Season 3
Premiering at Origins and Gen Con will be the finale for Season 3. The current New York Missions story arc ends with a bang with SRM 03-12, Elevator Ride to Hell! We'll also be running Missions 6 through 11, which premiered at Gen Con in 2009. All 7 Missions will be run at both Origins and Gen Con (I'll try and get more info about Dragon*Con soon).
SRM 03-06 - JackKnifed
Defend a truck - What could possibly go wrong?
SRM 03-07 - Knight at the Opera
Will the real Damian Knight please stand up?
SRM 03-08 - Firestorm
A hell of a weapon, or the weapon from Hell?
SRM 03-09 - Something Completely Different
The runners awaken in the lobby coat closet of the Guggenheim museum with no memory of how they arrived. Outside, they find a party going in full swing.
SRM 03-10 - Spin Control
Mr. Johnson hires the runners to locate a shadow project being conducted in Manhattan.
SRM 03-11 - Food Poisoning
Saying, "Business in the City is cutthroat" is like saying "Russian roulette can cause headaches." You get the point, just not the severity
SRM 03-12 - Elevator Ride to Hell!
Because a basket isn't big enough.
Convention Mission Pack 01
We're not ready to announce what's next for Missions after Season 3, but in the meantime, we're debuting the Convention Mission Pack! These are a series of adventures that are designed to be run at this years conventions, so you should see them for Origins, Gen Con, Dragon*Con, and should be available for any other convention that's running missions. The CMP series (Listed as simply the MP series for Origins and Gen Con) are adventures not directly related to Season 3 (Or Season 2, or even Season 1). They can take place anywhere and involved nearly anything. You can take your current Missions character in to experience these adventures, and they're still worth karma and nuyen of course. If you're looking for a break from the Streets of New York, time to take a vacation with the CMP adventure series!
CMP 01-01 through CMP 01-04 will be debuting at Origins, with CMP 01-05 through 01-08 debuting at Gen Con!
CMP 01-01 - Manhunt
Fifteen years ago Seattle was plagued by a number of vicious animal attacks. These attacks seem to be on the rise again but Knight Errant is not taking them seriously, a retired Lone Star cop takes matters into his own hands. Is this just a coincidence or is Seattle about to repeat history?
CMP 01-02 Copycat Killer?
The Mayan Cutter and Tempo were two of the causes that the Star lost its Seattle contract. Shortly after Knight Errant took over, the killings stopped. Conspiracy theorists believed the Cutter was a ploy by KE to bring the Star down but now the killings have started again. Is it a copycat or the real deal?
CMP 01-03 - Ashes
Six decades after the Awakening Seattles Ork Underground stands at the very threshold of mainstream endorsement. But with Governor Brackhavens election , can this safe haven for metahumanity hope to weather the coming political storm?
CMP 01-04 - Humanitarian Aid
Horizons community clinic was robbed, days before their scheduled outreach program. When 3,000 people are at risk of dying, even the good guys will call you to go and hurt some bad guys.
CMP 01-05 - Lost Islands Found
When news of ruins appearing on an island comes up, several groups want to have exclusive rights. Now you need to remove some of the competition.
CMP 01-06 - Deconstructing Patriots
The New Revolution came a hairs breadth from success. In the fallout, many of their supporters went to ground. Its time to bring a few of them into the light.
CMP 01-07 - Congressional Conspiracies
Unification. That one word could destroy the CAS or start another war. With conflicts simmering throughout the world, there can be profit in war and even more profit in rearmament before hand.
CMP 01-08 - Stormcrow Undone
If you provide the pictures, Ill provide the war. When pictures come out that the war is being supported for the wrong reasons, the media needs to find a new way to spin.
Retirement Age
Since the end of Season 3 provides us with a break in the action, once Gen Con wraps and we officially start Season 4, we're also going to be implementing the Promotion System. There will be more details coming on that in the next few months, but the basics are simple. To help keep the playing field a little more level, we'll be introducing a mandatory retirement "Age" for all characters at or above a certain karma level at the beginning of each season. THe Character will be promoted to Prime Runner status, and there will be some benefit that you can get for a new character, a benefit for having reached that level with a previous character. We will also be releasing Prime Runner Missions down the line, advanced missions designed for more powerful characters so you can take your old characters out for a spin.
There's a lot of stuff in the works for that, and not everything is finalized yet, but we'll be sure to give everyone a heads up. This won't effect Season 3 at all, and basically will go into effect once Season 4 Launches.
Tournament and Scramble
As usual, there will be a Shadowrun Tournament at Gen Con this year.
Social networking is all well and good but it gets particularly exciting in 2072, especially if all your friends are professional criminals. A contact just been burned and broadcasted his predicament via local Matrix ping. The cops, the yaks, and possibly a major corps are gunning for his butt, not 10 blocks from where you just settled into a nice cup of soykaf. Can you bail him out and get him to safety before it all comes crashing down?
(Note: This is a 2 night adventure)
Shadowrun Scramble
I'll let Aaron fill you in on what he's got planned for this years Scramble when he gets back from his Honeymoon.

So, that's whats coming up. Any questions?