Mar 24 2010, 01:27 AM
Since Darquewing was ind enough to runa module for me this month I'd like to reciprocate and runa module next month. Since i think there may be a quite a few people that want to try it I'll be running SRM00 Everyone's Your Friend if we can get interest in it. Anyone that's interest in playing please feel free to post here although Darque kind of gets first refusal ona time slot. For the first time in several years I'm now back on days so I'm free to run the game any night except for Thursday. I'll be kind of targeting this for either next week or the week after to give folsk time to make sure they have the day free on their schedules.
Mar 24 2010, 02:12 PM
I am defiantly interested. I had fun last time and would love to do it again. Thanks for offering to run and set this up.
Mar 24 2010, 05:39 PM
Also definately interested here if you don't mind a newbie =P.
Pretty much only day out would be Monday nights here (weekdays prefered over weekends, but can make it work with notice).
Mar 27 2010, 03:42 PM
How are you playing this online? I would be interested in joining.
Mar 27 2010, 05:05 PM
Last outing we ran a combined open rpg and Ventrillo setup that worked pretty slick. Vent allows us to pretty seamlessly communicate via audio(which keeps on-line gamees runing on schedule) while OpenRPG handles the dicrolling, map or hand out distribution and any sideboard chatting that needs to happen.
Mar 27 2010, 05:06 PM
Newbies are definitely welcome and encouraged.
Mar 27 2010, 05:09 PM
what do I need to do to prepare for the game? I am not familiar with either of the platforms. I am a quick study. My email address is
update: I have both of those platforms now.
Mar 29 2010, 08:10 PM
Sadly, I will have to bow out of this one. right now, late April looks like the soonest I can do anything.
Mar 29 2010, 08:51 PM
That's a shame well to start throwing dates at a board to see what sticks who would want to play either the 3rd or 4th?
Mar 29 2010, 08:51 PM
That's a shame well to start throwing dates at a board to see what sticks who would want to play either the 3rd or 4th?
Mar 30 2010, 01:27 AM
hrmmm. Well the 3rd I work, so would not be available until late, say 7pm. Normally I am available all day on Sunday's but this one, the 4th, is Easter. As such have family obligation until 5pm. (Central, GMT -6)
Mar 30 2010, 10:56 PM
That works here too (for the 3rd) at 7 pm central.
Mar 31 2010, 04:23 AM
I could do that if we can get two more. As long as we run the module in 4 hours or less i could support that plan. I ahve to get up dirt early on sundays for work.
Apr 1 2010, 04:58 PM
So we've two, one more person would nicely help put it within the proverbial comfort zone, two (or more) additional people whould be ideal, any takers?
Apr 2 2010, 12:36 PM
Triggvi does that time work for you? We're approaching quickly and I only have two confirmations. I can run it for 2 but would feel more comfortable with more.
Everyone still on please send me a PM with your outside the board contact info preferably AIM or at least an email.
Apr 2 2010, 03:06 PM
I can do the 4th at 7pm central. I will be working right up to game time.
Aim is mrfixitofmassage
email is
Apr 2 2010, 06:26 PM
Here's the info Open RPG to run the game dice and notetaking function..
Open RPG Darque said we should use this specific version because of stability issues. This will only be my second outing with OpenRPG so i'm going to defer to his wisdom and asks folks do the same (I think the two are compatible so it might not be a big deal either way)
For the talky portion of it everyone should have a mic and some way to hear and a copy of ventrillo which can be found
hereHere's the info for my vent server
Server Port: 5355
Password: bushido
When i get home from work i will test everything and put out which public open RPG server we will use.
Apr 2 2010, 06:29 PM
Because someone asked what's everyone bringing to the table character wise?
Apr 2 2010, 06:56 PM
I can vouch that Traipse is the more stable version. If anyone is using these programs for the first time, I would allow some extra time to log in and get set up.
As for Character, I am again running Buscador.
Buscador is an Ork, former detective for the Pueblo Corporate Council. He has a talent for Forensics, Evidence Analysis, and Investigation.
His social skills are above average so he makes a decent face. He is not a combat monster but can hold his own in a fight.
Apr 2 2010, 09:14 PM
What version of SR4 are we using? Also what options if any are we playing with.? I am bring in A face/infiltrator adept Eilaria Mystweaver. High charisma and max influence skill group.
Lok1 :)
Apr 2 2010, 10:19 PM
I'm up for it if you guys are still open, my schedual is rather limited however, best times for me are Tuesdays, Thursdays, and fridays. Weekends are compleatly out of the quistion, the days listed above are perferd but anything in the week is good, assumming the time lines up.
As for character I'm probibly going to play ether a hacker/demolitions expert or a Whip adapt with lots of martial arts.
Lok1 :)
Apr 2 2010, 10:19 PM
Fucking double post
Lok1 :)
Apr 2 2010, 10:23 PM
It cool if I hit you up on vent when you test it later today for more info? I hate planing things via forums.
PS:If you log in and see AllenT up on there, its me.
Apr 2 2010, 11:13 PM
QUOTE (Triggvi @ Apr 2 2010, 04:14 PM)

