Apr 6 2010, 08:52 PM
Can Karma that is transfered to a new character for NY be saved as good Karma or must it be spent? If Possible I would like an official response to this please.
Apr 6 2010, 09:46 PM
I... Don't know, honestly. I'm checking to see if there's any precedant that was set when they made the switch to Season 3. My gut response is "I don't see why you couldn't save a bit of karma", as you might end up with the odd change leftover, but... Let me take a look.
When we do the FAQ for Season 4, I'll look into addressing that more clearly.
Fourth edition no longer uses the distinction of "good karma".
My unofficial response: I see no problem with saving up unused karma for later. Indeed this is exactly what would be required if, for example, a character was intending to raise an already developed attribute, or create an Ally spirit.
Apr 7 2010, 12:42 PM
Errr question though, isn't it an already covered question? Karma is only transferable from second to third per the FAQ.
Apr 7 2010, 05:40 PM
Sorry, I meant to post this last night. Talking with one of the former coordinators, yes, you can save karma to spend later on.
I think this is mainly intended so you don't have to waste it, if you end up with a few points leftover, but... Karma is karma. You earned it, spend it as you wish

Apr 8 2010, 04:25 PM
Thanks for the quick resolution to this.
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