Hrmmm... I've been trying to avoid tipping my hand here. The plan had been to announce things at Origins. I will say there will be more details available at the con (and online shortly after, if attendees don't post it first

I will say that we're working on wrapping up Season 3. Mission 8 should be out "Any Day Now" (I hope!). Missions 9-11 are pretty much done except for Layout, and we're trying to get Mission 12 polished up and ready for Origins, GC, and D*C.
Once those are released, yes, we're moving to Seattle. I will note that the move wasn't originally my idea (and was planned before I took over), but I do fully support it. I'm working to implement a few changes and tweaks into the Missions system, and starting in a new city, with a new campaign, and (mostly) new characters will allow for that. This also means that following Season 3 and the Convention season, we'll be implementing the Retirement/Promotion rules (These will go into effect with the start of Season 4, so you don't need to worry about them until you look to jump into your first Season 4 adventure. S o play out what you can of Season 3 and the Convention Missions while you can. And yes, the status of your previous character will have some effect on your new character. Nothing major, but there will be perks

I won't go into it too much, but I will say this much now... Season 4 has a theme: "Choices". Make of that what you will. It will also revamp the Affiliation system a whole bunch. And it's going to have a more focused storyline running through it. Season 4 is being approached as a campaign rather than a simple setting (Though we still want to, mnore or less, keep things lose enough so that if you play the missions out of order, it doesn't effect you too terribly much). We also are looking to make Missions into more than just simply a "Convention Game", which is one of the reasons behind the Campaign/story arc style we're doing.
We're planning to have a bunch of stuff ready to go for Origins which will detail more of this info, and we'll post it up online after the con (Or maybe even AT the con, who knows
