Jun 23 2010, 07:02 AM
Ok kids, I'm off to Origins. Be back Monday, probably...
If you're attending Origins, be sure to say "hey".

And I'll be taking pics of the gaming room and the folks playing for the Missions Facebook page
Jun 28 2010, 04:27 AM
I had a great time at Origins, played the Season 3 finale and a few other SR missions.
A hearty thank you to the judges and other volunteers there.
And I got to meet Bull in person! and fire a rocket! the two events not necessarily being related.
aka the Grumpy Old Cybermage
Jun 28 2010, 03:34 PM
It was good to meet you! Glad you had fun

There's some pics going up on the Facebook Shadowrun Missions Fan Page (and my own Facebook Page). I'll get some links up shortly...
Jun 28 2010, 06:52 PM
I had a great time meeting all of you at Origins! Especially Engel, the latest member of The Conquistadors!
Of course, at my final table (Saturday afternoon), I almost killed the whole table. TR 4, with six runners, four of whom were highly experienced. It came down to one guy putting down the bad guy...and making him stay down. On the other hand, with five runners down, all the players were cheering on the last guy. With that kind of tension, it might have been one of my favorite moments as a GM.
The moral of the story: There are Missions in which the Table Rating is the most important decision you can make.
Jun 28 2010, 06:57 PM
QUOTE (Fringe @ Jun 28 2010, 10:52 AM)

I had a great time meeting all of you at Origins! Especially Engel, the latest member of The Conquistadors!
Of course, at my final table (Saturday afternoon), I almost killed the whole table. TR 4, with six runners, four of whom were highly experienced. It came down to one guy putting down the bad guy...and making him stay down. On the other hand, with five runners down, all the players were cheering on the last guy. With that kind of tension, it might have been one of my favorite moments as a GM.
The moral of the story: There are Missions in which the Table Rating is the most important decision you can make.
I would love to hear more of the details of this event. But perhaps over PM as to not spoiler those who will play this at home.
Jun 28 2010, 10:52 PM
yeah 'bout that...:)That was by far the best run I've been on this Mission Season, Thank Gawd for all those fine Ares products. I have never burned through all my Karma on a Mission run. It was fun though, again thank Gawd for AV rounds. That was almost a TPK, if I hadn't spent that last Edge we'd all be dead, man though it was fun. That Mission really makes you sweat, TR is really Important. Again though that was the best time I've had so far on a run yet, it was Awesome. Had a wonderful time at the Con, really great seeing everyone again and meeting a lot of really great players and seeing new faces at the tables. A special shoutout to BS, thanks fo the negotiate roll from HECK and the best payday on a Mission ever, hats off to you sir I owe you a bottle of Johnny Walker Blue for sure. I think Gencon will be awesome to and really looking forward to that. Tired of RATS though
Jun 28 2010, 11:02 PM
For that last mission there in NYC SMR03-12 ELEVATOR RIDE, are you gonna give out any loot for doing the affiliation side jobs, since the mission included them but no rewards for completing the side jobs, just wondering and yes being greedy
P.S. you said to remind you later
Jun 28 2010, 11:46 PM
QUOTE (sgtbarnes_ky @ Jun 28 2010, 05:52 PM)

yeah 'bout that...:)That was by far the best run I've been on this Mission Season, Thank Gawd for all those fine Ares products. I have never burned through all my Karma on a Mission run. It was fun though, again thank Gawd for AV rounds. That was almost a TPK, if I hadn't spent that last Edge we'd all be dead, man though it was fun. That Mission really makes you sweat, TR is really Important. Again though that was the best time I've had so far on a run yet, it was Awesome. Had a wonderful time at the Con, really great seeing everyone again and meeting a lot of really great players and seeing new faces at the tables.
A special shoutout to BS, thanks fo the negotiate roll from HECK and the best payday on a Mission ever, hats off to you sir I owe you a bottle of Johnny Walker Blue for sure. I think Gencon will be awesome to and really looking forward to that. Tired of RATS though

And this is why it's VERY important for the writer to make sure he puts a max payout in the negotiation section...
Which I forgot to do...
Glad you had fun.

And I'll see if I can get some payout rewards figured out, you greedy little SOB

Jun 29 2010, 12:03 AM
I don't mind a non-capped rewards mision, Rounds cost Money, I'm poor now after that one run, with the guy and that thing and all the screaming and bleeding and the hurting...

