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Full Version: Most recent Mission ?
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun Missions
Is SRM 07 Knight at the Opera still the most recent release ?

If no, where can I find them these days ?
QUOTE (MJBurrage @ May 8 2010, 04:01 PM) *
Is SRM 07 Knight at the Opera still the most recent release ?

If no, where can I find them these days ?

As far as I know, yes, though they're planning on rolling out some new ones Any Day Now.
Hopefully the next one will come down the pipe any day now.
Any news, when we can expect the next module?
I dropped a note to Jason the other day asking this very same question, the answer I recieved was the next module will be ocming out "Very Soon". To make an educated guess based on this and other discussion their layout person is likely spining up and working on getting the big books out the door. After that is completed we will get the next mission and a couple more in rapid succession.

THere were a few last minute things that cropped up when we looked at the final PDF taht we had, when Jason was getting ready to release it. There were a few things missing that we had assumed was done, so we're scrambling to fill in the missing pieces. Nothing major, just a couple art holes, a missing contact, and we needed to swap out the cover art (Someone reused the cover to 07 for some reason). All of that should be fixed, and hopefully it'll be ready to go after this weekend (No promises though. I just figure that most everyone's gonna be busy this weekend, what with the holiday and all).

Wow that's better then I'd hoped.
The biggest delay, honestly, came because Adam left. That's not to say it's his fault, it's not... But originally he had the layout files, then they had to go to the new layout guy, who had to figure out what was going on and sort everything out... We're just caught up in the Chaos.
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