being the kind of lifestyle that runners tend to lead, it's not like they can easily just park all their vehicles and drones in the parking garage of their building... the doberman drones and lynx's might stand out a bit

so how do riggers in your games handle this problem? or do most people overlook the fact that after a few months of running the group rigger has accumulated 2 cars, 1 motorcycle, a steel lynx, a delivery van, a couple dobermans, and an assortment of crawler and aerial drones...
my first instinct is to have a high loyalty mechanic contact that would let you store some of the more suspicious stuff in his garage... and this may work for a small amount, but once you're getting into the severly illegal gear, or just a lot of vehicles, that mechanic no matter how good a contact, can't shut down his business to accomadate your need for storage space...
then I thought maybe trying to take over some low sec building - basically gang style, and using it as your own personal garage... maybe even lending out your services to the biggest local gang for protection... then I thought this only opens yourself up to having all of your gear stolen or destroyed by rival gangs or angry customers... not to mention the fact that it's incredibly unsecure for trying to keep anything that's extremely illegal, and therefore very valuable...
I suppose buying / leasing a warehouse of some sort (tagging the extra cost as added lifestyle) could be an option, but I know if it were me I'd be exceptionally picky about who my landlords were, what neighborhood it was in, what forms of security it came with and what kind of security upgrades I'd be allowed to do, etc... this seems the most logical and sensible option to me, but I'm curious how other riggers have handled it... especially any long term riggers that have managed to accumulate the more rare vehicles like a roadmaster, a helicopter or even better, a VTOL... how did you handle to storage and maintenance of it?