Fun was had though loved every blood soaked minute of it. Again, I have ammo cost to worry about, so yeah the greed kicks in nowish

...rawk on to Gencon
Jun 29 2010, 12:37 AM
I had a tremendous amount of fun both GMing and finally (after a decade + years) getting to play!
Fringe: glad to be a Conquistador...it definitely played a role in one of Bull's sessions.
sgtbarnes_ky: Yeah, that won't happen again with the Nuyen...I forgot the dice cap rule...however, I was glad you were there to take down the bad guy with Fringe.
Bull: please don't ever mention urine, feces, dwarfs, and smurfs in one session
Jun 29 2010, 12:38 AM
QUOTE (Bull @ Jun 28 2010, 07:46 PM)

And this is why it's VERY important for the writer to make sure he puts a max payout in the negotiation section...
Which I forgot to do...
Glad you had fun.

And I'll see if I can get some payout rewards figured out, you greedy little SOB

Hey, it's the season finale, an uncapped reward isn't entirely out of place.
Of course, I might be slightly biased being one of the recipients of that negotiate roll from HECK.

Jun 29 2010, 12:56 AM
I was just glad i was able to shot the rotars off that helicopter at the end and spooge the bad guy on the roof, thanks for the levitate

Don't worry Engel not one of us is complainin' 'bout that payday...and noes worries 'bout killin' that one dude at that one place that shall not be mentioned again...ever. That makes use even for the humungus payday you gave us...
Jun 29 2010, 02:36 AM
You guys need to stop spoiling as 95% of the missions audience hasn't gotten a crack at the mod.
Jun 29 2010, 02:49 AM
Good point. Actually... I might start new threads for feedback on those...
Jun 29 2010, 01:03 PM
QUOTE (sinthalix @ Jun 28 2010, 07:37 PM)

Fringe: glad to be a Conquistador...it definitely played a role in one of Bull's sessions.
I'd love to hear about how that came up.
Jun 29 2010, 10:43 PM
QUOTE (Fringe @ Jun 29 2010, 08:03 AM)

I'd love to hear about how that came up.
I'll have to PM you or tell you at GenCon...I was trying to avoid the whole spoiler problems!
Jun 30 2010, 12:04 AM
After action report please! Especially about Eclipse Phase

I'm eager to hear how things went!
(Thank you. Great pictures, Bull.)
Jun 30 2010, 12:26 AM
QUOTE (nezumi @ Jun 29 2010, 05:04 PM)

After action report please! Especially about Eclipse Phase

I'm eager to hear how things went!
(Thank you. Great pictures, Bull.)
I keep hearing about Eclipse Phase. Is that a setting for Missions?
/me points to the section name.
Jun 30 2010, 01:29 AM
Eclipse Phase is a different RPG. Transhuman, horror-themed, in space.
I played a demo event there, was wonderfully creepy all throughout, especially when we figured out what was really going on and how screwed we were.
Lost of cinematic, heroic-yet-tragic death opportunities, as befits good horror games.
I am hoping they decide to do a full blown ongoing campaign.
Jun 30 2010, 01:28 PM
QUOTE (BlueMax @ Jun 29 2010, 08:26 PM)

I keep hearing about Eclipse Phase. Is that a setting for Missions?
/me points to the section name.
Would you like me to post a brand new thread all on its own to beg for details? Would that <i>really</i> make you happy?
Jul 1 2010, 12:15 PM
QUOTE (BlueMax @ Jun 29 2010, 08:26 PM)

I keep hearing about Eclipse Phase. Is that a setting for Missions?
/me points to the section name.
Eclipse PhaseMesh
Jul 1 2010, 03:24 PM
I wanted to say I had a great time at the two missions I ran in. Knight at the Opera and Copycat Killer. To the person trying to recruit me to his mage group, I need one more mission under my belt to be able to do so.
Bengali Ork Shaman of the Adversary
Jul 1 2010, 04:03 PM
I was there, had a great time, thanks for running all this stuff!
Jul 1 2010, 04:35 PM
QUOTE (Bengali @ Jul 1 2010, 10:24 AM)

I wanted to say I had a great time at the two missions I ran in. Knight at the Opera and Copycat Killer. To the person trying to recruit me to his mage group, I need one more mission under my belt to be able to do so.
Perhaps I'll see you at GenCon, then. (I'll be on the player side of things, playing in 3-11 Food Poisoning and 3-12 Elevator Ride to Hell.)
Or catch up via PM as needed.
5 Karma to get in, Arcana roll, blah blah blah. I should look over the group lifestyle stuff again and make sure I have it straight.
Jul 1 2010, 04:48 PM
Thanks Jeoff for running for running for me, thanks all the players for putting up with me as a GM. It was certainly a good time all around.
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