to use Open RPG to run the game dice and notetaking function..
Open RPGFor the talky portion of it everyone should have a mic and some way to hear and a copy of ventrillo which should shou found
hereHere's the info for my vent server
Server Port: 5355
Password: bushido
Mar 13 2010, 10:10 AM
looks like I wont be able to make this first one, as something kind of major has happened. I hope to make the next one if you'll still have me. thanks for understanding!
Mar 13 2010, 02:29 PM
Hi everybody!
Phill, No problem. Hope you can make the next one.
Everyone else, I'll be setting up a room on the "Mayhem Gaming" titled Ready Set Go. No password.
I've got it up right now. Sorry about the date thing. Didn't notice it myself.
Mar 13 2010, 09:24 PM
I juest wanted to take a moment to thank Darquewing for running this morning, myself and the fiance' had a great time and it's one less I'll have to eat.
Mar 14 2010, 03:32 AM
I will second that motion. I had fun and everything went very smoothly. For anyone out there who may be interested, the combo of Openrpg and Ventrillo made for a great gaming experience. I think our runtime was around 5 hours, but that included us all figuring out how to make everything work. So 4 hours is more like the time frame. I really hope to be able to play some more missions this way.
Mar 15 2010, 02:06 AM
I definitely had a blast! Though I think these two are being nice on the critiques since it was my first time GM'ing. Ventrillo and OpenRPG did work well together I think. I liked being able to get the handouts and maps over to everyone pretty quickly. If I can ever afford to get a VPS, then I want to host an OpenRPG server for Dumpshock.
I am open to running again one weekend in April. Maybe the next time I can be a little more prepared

Also, I will get those sheets to everyone tomorrow. Just trying to catch up on things today.
Mar 15 2010, 02:55 AM
That's ok, I was looking at my new vehicle license and I was actually considering grabing a fairly high ticket (although low availabilty thank god) so i may want you to write down that I started the process on there if you can afford to hold off. I wanted to ask a quick guideline about it here on dumpshock so i'm glad you reminded me.
Mar 16 2010, 04:08 PM
Sure thing. Looking to get a spiffy new car?
Mar 16 2010, 06:05 PM
As Ares Roadmaster has definite appeal as a "get me the frag out of here" vehicle although Red wants to get a sports car. I think i've got her sold on the urban tank concept though.
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