The old books London and Imago are very good sources on Scotland; the novel Streets of Blood (aside from being awesome in itself) has a chunk, too.
Basically, Scotland is divided into a Wild Zone effectively run by shamanic druids and an Inhabited Zone run by Transys. Transys practically owns Edinburgh. Lots of wilderness and Highlands in either part. Asmall irradiated toxic zone to round things up exists, too, and Imago has details on the Loch Ness monster and the Scot clans largely running Transys.
Those books are seriously dated, and SoE is a good update, but they're still the best sources.
the UK government is very similar to the Cromwellian era or Luther Arkwright setting also a big hit of V for Vendetta
No. Whilecrazy, it is not that crazy. It is actually not that far from contemporary Britain. Considering it was
intended to be a Cromwellian VfV nightmare, I tend to find this rather depressing.