My players in Block War hated this adventure-- I can only imagine it was meant to be a light hearted break from the grim shadows that most mods have us in, however it was expressed to me that "when I come to play ShadowRun, I expect to play ShadowRun". No spoilers here, but the job hires Shadow Runners to do frat boy work-- and the background is silly and there are several rather absurd situations (the "fixers", e.g.).
As a GM, this was more fun for me to run than SRM02-01, which was so linear that I took a year hiatus from SRM after running it at a Con. This mod had options, good floor plan, and was fairly well thought out. Had the premise been changed to something more ShadowRunner like, I'd have had only a few complaints-- it didn't scale to TR 6 well at all, but this is a common complaint: I've yet to get a mod that scales through all 6 TR levels appropriately. There were also nit picky errors-- not really proof read: "while knight" instead of "white knights", the side banner of a map had "Ready, Set, Gogh" on it instead of "Block Party". Rules and items that aren't in the core SR4A, didn't provide a reference book/pg.
My players rated it much lower, b/c even though they were presented with options, and I had some flexibilty in running it, they still were being hired by a goofball team of fixers, by goofball Johnsons, and then given the "boy scout" option of forgetting you are a freelance corperate mercenary, but expected to "do the right thing". They only finished 90% of the mod before walking away and having nothing more to do with it.
Although I generally disliked it as written, and my players all hated it-- it's a YMMV mod. If you want a break and do something comical, this is something you'll like. If you don't, you're likely to play through it with clenched teeth for the karma though