Feb 19 2004, 07:35 PM
I don't mean a decker who is also capable of combat. I'm talking about a decker who gets through IC with a large board (possibly with a nail in it) rather than obscene Detection Factor or abuse of Validate. Is there any way to overcome the drawbacks of cybercombat and pack a large enough Hacking Pool to suppress enough IC to make it viable?
Feb 19 2004, 07:46 PM
I'm sure it's possible, just re-orient your programs for the attack side of things. Also, the bio-feedback resistance is a must for an edge.
Feb 19 2004, 08:11 PM
Attack programs with large Stealth options so you can kill with needing to suppress, Kick Ass size cloak and Lock-on (with a good computer skill and these too you can get away with just light and medium damage attack progs) And good Evasion with a blood good Iniative. Body and hardening to full back on.
Failing that, do the same with an Otaku
Feb 19 2004, 08:57 PM
Oh yeah. Lots of hardening, and physical body, and medic/shield/armor programs.
Feb 19 2004, 09:17 PM
or an ICCM biofilter (i think) and a good willpower
Feb 19 2004, 10:09 PM
Make as much use of the fist as you can, and be sure to master the running punch. Be prepared to grenade-hop to secret areas, and keep a supply of Magnum ammo on hand for sniping.
Feb 19 2004, 10:25 PM
And keep on the lookout for turltes. When you jump on them, if you don't do it right, they sail away from you on thier shells only to hit something in the distance and hurtle back at you. Killing you. Dead.
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