Apr 26 2010, 07:30 PM
Just curious how this run went for others (which I realize for most of you was a ways back). I'm particularly interested as a new GM and player what strategies paid off in making the hit look like an accident.
Our team didn't fare too well, but my PC had a real bad feeling about meeting just to get paid and wasn't there to get massacred by the Red Sam-level hit team.
Apr 26 2010, 08:36 PM
Went easy for us-- lots of prepping, but once we found out that the target...
[ Spoiler ]
Skied alone-- his body guards didn't ski. It was easy. We had two spirits to do all the work-- one mind control, and one accident. Crack, broken neck.
Apr 26 2010, 09:52 PM
QUOTE (SaintHax @ Apr 26 2010, 03:36 PM)

Went easy for us-- lots of prepping, but once we found out that the target...
[ Spoiler ]
Skied alone-- his body guards didn't ski. It was easy. We had two spirits to do all the work-- one mind control, and one accident. Crack, broken neck.
Ah. Our GM had the guards with him...otherwise we were considering that basic approach.
Black Jack Rackham
Apr 26 2010, 10:04 PM
Actually, the module specifically leaves the target's comings and goings vague. That way, individual GMs can make him tougher/easier to find based on Table Rating/personal judgement.
(I like giving frameworks and letting individual GMs put their own personal touches.)
And for the record I've heard of using a very powerful spirit to bring an avalanche down on the house, making a deal with the target, and sealing the house until all are unconscious from lack of oxygen then goign in as viable solutions.
Blue DragonFly
Apr 27 2010, 01:28 AM
I believe an avalanche was used when i ran it or maybe it was a skiing accident...
sir stenz
Apr 27 2010, 08:43 AM
Yeah, my players used an avalanche too....
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