I am fairly new around here and am just returning to Shadowrun. The last time I played Shadowrun it was still first edition and that was some time ago. We are soon to kick off a new campaign and we’re all (my RPG group that is) brushing up on third edition rules.
When I first got to the shotgun section I loved it. As an avid firearms fan both in game and in my real life I was thrilled with the idea that the RPG differentiated between slugs and shotshells and they even took choke into account. Then when I and the guy that is going to GM started looking into the nitty-gritty details we realize while the mechanics was simple and effective it was quite a bit off reality.
I have read some older post on the topic here but would like to revisit it and share how my group has decided to tweak the choke rules.
First up a quick reality check on shotguns and chokes. A choke is simply a constriction of the last few inches of a shotgun barrel to make the shot spread a little slower in flight. Shotguns are often patterned to see how tight a particular shotgun/choke will shoot. Pattering is done by shooting the shotgun at a patterning board, basicly a large piece of paper. This is done at forty yards for all but the small gage shotgun, the 410 shotgun. You then draw a 30 inch circle around the largest number of pellet holes possible and count the hits inside the circle. Knowing the original weight and pellet size you can estimate the number of pellet in the unfired shell and calculate the percentage in the 30 circle.
The standard choke constrictions are Cylinder, Improved Cylinder, Modified, Improved Modified, and Full. In order from no constriction most constriction. There are certainly other sizes tighter and intermingled with these but these are the five standard ones.
Now at 40 yards a full choke throw 70-80% of its pattern inside that 30 circle. The tightest Shadowrun choke a 10 at 40 meters (43.7yds) would have a 4 meter pattern of shot. If we assuming relatively even shot distribution that would only give you about a 5-7% pattern. Even the most open choke, a cylinder, which has no constriction at all, gives about a 35-40% pattern. And a Shadowrun 2 choke looses effectiveness, due to power penalty at 20 meter but even then shot is spread over a 10 meter pattern at only 20 meters. I’m not sure a blunderbuss loaded with dimes could shoot that open of a pattern let alone a shotshell from a modern or near futuristic shotgun. On top of these unrealistically fast spreading patterns the problem with the –1 to the target number for each range increment make the choke bonus out run the range modifiers very quickly.
Our group has decided on the following changes to make shotgun interesting but much more realistic. We attempted to change the rules as little as possible and still have believable shotgun functionality in the game mechanics.
First thing is when firing shotshells shotguns use the heavy pistol ranges. This make max range for a shotgun about 60 meter which is a bit of a stretch for small diameter bird shot (#9, 8, 7.5) but pretty good for larger diameter bird shot (#6, 5, 4, 2) and buckshot (#2 buck, 00, 000).
Next we simple change the choke selection from 2-10 by increments of 1, to 10-30 by increments of 5. This corresponds nicely to standard chokes:
Cylinder (10)
Improved Cylinder (15)
Modified (20)
Improved Modified (25)
Full (30)
All other choke rules for the modifiers to hit and decrease in power stay exactly the same.
This is slightly generous in pattern size when compared to real shotguns but is very playable and still gives the shotgun an interesting short/medium range edge while not making it munchkin out with its outrageous modifiers to hit as originally written.
With these changes a full choke (30) at 40 meter has a 2 meter wide pattern a –1 power and +1 to hit.
A cylinder choke (10) at 40 meters has a 4 meter pattern with –4 power +4 to hit. A little bit open compared to reality but it works nice in the game mechanics and is far more realistic then the original version.
If you hash out the above in a spread sheet it works pretty good. It does get a little funny with the ranges and choke sometime making it easier to hit if the target was another meter farther way because of the choke intervals but it does give a much more realistic feel to shotgun then the rules as lay out.
I would love to here your comments.