What version of SR4 are we using? Also what options if any are we playing with.? I am bring in A face/infiltrator adept Eilaria Mystweaver. High charisma and max influence skill group.
Missions uses SR4A. There is a
Changes Doc. If you do not have an older copy of the core book. (like I do)
Apr 2 2010, 11:41 PM
If we play tomorrow I will be about an hour late (i will be on about 8pm central time). My client changed his appt time on me.
Apr 3 2010, 12:01 AM
K, put me down for playing one of the flashy, mumbling, hand wavy, robe wearing guys as long as Luker lets me have a bountiful beautiful blond assistant that does everything I tell her too....
Apr 3 2010, 04:54 AM
tuesdays would be better and we would have at least one more player if we did.
Apr 3 2010, 04:54 AM
tuesdays would be better and we would have at least one more player if we did.
Apr 3 2010, 06:10 AM
Alright we'll be playing on Blackstar game server i'll try and have a room set up ahead of time labeled Shadowrun Missions. We may delay up to a half hour if we can Trig but it's based on consensus.
Lok1: In the future ill let you know and we'll see if we can do a weekday game, as an FYI martial arts (and the entire more ways to die chapter in Arsenal) are not allowed under SRM rules.
As a parting shot does anyone know how to quickly add a picture/file to a tree? I remember seeing Darque do it that wasn't a image link but i can't seem to find it now. I may have to web link it but since this module is pretty light on the visual aids I may just email them to folks if i can't figure it out.
Apr 3 2010, 12:49 PM
QUOTE (LurkerOutThere @ Apr 3 2010, 01:10 AM)

As a parting shot does anyone know how to quickly add a picture/file to a tree? I remember seeing Darque do it that wasn't a image link but i can't seem to find it now. I may have to web link it but since this module is pretty light on the visual aids I may just email them to folks if i can't figure it out.
I have found the easiest way is to put stuff on flikr (or something like it) and create Image link nodes. I do that for my LFR games I play. That way it is all set up in case I run the same mod again. The "box text" sections I put in a text node and send them out when needed. It works well for me and gets everything set up ahead of time.
Apr 3 2010, 01:39 PM
That's what I ended up doing, if i'd been a smart monkey I would have saved the Tree when I was done, but I didn't. I sohuld have time to get everything se tup tonight, hope to see you guys then.
Apr 3 2010, 01:44 PM
QUOTE (LurkerOutThere @ Apr 3 2010, 08:39 AM)

That's what I ended up doing, if i'd been a smart monkey I would have saved the Tree when I was done, but I didn't. I sohuld have time to get everything se tup tonight, hope to see you guys then.
Well then take this tip to heart as well. I have a folder a save my trees to and then a sub folder that I keep a second copy in. It is way too easy to save a tree over another by accident. Nothing like loosing a couple hours work over a click happy mistake.
Apr 3 2010, 02:52 PM
I will be able to be on early 6pm central and do set up (i have never used ventillo) and give you the character and then come in later for the game. this is not my normal Saturday.
Apr 3 2010, 04:14 PM
I will be bring Ifrit, a high Charisma spell slinger, who would rather not touch his gun but will if he has too.
Apr 3 2010, 08:31 PM
update: I was able to move my client back. So I will be on by 6:30pm central time and we can go from there.
Apr 3 2010, 10:20 PM
Anyone else having problems with getting openrpg to work? The link that was provided doesn't exist currently so your back to v1.8.
Error am getting is: "Installer integrity check has failed. common causes include incomplete download and damaged media. Contact the installer's auther to obtain a new copy"
Currently on Vent if someone has time to walk thru it =/
Apr 3 2010, 10:25 PM
QUOTE (Tymire @ Apr 3 2010, 05:20 PM)

Anyone else having problems with getting openrpg to work? The link that was provided doesn't exist currently so your back to v1.8.
Error am getting is: "Installer integrity check has failed. common causes include incomplete download and damaged media. Contact the installer's auther to obtain a new copy"
Currently on Vent if someone has time to walk thru it =/
Try this
Link to get to Openrpg. See if that helps. I am still currently at work and will not be able to log on until right at 7. Hopefully someone else will be on before then to help you out.
Apr 3 2010, 10:45 PM
Blackstar is evidently down, we'll be using the Mayhem Gaming server. Room is Shadowrun Missions
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