QUOTE (evilgoattea @ Apr 19 2010, 07:29 PM)

How have you guys handled the use of social skills in the game? I am reading about hositality levels which I kinda like. But for example: How would characters interact with a gruff bartender they are trying to get information out of. I am considering him to be suspicious since the runners are brand new with no rep. They roll the opposed test and get him to be friendly, then what? How would the interaction continue? Negotation? Con?
In general, you use Etiquette to get people to warm up to you. Negotiation is used to haggle (be it on a price, to pick someone up at a bar, or alter their plans). Con is used to trick or fool someone, such as acting like someone you're not, trying to pull one over on them, or sweet talking some information out of them through guile and charm. Leadership is used to inspire others to follow your plans or acquiesce to your will. Intimidation is a more aggressive form of Leadership and Con, relying on fear tactics to get others to do what you want or to extract information out of them.
In your example, Etiquette is the skill of choice. The runners would be using it to make the Bartender believe that they're trustworthy and that they're good on their word. After that, it depends entirely on what they want out of the bartender. If they're after information, Con would work best if they're trying to do it by chatting him up and tricking him into revealing what they want. If they're trying to bribe the information out of him, Negotiation is the skill of choice. If they're just trying to bully him around, Intimidation is the way to go.
It's pretty self-explanatory, really. Just go with your gut. Pretty much any of them can be rationalized depending on the situation at hand. The important thing is to base the die roll on the way the players are going about it, not the other way around.