QUOTE (Valashar @ Mar 28 2010, 06:57 PM)
Three points about the character above:
*wall of text*
I have thoughts of these things, and i'm going to try to respond to them.
First: Heightened Concentration. I'll save you the trouble of looking it up. Its in Digital Grimoire on page 18, and reads as follows. 'The Adept is capable of tuning out a single distraction to her task at hand. When using thie power, the adept can ignore a single situational negative dice pool modifier of up to her Magic attribute. This power requires a Complex Action to activate and may be combined with Adept Centering metamagic.'
So, by spending a complex action to begin ignoring the Sustaining Modifier, you may then ignore up to six dice worth of it.
I realize i -may- be wrong about how the sustaining modifier works, and I would like to confirm or deny it. If you have page numbers, please point them out to me. I'd also like to know, because its related to another question/problem I have. How the penalty stacks(whether the -2's lump into one big penalty, or several different small ones, i think) also relates to the Shooting Multiple Targets penalty, which is also -2, and I would -very- much like to know if its possible to use an Ares HVAR and Heightened Concentration to shoot multiple targets in one pass without reducing a dice pool to a dice puddle.
Even IF you can only ignore one spell's sustaining, it is very good to have - blind fire is hefty penalties, and wound penalties can cripple your dice pools.
Analyze device: I would point that if you're Jumped Into a drone through a VR unit, then analyze device on the commlink/VR should apply equally. Scarier, Analyze Device on a smartlink is rather useful too. Or a rating 6 Medkit.
Martial Arts: I do realize that multitasking does not apply in combat. However, SR4a 147 says you may take a Free action in place of a Simple action, which changes things considerably. However, a Jumped In rigger IS the drone. Rigger's skills, Drone's Hardware. I would -not- allow Free Action take aim via the Command program, because Control Device is a Complex Action, always. While jumped in, certain actions are different: Moving is a free action, burst fire is a simple, other small details when you don't have to go through the Command program - and while Jumped In, there is no reason you can't have a Kung Fu Robot. (Okay! Granted, doing it in a flying robot is a little silly! But the point stands. )
Hell, even one of the novels had an injured wheel-chair bound former military person who droned it up so they could walk and move again.
A drone running by itself, Autonomously, without outside input doesn't have the martial arts quality anyway, so that's right out.
I am, however, a little embarrassed I forgot to put More than Metahuman in the qualities section, which lets you jump into and out of a drone with a Free action - which has a very useful implication for riggers, since Free actions may explicitly be held in reserve and taken later in the Initiative pass(4A 146), so a rigger with an unused free action will never suffer dumpshock, because they may simply jump out before it blows up.
You're also wrong about Mystic Adept spellcasting. 4th Anniversary made some changes to how the Split is calculated. In nearly every instance, now, Mysadepts get their Full magic value for a lot of things they didn't before. Drain, and where it turns into overcasting, the amount of foci they may have bonded, that kind of thing. Everything that's not called out specifically as being one or the other. 4A: 195 For 'ALL other purposes, the full magic attribute is used'. I was very, very tempted to give the character Death Touch, which has a drain code of F/2-2. In the above build, it may be cast at Force 12 for four physical drain, and makes sense for a super-deadly martial artist.
On Perception: I'd like to point out that in several instances of the rules, having extra dice on Perception tests helps non-physical perception tests. See the Postive quality Perception(RC100), which adds +1 to all perception tests, and calls out both Astral and Matrix Perception tests. in Augmentation(p70) over in the Bioware section. Same thing, the Reception Enhancers adds to all Perception tests, and also says its cumulative with Sensors. Its -quite- good, helps cut through Stealth programs AND spot people on sensors, and I don't see any reason the Adept power works any differently, especially because the Sensor Test on 4a 171 is a Sensor+Perception test. I'm pretty sure that accessing a drone through a VR unit IS a Matrix Perception test.
Additionally, the Multiprocessing Echo(unwired 146) is worth mentioning, because it changes Observer in Detail while VR- or AR-ing into a Free action, and specificalls calls out its similiarity to Adept Multitasking, which is where I got the idea.
Use Sensors IS indeed a Simple Action - for a person driving Manually. For someone Remote Controlling, it would be a Complex Action, because that's how the Control Device action works. With VR - which is what we'd be doing in combat - and VR only - its a Free Action to Observe In Detail, because VR-rigging is more action-efficient, and it happens to be a free action for this character.
The drone running by itself gets no bonus, clearly.
Now, I can see where you're coming from. A good deal of the confusion with the character I posted has to do with his given status in play. For the -MOST- part, the build is most effective while jumped into a drone, and not all bonuses, qualities, or tricks apply at the same time. It has a lot to do with what commlink mode the character is in, and what spells are up at any given time. I hope that answers any questions you may have had, and if i missed something, please point it out.