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Full Version: Grand Theft Auto, Denver Edition
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun Missions
Our group of new runners under a new GM just finished food fight and are halfway through the first Denver mission.
We have already "acquired" a sedan and a limo and are trying to decide on a method of changing the name on the car's title through the matrix.
Does anyone have any suggestions for how this could be achieved?
(I'm a technomancer who can compile a rating 12 sprite without much difficulty and we are only using the twentieth anniversary book, if those matter)
Wandering One
Do a quick datasearch for the owner's name to find where he registers in Denver, then break into the DMV for that region in Denver and do a 'sale of title' routine on the car... If you need to completely obliterate ownership records you're looking at getting into offline data stores... a resonance quest, most likely.
You'll need a shop to keep the limo in. Even if you change the title, if you park it by the street next to your squat, then you are going to have big issues. Hit team, your location is known, it's stolen back, etc.
To be fair, limo's rarely look unique* enough that you're going to see one and go "that's MY limo, no doubt about it!" Plus there tend to be a decent number of limo's kicking around a major city.

But yes, regardless, leaving it parked outside on the street's probably abad idea, if for no other reason than someone will come along and want to steal it. After all, it's a Limo. Plus they tend to be stored in garages anyways to keep them out of the elements.

*Up in the Cleveland area, there's a seafood restaurant that has a limo that's base is an aqua green/blue, with a sea floor mural painted along the sides. In Indianapolis, there's a bright yellow limo with a chick head on it that I have no clue what it's for, and I saw a picture of a limo at a Japanese car show once that had a pseudo-hentai mural on the side. If you steal a limo like that, I suggest repainting it ASAP smile.gif

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